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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / But he doesn't know that

But he doesn't know that tradutor Espanhol

400 parallel translation
You know, maybe he doesn't see her, maybe he doesn't hear her, but if he feels her, if he senses that she's here...
Ya sabes, tal vez no la ve, Tal vez él no la oyó,, pero si él la siente, Si él siente que ella está aquí...
doesn't he know that I've ordered them to come at 2 o'clock but your majesty knows how they are sitting there, waiting, drinking... and complaining... let them wait let them complain but after all we would like to know what's going to happen tomorrow
Están sentados, esperando, soplando... y protestando... ¡ Que se esperen! ... y que protesten.
He doesn't think that we know, but it's unwise to cross my path.
Él cree que no lo sabemos, pero no es cauto cruzarse en mi camino.
Oh, but be careful that he doesn't see or know what you are doing.
Es facil. Pero ten cuidado. Pues el no debe saber o ver que estas haciendo.
But suppose that up there in the clouds, he finds a god he doesn't know at all.
Pero suponga que allá arriba en las nubes... encuentra un Dios que no conoce en absoluto
I know you feel that I've failed you in certain ways, but it doesn't seem to me that you've done much to help.
Bueno, tú sientes que te he fallado, pero no has hecho nada por ayudar.
But he doesn't know that the Mick had a lot of other friends too.
Pero no sabe que el Irlandés tenía muchos otros amigos también.
No, but he doesn't know that.
No, pero él no lo sabe.
- Yeah, I know he did, Jeeter but you see, that land doesn't belong to us anymore.
- Sí, ya lo sé, Jeeter pero esa tierra ya no nos pertenece.
I don't want to add to what you say but do you know what he always says about the meat? That it doesn't have enough blood.
Siempre se quejaba que la carne no era jugosa.
He suspects me of having worn my garter a little loosely. But he doesn't know yet that I lost it to a certain Monsieur Vidocq.
Sospecha que fui un poco ligera con la liga, pero no sabe que la perdí por culpa del Sr. Vidocq.
But he doesn't know that there's seven hills.
Pero no sabía que había siete colinas.
I gave him a key to his room, but he doesn't know that I've got an extra one.
Le he dado una llave de su cuarto, pero no sabe que yo tengo otra.
If you don't believe he has nothing but love for you... you don't believe when he's well he'll be running right over to see you... if you don't know him better than that... you or your riflemen, it doesn't matter, go ahead.
Si no crees que te ama... Tampoco creerás que cuando se recupere irá a verte a las montañas. Como si no lo conocieras...
But he doesn't know that Satanela and Marcelo aren't willing to share the dough with anyone and they come to the heirs assembly well prepared.
por si las muescas. Pero él tampoco sabe que Satanela y Marcelo tampoco están dispuestos a repartir los fricolines con nadie. Y vienen a la junta de herederos también prevenidos.
But he doesn't know that...
Pero él no lo sabe.
That fellow spends 50 pages telling us he doesn't know a thing. - But you'd better read it, all the same.
El tipo está 50 páginas diciendo que no sabe nada, pero aun así, léelo.
Signs of cancer are already present, but he doesn't know that yet.
Pueden detectarse síntomas de cáncer, pero él todavía no lo sabe.
That doctor, he may know medicine but there's lot of things about people he doesn't know.
Ese doctor, conocerá sobre medicina pero hay muchas cosas sobre la gente que no conoce.
That policeman used to take French lessons with me, but he doesn't know one word!
Aquel guardia venía conmigo a clase de francés, no sabe ni una palabra.
Yes, I know. But he doesn't have to behave like that.
Sí, Io sé, pero no tiene por qué portarse así.
My father didn't know any engineering works or a mill. He never even owned his own house. But that doesn't mean that I can't drive a car or pronounce brazier.
Mi padre no tenía una fábrica, no tuvo nunca su propia casa, pero no significa que yo no sepa pronunciar bien.
But now I know that the Church doesn ´ t bless us.
Pero ahora he sabido que la Iglesia no nos bendice.
