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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / But it doesn't matter

But it doesn't matter tradutor Espanhol

1,401 parallel translation
But it doesn't even matter. Because of football camp?
¿ A causa del campamento?
But it doesn't matter because the university has a no-tolerance policy.
No importa, porque la universidad tiene una política de no tolerancia.
But in front of a jury, it doesn't matter what I see here.
Pero ante ese jurado no importa lo que yo vea aquí, ¿ no?
Yeah, about 1,000 times. But it doesn't matter, because I'm sure you're going to tell me again.
Si, como mil veces, pero no importa porque la contarás de nuevo.
Mira, no importa quién tenga razón.
I would definitely rather have fish than rat, but... now it doesn't matter- - either / or now.
Definitivamente prefiero un pescado a una rata, pero... pero eso no importa, ahora.
I mean I'm trying to get you to understand something, but I guess it doesn't matter.
Trato de hacer que entiendas algo, pero supongo que no importa.
But I suppose it doesn't matter any more.
Pero supongo que ahora no importa más.
It doesn't matter for me. But the children...
Las niñas, Miep... que seran de las niñas?
I don't know, but it doesn't really matter.
¡ Bien! No sé, pero no importa.
Maybe it's not the way I wish he loved me, but I want to learn to grow old with him. The rest doesn't matter.
No era lo que yo quería, pero ahora quiero ser vieja con él.
It could destroy the system, but that doesn't matter.
Podría destruir el sistema, pero eso no importa.
If you can't, it doesn't matter, but I'd like to be kept uniformed.
Si no puedes esta noche, quisiera saberlo.
But it doesn't matter.
Pero no tiene importancia.
It probably doesn't matter to you anymore... but I'm not moving.
Probablemente ya ni les importe pero no me voy a mudar.
It doesn't matter where he's from, but how he looks!
¿ Qué importa de dónde es? Lo importante es cómo es.
I complain about my job, but it doesn't matter. I'm not ambitious.
Me quejo de mi trabajo, pero no me importa.
- No, but it doesn't matter.
- No, pero no hace falta.
It doesn't matter, but the problem is you keep the car when I should be sending it out.
No importa, pero el problema es que te quedas con el coche cuando yo debería enviarlo.
I wonder... But maybe it doesn't matter.
Seria maravilloso pero quizá no importe.
But it doesn't matter anymore, Because you moved out.
Pero eso ya no importa, porque te mudaste.
But it doesn't matter.
- No importa.
But it doesn't matter if the obstacle between you and him gettin'busy was physical or psychological, it's gone now.
Pero no importa si el obstaculo entre ustedes dos era fisico o psicologico, ahora ya se fue.
One day they may realize that but you can tell them it doesn't matter because you already knew.
Algún día puede que se den cuenta. Y podrás decirles que no importa. Porque tú ya lo sabías.
But it doesn't really matter, does it? It's on your shoulders now.
Aunque da igual porque ya ha caído sobre tus hombros.
But it doesn't matter, all right?
Pero eso no importa, ¿ de acuerdo?
- But it doesn't matter.
Pero no importa.'
I thought about staying on another day but if you're not coming out till tomorrow, it doesn't matter...
Pensé que permanecerías otro día... pero si no sales hasta mañana, no importa...
Not a chance, but it doesn't matter.
De ningún modo, pero... no importa.
No, but it doesn't matter what I believe.
No, pero no importa lo que yo crea.
I did before, but... Doesn't really matter now...'Cause, whatever it is...
Quise saberlo antes, pero ahora ya no me importa.
But it doesn't matter.
Pero eso no importa.
But wherever we wind up, it doesn't matter...'cause we'll be right at the teat's nipple.
Pero vayamos adonde vayamos, poco importa... porque estaremos en el foco de la tormenta.
I understood your message, but it doesn't matter.
Y sé que no querías decir eso, espero que lo sepas.
But it doesn't really matter what I think, so- -
Pero a el no le importa lo que yo pienso, entonces- -
I cannot tell you how impressed I am, but, boys, it doesn't matter.
No puedo decirles cuán impresionado estoy pero, muchachos, no tiene importancia.
But it doesn't matter, we've got to carry on with our plan.
Pero aún así, debemos continuar nuestro plan.
But It doesn't matter, we've got to carry on with our plan.
Pero aún así, debemos continuar nuestro plan.
But it doesn't really matter cause she's paying all the bills.
Pero realmente no importa porque ella paga todas las cuentas.
And then we gerried off to the animal tracks, which was east... which was west, but it doesn't matter...
Después "Gerryzamos" las huellas de los animales, que era nuevamente hacia el Este que era el Oeste, era el Oeste, pero no importa porque...
But it doesn't matter.
Pero eso no importa
But it doesn't matter anymore because recently...
Pero ya no me importa... porque últimamente...
Popularity doesn't matter, but it does carry force in the major leagues.
La popularidad no es importante, pero aporta aliados.
But it doesn't matter. It's a perfect system now, isn't it?
Ahora es un sistema perfecto, ¿ no?
- I know you don't wanna talk but don't mess with dark magics like it doesn't matter.
- Sé que no queréis hablar de ello pero no os metáis con la magia oscura como si no pasara nada.
Ok but it doesn't matter because the murdered man's blood leads up to the Hamilton's house.
Bueno, pero esto no importa porque la sangre del hombre asesinado conduce a la casa de los Hamilton.
But it doesn't matter.
Pero no importa.
But it doesn't matter.
Pero da igual.
And we might be the only people to see this on a screen. But it doesn't matter, because it is and it always will be a snapshot of who we are at this particular moment in time.
Y quizá seamos los únicos que lo Veamos pero no importa, porque es, y siempre será una instantánea de lo que somos en este momento.
- There's not a lot of room, but - - It doesn't matter.
- No hay mucho espacio, pero...
But it doesn't matter. I'm just so glad that you're getting your own place.
Pero no importa. Me alegra mucho que encuentres tu propia casa.

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