Can't you see that tradutor Espanhol
3,368 parallel translation
You can't see that because I am well camouflaged. And silent.
Tu no puedes ver eso porque estoy bien camuflado y en silencio.
That I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Que no puedo esperar para verte mañana.
Okay, that's not my department, but if any of you see Jimmy, can you tell him that your little op doesn't count?
De acuerdo, eso no es cosa mía, pero si alguno de vosotros ve a Jimmy, ¿ podéis decirle que vuestra pequeña operación no cuenta?
Can't you see that I'm a perky little housewife?
¿ Acaso no ve que soy una alegre y delgada ama de casa?
See, you think that you can mess with my life, and I can't mess with yours, but I can.
Ves, crees que puedes enredar con mi vida y que yo no puedo hacerlo con la tuya, pero sí puedo.
You see some of these guys even now with everything purple and yellow that you could imagine on, and can't play.
Hay tíos hoy en día con ropa morada y amarilla, pero no saben jugar.
If you can't see that, you are Helen keller.
Si no puedes ver eso, eres Helen Keller.
It's difficult because you can't see the master menu from your menu. You have to search for the items that are on the master menu in the giant bowls of cape this are in the middle of the yard.
Tienes que buscar los objetos que están en el menú principal dentro de los grandes boles de salsa que hay en medio del jardín.
Don't you see that even the king can't do what ever he desires to do?
¡ ¿ No sabe que ni siquiera el Rey puede hacer lo que quiera?
Look, I know that you and I don't always see eye to eye. But maybe you can just see where my head is at right now.
Sé que tú y yo no siempre estamos de acuerdo, pero quizás puedas ver en dónde estoy ahora mismo.
You can explain to him that he... he can't see his mom, but at least he'll be close to her.
Puedes explicarle que... no puede ver a su madre, pero al menos estará cerca de ella.
Gary, why don't you tell your friends on day side that if they've got any questions about Mackenzie's ethics, they can come see me.
Gary, dile a tus amigos del diurno que si tienen preguntas de la ética de Mackenzie, que hablen conmigo.
Oh, well, see, why can't you talk like that all the time?
Oye, mira, ¿ por qué no hablas así siempre?
That's because you're sitting behind the television and you can't see it.
Eso es porque estás sentado detrás de la pantalla y no lo puedes ver.
Nikita, I can see things happening from operations that you can't see.
Nikita, puedo ver cosas que pasan desde operaciones que tú no puedes ver.
And I can see things happening on the ground that you can't see.
Y puedo ver cosas sucediendo en el terreno que tú no ves.
See, you and I both became famous early on for an iconic role, but we can't let that role define us.
Mira, tú y yo nos hicimos famosos pronto por un papel icónico, pero no podemos dejar que ese papel nos defina.
See, I can't help you with that.
Mira, no te puedo ayudar con eso.
But you can't expect me to see a sign that says,
Pero no puedes esperar que vea un cartel que diga,
It sounds like a good idea, but you can't un-see that stuff man.
Parece una buena idea, pero esas cosas no se puede ver.
I can't decide...... if you're an evil git or if it's actually quite... flattering and romantic that you'd go to such lengths and piss so many people off so massively just to have an excuse to come and see me.
No puedo decidir... si eres un bastardo maldito... o si realmente eres un... adulador... y romántico que llega al extremo... de enojar mucho a tanta gente... sólo para tener una excusa para venir a verme.
Can't you see that I'm serious?
¿ No ves mi sinceridad?
How do you know that he can't see you?
¿ Cómo sabes que él no puede verte?
You know, it's not my choice that I can't see you that often, Dylan.
Sabes, no es mi elección que no pueda verte tan a menudo, Dylan.
If you can't see that you are Helen keller. Then a sudden illness Put a stop to colton's plans.
Entonces una súbita enfermedad detuvo los planes de Colton.
How about I do everything to myself first and that way, you can see it doesn't hurt.
Qué tal si lo hago todo en mi primero... así, puedes ver que no duele.
I can see that now. You don't.
Puedo verlo ahora.
You see, the thing about the belief in conspiracy theories is that you can't disprove them.
