Can't tradutor Espanhol
754,557 parallel translation
I'm the guy whose damn complaint you don't want to submit, and I can't think of one damn reason why!
Soy ese cuya maldita queja no ha querido enviar, ¡ y no se me ocurre ninguna maldita razón para ello!
Sir, I can't get why you don't want me to file the complaint.
Señor, no comprendo por qué no quiere presentar esa queja.
I can't believe this is happening.
No me puedo creer que esto esté ocurriendo.
You can't make bread with pride.
No se puede hacer pan con orgullo.
I'm not dumb, I just can't handle the trivia pressure.
No soy tonto, es solo que no puedo aguantar la presión del Trivial.
Look, you can't be afraid to be successful.
Mira, no puede darte miedo tener éxito.
- We can't wait for her.
- No podemos esperarla.
I can't take the trivia "presh"!
¡ No puedo con la presión del Trivial!
I can't breathe.
No puedo respirar.
Can't school Gina.
No se le dan lecciones a Gina.
I remember saying, it can't be Kenderson.
Recuerdo haber dicho que no podía ser Kenderson.
? Can't be Kenderson, Kenderson is not the one?
* No puede ser Kenderson, Kenderson no es *
I heard she doesn't let anyone take her photograph so that she can still go undercover.
Tengo entendido que no deja que nadie le haga fotos para poder seguir yendo de incógnito.
They've been fighting like little kids all morning, and I can't get'em to stop.
Llevan peleándose como críos toda la mañana, y no logro que paren.
So why don't you both come back tomorrow and we can start working this together?
¿ Pues por qué no volvéis mañana y así empezamos a trabajar juntos en esto?
- Can't remember.
- No me acuerdo.
- Yeah, can't recall.
- Sí, no lo recuerdo.
I can't wait to drive this motorcycle that I definitely know how to drive.
Estoy deseando montar en esa moto que está claro sé montar.
I can't focus!
¡ No me puedo concentrar!
I can't take anymore.
Ya no aguanto más.
Can't argue with that.
No te lo puedo discutir.
I can't believe you would blame yourself for this.
No me puedo creer que se eche la culpa de esto.
I can't believe you lost my pen. That was careless and rude!
No me puedo creer que perdiera mi pluma. ¡ Fue imprudente y desconsiderado!
We can't let him get away.
No podemos dejarle escapar.
She says the doctor's can't be sure, but they're optimistic.
Ella dice que el médico no puede estar seguro, pero es optimista.
We can't just beat somebody up.
No podemos darle una paliza a alguien.
- Charles, she can't say.
- Charles, no puede decirlo.
- Charles, you know I legally can't answer.
- Charles, ya sabes que no puedo contestarte legalmente.
We can't call for backup.
No podemos pedir refuerzos.
I can't believe you thought you were gonna take me down.
No me puedo creer que pensaras que podrías hacerme caer.
Right, but can't Captain Holt just testify he knew you were trying to take down Hawkins from the inside?
Cierto, ¿ pero no puede el capitán Holt testificar que él sabía que trataban de hacer caer a Hawkins desde dentro?
Legally you can't testify for your best friend.
Legalmente, no puede testificar en favor de su mejor amigo.
We can show that both of you weren't present at any of the other robberies, except... March 12th.
Podemos demostrar que ambos no estaban presentes en ninguno de esos otros robos, excepto... el 12 de marzo.
Prosecution claims you stole $ 26 million, but they can't trace that money to you in any way.
La acusación sostiene que robaron 26 millones de dólares, pero no pueden asociar ese dinero con ustedes.
They can't tie us to the money.
No nos pueden relacionar con el dinero.
We can't subpoena them.
No podemos pedir una orden para ellas.
Okay, he goes by the handle "Pandemic," and there's not a network he can't crack.
Bien, se hace llamar Pandemia, y no hay red que se le resista.
Huh. You don't think I can do this?
¿ Crees que no puedo hacer esto?
Mommy can't hear us in Da Bassment.
Mami no puede oírnos en el sótano.
I can't help you.
No puedo ayudarlos.
Now, I can't link it to Hawkins, but the original transfer came from this shell corp.
Bien, no puedo vincularlo a Hawkins, pero la transferencia original vino de esta empresa fantasma.
Now, I can't do that, but I can make this a teachable moment.
No puedo hacer eso, pero lo puedo convertir en una lección.
- Preggers can't be choosers.
- La embarazada no escoge nada.
Now! I can't think of any!
¡ No se me ocurre ninguno!
No, you can't.'Cause you're lying about your affinity for picnics, Todd, aren't you?
No, no se te ocurre. Porque estás mintiendo sobre tu gusto por los pícnics, Todd, ¿ verdad?
No, I can't do that, Carol.
No, no puedo hacer eso, Carol.
♪ And I can't help myself ♪
♪ Y no puedo evitarlo ♪
♪ And I can't help myself. ♪
♪ Y no puedo evitarlo. ♪
And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Y no puedo esperar para pasar el resto de mi vida contigo.
You know, I can't do this all alone.
Ya sabes, no puedo hacer esto sola.
He says, "I can't wait to meet you..." Oh... "in a hundred damn years!"
Dice : ¡ No puedo esperar para conocerte... dentro de cien de años!
can't complain 101
can't talk now 20
can't see 24
can't wait to see you 28
can't help it 46
can't wait 291
can't sleep 141
can't you see me 22
can't see anything 20
can't talk 79
can't talk now 20
can't see 24
can't wait to see you 28
can't help it 46
can't wait 291
can't sleep 141
can't you see me 22
can't see anything 20
can't talk 79