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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / By the looks of it

By the looks of it tradutor Espanhol

303 parallel translation
- I can tell, by the looks of it.
- Ya se nota, por lo que veo.
By the looks of it, you've been makin'a night of it?
Por lo que veo, ha estado de juerga toda la noche.
Neither are you, by the looks of it!
Usted tampoco, por lo que veo.
By the looks of it, they left in a hurry, too.
Por lo visto se fueron corriendo.
There's another panic on by the looks of it.
Parece haber pánico por lo que se ve.
Syndicate hit by the looks of it.
Parece que lo mató la mafia.
Must be important, by the looks of it.
Por su aspecto, diría que era importante.
You hang out with yourself... a lot, by the looks of it.
- Tu estas saliendo demasiado con ellos. Sabes que?
And pretty darn well, by the looks of it.
Y muy bien, según parece.
By the looks of it, their headquarters is empty.
El cuartel general parece estar vacío.
They seem to be some sort of gang, all girls by the looks of it.
Ellos parecen ser una especie de banda, todas las niñas por el aspecto de la misma.
- Our Maguire's a country sort, by the looks of it.
Maguire parece ser un tipo de campo. ¿ Eso crees?
I have been sorry my whole life... And by the looks of it, so have you!
Llevo toda la vida arrepentida y me parece que tú también.
By the looks of it, I have.
Por mi apariencia, así es.
You gone soft, by the looks of it.
Te estás ablandando, por lo que parece.
Well, by the looks of it, I wouldn't worry about re-certification.
Bueno, por lo que veo, no me preocuparía por conseguir el certificado.
Well, by the looks of it, lwouldn't worry about re-certification.
Bueno, por lo que veo, no tienes de qué preocuparte.
By the looks of it, I'd say she's shopping for tenderloin.
¡ Las manos de un genio! Un genio.
He's got a broken leg, by the looks of it here.
Creo que se rompió una pierna.
A pretty big U-turn, by the looks of it.
Un giro bastante grande por lo que parece.
Not sweet enough, by the looks of it.
Aparentemente no hueles mejor.
I would say, by the looks of it, it ¡ ¯ s congenital.
Yo diría que, por su aspecto, es congénita.
I'd say by the looks of it, you have a very sick boy.
Por el aspecto yo diría que tiene un niño muy enfermo.
You were pondering... something difficult, by the looks of it.
Estabas reflexionando. Algo difícil por lo que se ve.
A newly formed one, by the looks of it.
Recién formado, por lo que parece.
By the looks of it, your fight's already begun.
Por lo que parece, tu lucha ya ha comenzado.
Yeah, by the looks of it, you're probably gonna need...
Según parece, probablemente necesiten un altern...
- By the looks of it we're looking at a remake of Cool Hand Luke.
- No la hemos visto aún pero parece ser una nueva versión de "Luke Mano Suave".
Not by the looks of it. I only wear Kanjivaram silks
No lo parece. Yo sólo llevo sedas de Kanjivaram.
One of my assistants just stopped by the Ohhyung Golf Course in Nonhyun-dong, and says that it looks really nice, perhaps they've renovated the interior.
Hace un momento, uno de mis empleados fue al campo de prácticas en Nonhyeon-dong. Dijo que reformaron el interior así que se ve bonito y limpio.
It's a foreign postmark by the looks of it. Look at the stamp.
Parece que eI mataseIlo es extranjero.
Well, whatever it was, it should have been fixed up by a doctor days ago from the looks of it.
Bueno, fuera lo que fuera, debería haber sido curado hace días por el médico y mirarle el aspecto de la misma.
But when the artist paint a fresco on a wall that looks like it's made by pieces of plaster... without a tone of calcium, either light nor fat...
Pero cuando el artista debe pintar el fresco sobre un muro que... parece hecho de trozos de yeso... sin revoco de cal ni grasa...
She likes it here by the looks of things.
Parece que a ella le gusta esto.
I'm sure of it. In every novel written by a woman... the heroine looks at herself naked in a mirror.
En cada novela escrita por una mujer... la heroína se mira en el espejo desnuda.
By the looks of it, this isn't going to be easy to settle.
Mejor estar preparados para los problemas.
Twenty-four karat by the looks of it.
Parece de 24 quilates...
I know, on the face of it, this plan looks as though it benefits employment in depressed areas, but this is to be achieved, as I understand it, by relocating most defence establishments.
Ya sé que a primera vista parece que se beneficie la situación laboral de zonas pobres, pero para conseguirlo habría que redistribuir a muchos de los efectivos.
Well, what it looks like to me is that a meeting was arranged by the detective here for the sole purpose of arresting my client.
Esta pareciéndome... o es que el encuentro fue preparado por la detective... con el único propósito de atrapar a mi cliente.
By the looks of things... it ain't been so good with you and Donna.
Por el aspecto de las cosas... no es tan bueno con usted y Donna.
You'll do fine. The way it looks now, you'll be praying for rain by the end of summer.
No te preocupes, acabaremos el verano rezando para que llueva.
Yeah, by the looks of this it could be a close one.
Si, por el aspecto de este podría ser estrecha.
By the looks of your faces I realize it's because you would only have brought me down.
Por la apariencia de sus caras pienso que es porque ustedes solo me habrían entristecido.
All that time is spent selecting it and decorating it and then a week after, it's just thrown somewhere. You see it by the side of the road. It looks like a mob hit.
Se pasa mucho tiempo seleccionándolos y decorándolos y una semana después, los arrojan a la orilla de la calle.
If the ship has been reconfigured somehow, I can get a deck-by-deck picture of what it looks like as I go.
Si la nave se ha reconfigurado, podría trazar un mapa a medida que avanzo.
And good at it by the looks of things.
- Y es bueno por como lucen sus cosas.
It looks like the Cinderella S.C.L.S.U. Mud Dogs, led by linebacker Bobby Boucher, are gonna fall one victory short of that Bourbon Bowl bid.
Parecen que los Cenicienta Mud Dogs de S.C.I.S.U., guiados por el apoyador Bobby Boucher, estarán a una victoria del intento de Tazón Bourbon.
Can't be all that bad. I mean by the looks of your waitresses over there it seems you're still a quite popular man here.
Quiero decir que a juzgar por las miradas de esas camareras de allí, aun eres bastante popular aquí.
Indeed this moth looks so like a tiny hummingbird that some people in the south of England, where it appears regularly in the summer, think that they have been visited by a real hummer.
Esta polilla parece de hecho un colibrí minúsculo Algunas personas en el sur de Inglaterra, En donde aparece regularmente en el verano, Piensan que han sido visitados por un colibrí verdadero.
And, uh, by the looks of today's turnout I could see it wasn't just an idle threat. ( whispering ) :
Y a juzgar por la cantidad de personas presentes... me doy cuenta que no era una amenaza hueca.
I bet she can give you bundles of it and all by the way she looks.
Y, a juzgar por su aspecto, apuesto a que puede darte muchas.

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