Mira, la clave de las creencias en las teorías conspirativas es que no puedes refutarlas.
You can't even see Vales'face in that photo.
No se puede ver la cara de Vales en esa foto.
And you can see that there's a reason we hadn't met until today, that, on some level, Sofia understands that she's in a relationship that is...
Y eres capaz de ver que existe una razón para que no nos hayamos visto hasta hoy, pues, de algún modo, Sofía entiende que está en una relación que es... aunque estoy segura de que eres respetuoso,
Now, what's happening here is that these lasers, even though you can't see it, they're actually creating a circulating pattern of light.
Ahora, lo que está pasando aquí es que estos láseres, aunque no los puedes ver, en realidad están creando un patrón de circulación de luz.
Maybe you just can't see this that clearly because you've never been loved this much.
Quizás no puedas verlo con claridad porque nunca te habían querido tanto.
You know, I mean, there's JT, but that's JT. ♪ But can't you see? ♪
Sabes, quiero decir, está J.T., pero es J.T. Y... has estado viéndome cuando no quería que nadie me viera, y aun así no has huido.
See, Emma, she's a member of this pack, so I can't let you do that.
Verá, Emma es miembro de esta manada así que no puedo dejarlo hacer eso.
People, perhaps, that you do not see, people that, perhaps, you do not come in contact with, and the fact you can't get a job.
Gente que quizás no ves, gente con quien quizás no has estado en contacto, y el hecho de que no puedas acceder a un trabajo.
Those are the first people they'll be watching, your families. Can't you see that? Eric?
Son los primeros a los que vigilarán, a nuestra familias. ¿ No te das cuenta?
Let's see if I can't help you do that.
Vamos a ver si no puedo ayudarte a hacer eso.
"And by the way, did I tell you that I can see things other people can't?"
"Y a proósito, ¿ te he contado que puedo ver cosas que otras personas no pueden?"
I had no choice. Can't you see that?
No tenía elección. ¿ No puedes verlo?
See if you can't compile a list of who was in that car.
Mira si puedes hacer una lista de quién estuvo en ese coche.
Can't you see that's my stealthy way of asking you out on another date.
No ves que es mi forma oculta de pedirte otra cita.
Can't you see, Inspector, that I am the last person who would ever know about the things that she did because, as far as I was concerned... it wasn't happening, at all?
¿ No puede ver, Inspector, que soy la última persona que sabría nada acerca de las cosas que hizo porque, en lo que a mí respectaba, no ocurrían en absoluto?
Can't you see that I'm in the middle of having a conversation?
¿ No ves que estoy en medio de algo?
Your penis is engorged inside of the jet, because of the water pressure, but we can't turn the jets off, because then everyone in here would see that you are, in fact, making love to a jacuzzi.
Tu pene está atorado dentro del chorro, por la presión del agua, pero no podemos apagarlo, porque todos aquí verían que estás haciéndole el amor a un jacuzzi.
That's why they can't see or hear you.
Es por eso que no pueden ver o escucharte.
See, you can't believe everything that you read on the Internet.
Ves, no puedes creer todo lo que lees en internet.
Go make sure you follow up on that list of names from the contractor, and take that key card you found on the victim, see if you can't find what hotel it's from.
Ve y asegúrate de que investigas esa lista de nombres del constructor, y llévate esa tarjeta que encontraste en la víctima, mira a ver si puedes encontrar de qué hotel es.
Can't you see that?
¿ no lo puedes ver?
Can't you look past the facts for once and see that?
¿ No puedes dejar atrás los hechos por una vez y ver eso?
Why don't you see if you can find something in that bourbon-drenched book of his so we can get the hell out of Dixie, all right?
¿ Por qué no ves si puedes encontrar algo en ese libro empapado de whiskey de lo que podamos obtener el infierno de Dixie, ¿ de acuerdo?
Damn it, woman, can't you see that this hurts?
Maldita sea, mujer, ¿ No ves que eso duele?
can't you see me 22
can't you see 340
can't you understand 52
can't you wait 18
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you tell 117
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596
can't you see 340
can't you understand 52
can't you wait 18
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you tell 117
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596