But i don't tradutor Espanhol
108,945 parallel translation
Ma'am, I know it hurts, but if you don't lay still, you're gonna hurt yourself a lot more... please.
Señora, sé que duele, pero si no se queda quieta, se va a hacer aún más daño... por favor.
I'm sorry you don't like who I've become, but I do.
Siento que no te guste en quién me converti, pero a mí sí.
I don't know what we're gonna do here, but we got to do something.
No sé qué es lo que vamos a hacer aquí, pero debemos hacer algo.
I disagree, but you don't want to hear a dissenting opinion.
No estoy de acuerdo, pero no quieres escuchar una opinión contraria.
I don't do reunions, but I can see why people do.
No hago reuniones, pero puedo ver lo que la gente hace.
But I don't.
Pero no.
But whatever it is, I really don't care.
Pero sea lo que sea, no me importa.
I'll talk to Dr. Minnick after I finish up here, but no, thanks. I don't need anyone.
Hablaré con la Dra. Minnick en lo que termine aquí, pero no, gracias, no necesito a nadie.
I know, but if we don't do anything, I'm gonna go anyway.
Lo sé, pero si no hacemos nada, igual me iré.
Well, I don't have the job yet, but they're thinking of hiring me.
Bueno, todavía no tengo el trabajo, pero se plantean contratarme.
I don't know about a miracle, but, it's not too shabby.
No sé de milagros, pero... no está mal.
Okay, I don't know what happened to you, but clearly you're...
Vale, no sé lo que te pasó, pero sin duda está...
I don't know what it should be, but it's probably...
No sé lo que debería ser, pero probablemente sea...
Um, I appreciate it, you know I do, but, uh, it's making me look, um... I don't know, entitled.
Te lo agradezco, ya lo sabes, pero hace que parezca... no sé, enchufada.
Well, I don't like to talk that way, but you can't live the way you've been living for more than a few months.
Bueno, no lo diría así, pero no puedes vivir de la forma que has estado viviendo más que unos pocos meses.
I understand you're not happy with your life, but don't take it out on our client.
Entiendo que no estás contenta con tu vida, pero no lo pagues con nuestro cliente.
Maybe it's smart, but I, I don't want it.
Quizás es lo más inteligente, pero no lo quiero.
Actually, I don't know who you are, but yes, we are.
Mire, no sé quién es usted, pero sí.
But I don't have any of those things and my Student Visa runs out in a week.
Pero yo no tengo ninguna de esas cosas y mi visa de estudiante se agota en una semana.
Okay, I don't want to sound self-serving here, but I think it's a smart move for you to hire me.
Vale, no quiero parecer interesada, pero creo que el movimiento más inteligente es que me contrate a mí.
I don't know what bubble you're living in, Lenore, but you do see my office here?
No sé en qué burbuja vives, Lenore, ¿ pero ves mi despacho?
His lawyer's advising him to plead guilty, but I don't think he should.
Su abogado le aconseja que se declare culpable, pero yo no creo que deba.
Toby has a shot at saving a man who is bleeding to death in the middle of the desert, but I don't know if there's a cure for what you have.
Toby tiene una oportunidad de salvar a un hombre que está sangrando hasta la muerte en medio del desierto, pero no sé si hay una cura para lo que tú tienes.
I-I want to help you, Walter, but I don't know if you can be helped.
Yo... quiero ayudarte, Walter, pero no sé si puedes ser ayudado.
I know you get frustrated when I take steps backward, but I don't mean to do it ; I just do.
Sé que te frustra cuando doy pasos atrás, pero no quiero hacerlo ; solo lo hago.
These wedding venues are great, Doc, but... I don't know.
Estos lugares para bodas son geniales, Doc, pero... no sé.
I never liked helping you with one of your schemes, not when I was nine and certainly not now, but I... don't want my friends in danger, and I really don't want Ralph in danger, so I will help you get the money, but this time,
Nunca me gustó ayudarte con una de tus estrategias, ni cuando tenía nueve años ni mucho menos ahora, pero no quiero que mis amigos estén en peligro y realmente no quiero que Ralph esté en peligro, así que te ayudaré a conseguir el dinero, pero esta vez,
Yeah, I got a ping, but I don't see any leaks.
Sí, tengo una señal, pero no veo ninguna fuga.
But if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone now.
Pero si no te importa, ahora me gustaría estar sola.
I don't mean to interrupt, but no tracking number usually means it's a bootleg or a sample.
No quiero interrumpir pero que no tenga número normalmente significa que es una prueba o una muestra.
It's like staying in a hotel, but I don't have to wear gloves to use the remote.
Es como quedarse en un hotel, pero no tengo que llevar guantes para usar el mando.
