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By the time i was tradutor Espanhol

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And by the time I was 17, I was selling it for him.
Y cuando tenía 17, empecé a venderla para él.
In my professional opinion, by the time I was called in, the damage was irreversible.
En mi opinión profesional,... cuando me llamaron a mí, el daño era irreversible.
Seriously, by the time I was 15, between me and my friend, we had 68 bucks, which was enough for a bus ticket and cab fare and a hot meal at Cafe Figaro, where you guys picked me up.
En serio, para cuando cumplí 15 años entre mi amiga y yo teníamos 68 mangos, lo que nos alcanzó para un boleto de autobús, el taxi y una comida caliente en Café Fígaro donde Uds. me recogieron.
By the time I was your age, I had already celebrated my tenth wedding anniversary.
¿ Sabes? Cuando tenía tu edad ya llevaba 10 años de casada.
I knew all his games by the time I was seven.
Para cuando tenía siete años, ya conocía todos sus juegos.
By the time I was 11, other grownups were with him.
A los once, venía con otros adultos.
[Danny Narrating] Needless to say that by the time i was a young man... i needed help.
Huelga decir que para cuando llegué a la juventud... necesitaba ayuda psicológica.
By the time I was 20, I decided there was no reason to expect any assistance from God... if he existed at all.
Para cuando cumplí los 20, decidí que no había razón para esperar ninguna asistencia de Dios... si es que existía.
The third time I was wounded on December 20th, 1967, and we got overrun by North-Vietnamese irregulars.
La tercera vez que me hirieron fue el 20 de diciembre de 1967, cuando un grupo de irregulares nor - vietnamitas atacaron nuestras posiciones.
At the time I was reading a novel by Umberto Eco, "Bardolino", which talks about a medieval man in search of the Holy Grail.
Yo estaba leyendo para esos tiempos una novela de Humberto Eco, "Badolino", que habla de un hombre en el medioevo que quiere ir a buscar el Santo Grial.
It was the record of João singing Chega de Saudade... by Tom and Vinicius, at that time I didn't know who Tom Jobim was... no one knew who João Gilberto was... and nor was Vinicius a popular name.
Era el disco de Joâo cantando Chega de Saudade, de Tom y Vinicius. En aquella época no sabía quién era Tom Jobim. Nadie sabía quien era Joâo Gilberto y ni siquiera Vinicius era muy popular.
I was bowled over by it all... that style... the poetry... at the same time classical and talking about such common things... in everyday life with such a poetic elegance, so new.
Aquello me encantó. Aquel estilo, aquella poesía, al mismo tiempo clásica, hablando de cosas tan comunes, del día a día, pero con una elegancia tan poéticamente nueva.
- I called 9-1-1... but by the time they got there, it was too late.
- Llamé a Emergencias pero cuando llegaron, era demasiado tarde.
All right? I was supposed to be watching him, and I conked out for a second, and by the time I got up, he was gone from his chair.
Supuestamente estaba vigilándolo me dormí por un segundo, y cuando me levanté él se había ido de su silla.
And by the time I could tell him no, he was running off down the street.
Y cuando le dije que no, salió corriendo calle abajo.
By the time I shot the bear, the guy was already dead.
Yo le disparé al oso, el tipo ya estaba muerto.
But... by the time it happened, he wasn't who I thought he was, and... that scared me.
Pero, cuando ocurrió no era....... quién creí que sería y....... me asustó.
And I knew by the time he got me back to my dorm, that one day I was gonna be Mrs Rex Van de Kamp.
Y supe, cuando me llevó de vuelta a la residencia, que algún día llegaría a ser la señora de Rex Van de Kamp.
I was up in Maine, and then by the time I got back...
Yo estaba en Maine y cuando volví...
- Why didn't you call me? Because by the time I looked up and I saw a clock it was way after midnight and I didn't wanna wake up Sammy.
- Porque... cuando me di cuenta, era tardísimo y no quería despertar a Sammy
The last time I saw Leon, he was by the hospital.
La última vez que vi a Leon, estaba al lado del hospital.
I certainly was by the time you'd finished.
Desde luego los tenía para cuando habías acabado.
I went out to buy a chapstick. By the time I got back, he was almost in escrow.
Fui a comprar un humectante labial y cuando volví casi estaba dando el depósito.
Then Gala ended up with Dali, and that left Eluard and Louise to share another woman, the very strange Denise Levy, who was being courted, and boinked, I believe, at the time - by...
Después Gala se fue con Dali, y dejó a Eluard y Louise compartir otra mujer la extraña Denise Levy, quien estaba siendo conquistada, creo, en ese momento por...