That's what he's doing just now, but he doesn't know it yet.
¿ Lo dices en serio...? ¿... ó es lo que deseas?
But don't you see that he doesn't know?
Pero, no ves que no sabe nada?
We have an advantage : we know who he is, but he doesn't know that we know.
Tenemos ventaja sobre él. Nosotros sabemos quién es en realidad y él no sabe que nosotros sabemos.
Be long before that happens but she doesn't know where he hides it.
Lleva mucho tiempo detrás de eso, pero no sabe dónde lo esconde. Ni yo tampoco.
But what he doesn't know... is that you swore never to see me again.
Lo que no sabe es que juraste que no me volverías a ver.
Everybody knows that Bernard Shaw was selling weapons, but what everybody doesn't know, is that he was buying some too.
Todo el mundo sabe que Benard Shah vendía armas. pero lo que no sabe todo el mundo es que él también las compraba.
I know that, but he doesn't.
Yo lo sé, pero él no.
He died months ago, but Soska doesn't know that.
Murió hace meses, pero Soska no lo sabe.
But he doesn't know who that man was.
Pero no sabía de quién se trataba.
But what he doesn't know is that I have emptied the bucket.
Pero lo que no sabe es que he vaciado el cubo.
He doesn't know I don't care for jewellery. I prefer to clamber around and play on the swing... fearing that something will break and I'll fall... but knowing it won't cost me my neck.
No sabe que no me interesan las joyas, que prefiero trepar y columpiarme, saber que puedo estar en peligro.
Yes, but he doesn't care. He doesn't know that she's beautiful.
Sí, pero no le importa, quizá porque no puede ver lo guapa que es.
But he doesn't know that.
Pero él no lo sabe.
But I know... when he locks that door... he doesn't want me to see the way he becomes, you know?
Pero yo se que cuando él cierra la puerta no quisiera que vea la manera en que se pone, sabe?
He knows they're going on, but he doesn't know enough to get in there, and help with the decisions that they demand.
Sabe que están en marcha, pero no sabe lo suficiente para meterse, y ayudar con las decisiones que demandan.
And he doesn ´ t know half of it! I don ´ t mind that you neglect me... but for the others, the play comes first.
Yo ya me he resignado a mi abandono, pero para los de allá arriba, la obra es lo principal.
I mean, he knows that we lived together in Israel but he doesn't know the...
Sabe que vivíamos juntas en Israel, pero no sabe...
In times of social crisis and tension, in times when changes come so thick and fast that the individual can no longer place himself in his group, when he knows that something is wrong, but doesn't know what,
En épocas de crisis social y de tensión ; en épocas en que los cambios son tan rápidos que el individuo ya no puede encontrar su lugar en el grupo ; cuando uno sabe que algo está mal pero no sabe por qué ;
He doesn't say anything, but I know every time he looks at me, he's thinking about how he caught us in that car.
No dice nada, pero sé que cuando me mira está pensando en cómo nos vio en el coche.
I'm in love with this man... but he doesn't know that.
Estoy enamorada de él. Pero él no lo sabe.
But he doesn't know that he knows.
Pero no sabe que lo sabe.
But what he doesn't know... is that your eyesight is 20 / 20.
Pero lo que no sabe es que tu vista es de 20 / 20.
He doesn't know why But I know, that's already a lot
No sabe por qué, pero yo Sí, y basta.
But he doesn't understand. How could he, he's a policeman. Mr. Holmes, I know that James didn't do it.
...... pero no entiende Sr. Holmes, yo sè que James no lo hizo lo sè y quisiera que usted comience su trabajo, conociendolò tambièn nunca permita usted dudar acerca de ese punto.
Lo sé, pero él no.
He's let us know that they've come ashore, but he doesn't know where they are.
Nos dejó saber que llegaron a la costa, y que él no sabe dónde están.
I know that. And I will not stand in your way. But if he loves you so much, why doesn't he call?
¿ por qué no llama?
But even if you bought him a really nice watch, one that he thought was nice... he doesn't know what the fuck a good watch is.
Aunque le compraras un reloj magnífico, uno que a él le gustara, no sabría distinguir un reloj bueno.

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