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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / By the look of it

By the look of it tradutor Espanhol

277 parallel translation
Gonna lose Hollister, too, by the look of it.
Y vamos a perder a Hollister, parece.
Nobody's lived there since we got kicked out by the look of it.
Nadie la ha pisado desde que nos echaron.
Must have been the bull horned him, by the look of it.
Por como está, éste debe ser el toro que corneó al gato.
By the look of it quite possible.
Por el aspecto es posible que sea.
By the look of it you are expecting them again this evening
Por su aspecto, los están esperando de nuevo esta noche.
Fine effort.You are going to be a rich man by the look of it
Buen trabajo. Va a hacerse rico por lo que parece.
You've clicked, by the look of it.
Parece que ustedes dos se llevan bien.
- A walk, by the look of it.
- A pasear, parece.
Trying something else by the look of it.
Intentar algo más por la mirada de ella.
By the look of it. If I were you, Ted, I'd take her across my knee... pull down her knickers and give her a good tanning.
Yo en tu lugar, Ted, me la pondría encima de las rodillas, le bajaría las bragas y le daría unos buenos azotes.
You can do with a extra bactical check by the look of it.
Usted puede hacer con un cheque bactical extra por la mirada de ella.
Better if they were by the look of it.
Mejor si fueran por la mirada de ella.
Lost me job... lost my home... Ahh... And I've lost my senses by the look of it as well!
perdí mi trabajo, perdí mi hogar y así parece mirandome...
Abandoned by the look of it, right in the middle of Oxley Wood.
Descuidado por su apariencia, justo en medio del bosque de Oxley.
Bit of a struggle upstairs by the look of it.
Señales de lucha arriba, por lo que se puede ver.
What the hell's happening, kid? Trouble, by the look of it.
- ¿ Qué diablos ocurre, Kid?
Pride and joy by the look of it.
Su mayor orgullo, según parece.
Not a year older, by the look of it.
Tan joven como siempre, por su aspecto.
He's been tortured, badly by the look of it.
- Lo torturaron. Mucho, por su aspecto.
- In quite a hurry, by the look of it.
Y muy deprisa por lo que se ve.
It's an Osiran war missile, and almost complete by the look of it.
Un misil de guerra Osiriano. Casi terminado, por su aspecto.
They're all jugglers and magicians by the look of it.
. Todos son principiantes, míralos.
- ( WHO ) : Nothing at all, by the look of it. - ( LEELA ) :
- Nada en absoluto, por lo que veo.
It goes down to the cellar by the look of it.
Va a la bodega, por lo que parece.
It's not very pretty out of the water, is she? Crabs have been at her, by the look of it.
Sí, cuando está fuera del agua no es muy bonito de ver.
Don't know, something fairly serious by the look of it.
No sé, algo realmente importante, por lo que parece.
Ah, the doctor's doing all right by the look of it.
Según parece, al doctor le va muy bien.
It has stretched to about five seconds by the look of it.
Por su aspecto se ha alargado unos cinco segundos.
It's stretched to about five seconds, by the look of it.
Por su aspecto se ha alargado unos cinco segundos.
- Pretty good, by the look of it.
- Bien, por lo que parece.
- Pretty local, too, by the look of it.
- Bastante local, también, por su aspecto.
- Very violently, by the look of it.
- Violentamente, por lo que parece.
- Raiders, by the look of it.
- Saqueadores, por lo que parece.
It's a foreign postmark by the looks of it. Look at the stamp.
Parece que eI mataseIlo es extranjero.
It is also my pleasure to see that the working people of this community aren't robbed by a pack of money mad pirates, just because they have no one to look after their interests.
Para mí es también un placer ver cómo la gente trabajadora de esta comunidad no es robada por una partida de piratas fanáticos del dinero sólo porque no tienen a nadie que cuide de sus intereses.
So I said, you take one look at America today... and you figure you'd better take a look at the people in it, one by one, sort of.
- Así que digo : Si nos fijamos en América debemos fijarnos en la gente que vive aquí.
By the time we get out of here, it'll be the old look.
Para cuando salgamos de aquí, será vieja.
Broken bolt by the look of it.
Se ha recalentado hasta el rojo vivo.
Look, it got slipped in with one of the magazines by mistake.
La metieron en una de las revistas por equivocación.
I've had a look at a map of the locality... and surely it would've been quicker to have taken the trap and gone by road.
Miré un mapa del lugar y hubiera llegado más rápido usando el coche y tomando el camino.
Look, it's all there in that file. The whole blueprint for squeezing my father out of the shipping business, step-by-step, nice and legal and dirty.
Ahí están esos papeles, la forma tan vil de tratar a mi padre y su negocio, paso a paso.
I find myself remembering what it feels like to be moved by the look of a woman.
Recordaba qué se siente estremecerse por la apariencia de una mujer.
He was expected by suppertime of the third day but it was long after dark and we had long since tired of running down to the gate to look for him and were sitting wearily by the fire with Mrs. Earnshaw who would have had us all to bed had we not begged to be allowed to stay up for the Master had promised us all a present.
Se lo esperaba para la cena del tercer día pero hace mucho había oscurecido y nos habíamos cansado de ir corriendo hasta la verja en su búsqueda y estábamos sentados cansinamente junto al fuego con la Sra. Earnshaw la cual nos habría acostado de no haberle rogado que nos dejara esperar ya que el señor había prometido regalos para todos.
Though by the look of him... I don't think he's gonna need it.
Aunque por su mirada... no creo que lo vaya a necesitar.
Sorry as I am, By the look of you, it'd take a lot more than that.
No sabe cuánto lo siento, pero no puedo hacerlo no se encuentra bien.
Thanks to the brilliance of a doctor who shall remain me... you are now well enough to ship to Wonju... where they have a kidney machine that doesn't look like it was made by Mr. Wizard.
Gracias a mi inteligencia... te recuperaste, y te enviaremos a Wonju donde tienen una máquina... que no parece hecha en casa.
By the time it's at rest at the center of the Earth the inside of our world would look a little bit like Swiss cheese.
Para cuando reposara en el centro terrestre, el interior de nuestro mundo se parecería a un queso gruyere.
By the look of him, it couldn't have happened in a fall.
Por el aspecto de esto, podría haber ocurrido en una caída.
First of all, one sees a very, very bright light, followed by a sharp wave, and then you hear the sound of the blast and then it seems as there's a minor earthquake, and then you look up and you see the fireball
Primero que nada, se ve una luz muy brillante seguida de una onda expansiva, y luego escuchas el sonido de la explosión. Y luego parece que hubiera un pequeño terremoto. Entonces miras hacia arriba y ves una bola de fuego que asciende hacia el cielo.
If you look at the development of television... it is going to be this fabulous tool... and its incredible ability to beam out films... all over the world by satellite... and everybody will be able to watch them simultaneously. I don't think so. thanks to that amazing device called video...
No me parece que la TV o lo que acabe siendo, algo increíble gracias a los satélites, a cómo se va a emitir, emitiendo películas constantemente en todo el mundo, películas que todos podrán ver, el vídeo será algo increíble,
A rock analysis - they look like Widmanstatten patterns to me, which would seem to confirm What's the matter? They've gone - exploring by the look of it.
Se han ido!

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