It was the first ad I saw in the phone book, and they seemed nice but... By the time I saw the doctor, he said I was past 24 weeks. And that it was too late.
Pero cuando tuve la cita con el médico me dijo que ya estaba de 24 semanas y que era demasiado tarde.
But by the time I got the appointment, it was too late.
Pero cuando fui a la consulta, era demasiado tarde.
By the time I hit the ground I thought I was dead.
Al momento que caí al piso, pensé que estaba muerta.
Einhron took me off active duty and by the time he let me come back, I was on animal attacks.
Fui retirado del servicio y cuando fui readmitido, me encontré con ataques de animales.
By the time I'd flown there, they had canceled it, saying it was an error.
Pero cuando yo llegué, la cancelaron diciendo que era un error.
So... by the time I pulled into the driveway, it was dark.
A mis ojos les tomó un minuto adaptarse.
It was winter, you know, so... by the time I pulled in the driveway, it was dark.
Era invierno, así que al momento de entrar por la cochera, estaba oscuro.
By the time I left that lady's house, rented the videos, went to the pizza place and waited for one gluten-free crust, please, headed home, it was already dark.
En el momento que salí de la casa de esa señora alquilé estos videos fui a la pizzería y pedí una gran pizza libre de gluten, por favor vine a casa y ya estaba oscuro.
Since the last time karma punished me, I was hit by a car and ate steak out of a straw for three weeks, I didn't want to find out.
Dado que la última vez que el karma me castigó fui arrollado por un auto, y estuve postrado por 3 semanas, no quería averiguarlo.
By coordinating the original stream with the hard drive, I obtained the date and time that the file was written.
- Sí. Coordinando el flujo original con el disco duro, obtuve la fecha y hora en la que se grabó el archivo.
Hey, I want to know what Westfall was doing at Aberdeen by the time I get back.
Quiero saber qué hacía Westfall en Aberdeen cuando regrese.
In fact, by the time I got up here, they ´ d stopped, and Dallas was just about to start, so I left it.
Y Dallas estaba por empezar, así que me fui.
By the time I saw her, she was already dead, sir.
Puede dirigir sus palabras a mi, Soldado. Si, Señor ¿ Por cuanto tiempo?
By the time I was 12 years old, I was sneaking out of the house after lights out.
¿ Como sabemos donde buscar? No lo sabemos.
By the time I got to the academy, it was every guy saying,
Baja. Haz algo útil.
The mine was practically barren by the time I got here, but this planet acted as a safe haven for me until I got back on my feet.
La mina estaba prácticamente agotada cuando llegué aquí pero este planeta me sirvió de refugio hasta que pude recuperarme.
By the time I got back... pulling Dale was the last thing I had on my mind.
seducir a Dale era lo último que tenía en la cabeza.
By the time I got here, she was gone.
Para cuando llegué, ya se había ido.
I went to get Lance, but by the time we got there Nadia was dead.
Fui a buscar a Lance, pero cuando llegamos allí Nadia estaba muerta.
By the time I got there, the husband was dragging his wife under, just trying to stay afloat.
Para cuando llegué... el marido estaba ahogando a su mujer... para tratar de mantenerse a flote.
All I know, Senator, is that the last time someone arrived by helicopter it was Elton John.
Sólo sé, Senador, que la última vez que alguien llegó en helicóptero... se trataba de Elton John.
By the time I got to the third round, I was out.
Para cuando llegué a la tercera ronda, me eliminaron.
As I was saying, the time has come for me to repay the Lord for all His kindness by restoring the Convent of Saint Tomás.
Como decía ha llegado el momento de retribuir al Señor toda su bondad restaurando el convento de Santo Tomás.
By the time I took my seat in the gods, the opera was well into its final act.
Para cuando me senté en la galería la ópera ya estaba en su último acto.
So, on this one, I decided not to have any of that because I felt I'd earned the freedom... by five years of silence, uh... it-it was time to kind of just open the door.
Para este decidí no tener nada de eso porque sentí que había ganado la libertad en cinco años de silencio así que era hora de abrirse.
But I was running my hand down the row of books and... by the time I got to the door, I realized I had a book in my hand.
Pero estaba pasando mi mano por la fila de libros y para cuando estaba en la puerta me di cuenta de que tenía un libro en la mano.
I was just a teenager at that time, but it was a great shock to wake up'to find England had been knocked out by the United States.'
En aquel entonces yo era un adolescente, pero fue un auténtico shock despertar y descubrir que Inglaterra había sido eliminada por los Estados Unidos

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