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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / But it's not that simple

But it's not that simple tradutor Espanhol

144 parallel translation
But it's not as simple as all that, Hannah.
Pero eso no es tan sencillo, Hannah.
But it's not quite that simple.
Aunque no le será tan fácil.
This is now a'B'. But it's easy to see... and I mean'see', not'guess', that it was formerly a'D', and that the owner has been changed by a single stroke across!
Ésta es un "B", pero no se necesita demasiada agudeza para descubrir... descubrir, digo, no suponer, que estamos frente a una "D", ante lo cual, con el adjunto de un simple trazo,
But it's not that simple.
No es tan sencillo.
But it's not as simple as that, if I don't like him.
- Entiéndelo, Okimi. No es tan sencillo, porque no me gusta.
Well, you're very kind, but it's not that simple.
Tengo curiosidad.
But it's not as simple as all that.
Pero no es tan simple.
But it's not quite that simple.
Pero no es tan simple.
But, Joe... you don't know about these things. They are not as simple as that, it's all mixed up.
Pero, Joe, tú no lo entiendes, estas cosas no son tan simples, es complicado.
You know my sister almost as well as I do, but it's not that simple.
Conoces a mi hermana casi tan bien como yo,... pero no es así de sencillo.
I want to marry you too sir, but it's not as simple as that.
Yo también, pero no es tan fácil.
But it's not that simple!
¡ Pero no es tan simple!
She says, "cluck, cluck, cluck." But it's not as simple as that.
Dice, "clo, clo, clo." Pero no es tan simple la cosa.
I'd like to, Emma, but it's not that simple.
Me gustaría, Emma, pero no es tan sencillo.
But it's not that simple.
No es tan simple.
But, somehow, it's not that simple.
Pero, no es tan sencillo, según parece.
Fair enough, but it's not that simple, Bud.
Está bien. Pero no es tan fácil como crees, Bud.
Bernadette it's not that simple! But, you're doing fine.
Bernadette también ha progresado mucho... es formidable.
But we both know it's not as simple as that.
Pero los dos sabemos que no es tan sencillo.
It's not that simple, but yes.
No es así de sencillo, pero sí.
I'm looking, and I sure don't like what I see. Fair enough, but it's not that simple, Bud.
Las noticias, la guerra, la escasez, los cataclismos, el precio de un alfiler.
- But it's not that simple, Bren.
- Pero no es tan sencillo, Bren.
But if history teaches anything, it's that life's not that simple.
Pero si la historia nos enseña algo es que la vida no es tan simple.
I wish I had a talisman to give you, or a silver bullet or a stake to drive through the monster's heart. - But it's not that simple. - You've given me all I need.
Debería tener un talismán o una bala de plata... o una estaca para clavarsela en el corazón del monstruo... pero me temo que no es tan sencillo.
Listen, a lot of times couples think they're going to just... automatically dance like that but it's not quite that simple.
Escuchad, muchas veces las parejas piensan que simplemente van a... bailar automáticamente, pero no es tan sencillo como eso.
If you can get past the force fields, you must evacuate those people before... I'd like to help my loyal customers, but it's not that simple.
Si puede atravesar campos de fuerza, podrá evacuar a la gente... Quisiera ayudar a mis leales clientes, pero no es tan fácil.
But what about me, Holden? It's not that simple!
¿ Pero que pasa conmigo, Holden?
- It's not that simple, but...
- Estoy seguro que no es tan simple.
Of course I do. But it's not that simple.
Mi inspiración desapareció.
I'm afraid it's not quite that simple, but thank you, crewman.
Me temo que eso no es tan simple, pero gracias, tripulante.
But it was not his right to use lies and deception to get laid at this woman's expense. It's that simple.
Pero él no tenía derecho a mentir y engañar para acostarse a expensas de esta mujer.
I wish I could do as you ask... but... it's not nearly as simple as that.
Desearía poder hacer lo que me dices. Pero... no es tan simple como eso.
But it's not that simple.
Pero no es tan simple.
But for some, it's not that simple.
Pero para algunos, no es tan sencillo.
But it's not that simple.
Vamos. Pero no es tan simple.
That's very generous, Michael, but it's not that simple.
Muy generoso de tu parte, Michael, pero no es tan simple.
Sorry, but it's not that simple.
No tan rápido.
But believe me, it's not that simple.
Pero créanme, no es así de simple.
Well, it's not that simple, but basically, yeah.
Bueno, no es tan sencillo, pero en el fondo, sí.
I'd like to but it's not that simple!
Ojalá, pero no estan simple. Hay que tener contactos.
Huh. I wish it was that simple, but it's not.
Ojalá fuera tan simple, pero no lo es.
But in court, it's not that simple.
Pero en un juicio, no es tan simple.
But it's not as simple as that.
Pero no es tan simple. Es más que "una orden del día", Srta. Pierce.
But it's not that simple. is it?
Pero no es tan sencillo, ¿ o sí?
love means you and love means you. But it's not that simple.
"I love you" significa "Te amo". "I" significa yo... "love" significa amo... y "you" significa "tú".
But I've been trying to tell you it's not that simple.
Pero tienes que entender que no es tan sencillo.
But the world doesn't work that way. It's not that simple. There are times when you gotta agree to something even when you think it's wrong.
Aunque te parezca que es ridículo, hay momentos en los que tienes que ceder.
- Ellie, it's not really that simple. But you have nothing to worry about. This is how we can be together.
No es tan simple, es como estaremos juntos...
But it's not that simple. - Maybe it is.
Pero no es tan simple Tal vez si.
But... obviously, there is something in it that it's not simply a joke.
Sino... obviamente, aquí hay algo más, que no es un simple chiste.
But the simple truth is, more and more scientists... scientists, not theologians... have said that when you examine the intricacies of the human cell... the mathematical equations of DNA... you simply cannot conclude... that it's all explained by natural selection.
Pero, la verdad sea dicha, más y más científicos científicos, no teólogos han dicho que cuando se analizan las complejidades de la célula humana y las ecuaciones matemáticas del ADN no se puede concluir que la selección natural lo explica todo.

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