- Okay, Maia, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but why don't you make an appointment...
- Vale, Maia, no sé de qué coño hablas, pero por qué no pides una cita...
I don't know where you got this quote, but there's not a single word of it that is accurate.
No sé de dónde ha sacado esa cita, pero no hay ni una sola palabra que sea exacta.
Then I sympathize with you, but I don't think speech should be judged by those who feel the most harmed.
Entonces sentiría pena por ti, pero no creo que los comentarios deban ser juzgado por aquellos a lo que más dañan.
But I don't like them.
Pero yo no les gusto.
Uh, I don't think we've officially met, but I know you know Colin Sweeney, and I think he may need you to testify on his behalf.
No creo que nos conozcamos oficialmente, pero usted conoce a Colin Sweeney, y creo que puede necesitar que usted testifique a su favor.
But I mean, if this is the only thing that's standing between you and Emma... then don't wait.
- Si esto es lo único que se interpone, no esperes.
I don't know. But I have to try.
No lo sé, pero debo intentarlo.
So here's to doing this again in five years, when I'll be 80, my organs will be 40, and I don't know how to do orangutan years, but my penis will be eight.
Brindo por hacer esto de nuevo en cinco años, cuando cumpla 80 años y mis órganos tengan 40, y no sé hacer la conversión a años de orangután, pero mi pene tendrá ocho años.
Courtney's been pointing pretty hard at their divorce mediator, but I don't know.
Courtney ha señalado duramente a su mediador de divorcio, pero no lo sé.
- I don't know his name, but he's in the other photo, too.
- No sé su nombre, pero también está en la otra foto.
Yeah, but this time I don't want him to.
Sí, pero esta vez no quiero que lo haga.
But we've been through a lot in that time, and I say that we work brilliantly together, don't we, sweetie?
Pero hemos pasado por mucho en ese tiempo y yo opino que trabajamos brillantemente juntos, ¿ no es así, cariño?
But sadly, I don't have the time to give you the most amazing night of your life.
Pero por desgracia, no tengo tiempo de darte la noche más increíble de tu vida.
But she has helped so many other people with their problems, I don't want her to worry about mine.
Pero ha ayudado a tanta otra gente con sus problemas, que no quiero que se preocupe por los míos.
I think... I know you're trying to help, but, I don't think you can help me with... with this now.
Creo... que sé que estás intentando ayudar, pero... no creo que puedas ayudarme con... con esto ahora.
But I do know you don't let your girl go into enemy territory alone.
Pero sé que no dejas que tu chica vaya sola al territorio enemigo.
But, Luci, don't you dare promise her that piece, because I won't give it to her.
Tú ve a por Mamá, ella te escuchará. Pero, Luci, no te atrevas a prometerle la pieza, porque no se la daré.
I don't want to know how you did it or what it says about the fate of our country that you were able to, but I wanna thank you for getting the President of the United States to pardon me.
No quiero saber cómo lo hiciste o qué dice sobre el destino de nuestro país que fueras capaz de hacerlo, pero quiero darte las gracias por conseguir que el presidente de los EE. UU. me indultara.
I don't know how, but they knew it was gonna happen.
No sé cómo, pero sabían lo que iba a pasar.
But as I don't believe in investing in anything I can't control, I declined.
Pero como no creo en las inversiones que no puedo controlar, lo rechacé.
but i don't have any money 24
but i don't think so 71
but i don't know 427
but i don't have it 16
but i don't mind 29
but i don't understand 139
but i don't know anything 24
but i don't like it 42
but i don't trust you 17
but i don't remember 19
but i don't think so 71
but i don't know 427
but i don't have it 16
but i don't mind 29
but i don't understand 139
but i don't know anything 24
but i don't like it 42
but i don't trust you 17
but i don't remember 19
but i don't know him 18
but i don't know why 42
but i don't care 175
but i don't know you 31
but i don't have to 20
but i don't know how 45
but i don't think 42
but i don't believe it 30
but i don't want to 86
but i don't know what to do 47
but i don't know why 42
but i don't care 175
but i don't know you 31
but i don't have to 20
but i don't know how 45
but i don't think 42
but i don't believe it 30
but i don't want to 86
but i don't know what to do 47
but i don't have a choice 31
but i don't know where 20
but i don't get it 39
but i don't know what 22
but i can't 1234
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but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm still here 37
but i'm not 551
but i don't know where 20
but i don't get it 39
but i don't know what 22
but i can't 1234
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm still here 37
but i'm not 551
but it 307
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but it's over 138
but it's ok 45
but i'm 401
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i'm here now 110
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but it's over 138
but it's ok 45
but i'm 401
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i'm here now 110