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Candy bars tradutor Espanhol

311 parallel translation
Speaking of fun, what's the deal with fun-sized candy bars?
Hablando de diversión, ¿ cuál es el trato con barras de dulces de tamaño divertido?
The court says you don't get no candy bars for two weeks.
No te daremos chocolate durante dos semanas.
Keep your love life As sweet as candy bars
Que tu vida amorosa sea Tan dulce como una golosina
Keep your love life As sweet as candy bars
Que tu vida amorosa sea Tan dulce cómo una golosina
And I kept eating the candy bars and waiting until he come out.
Y seguí comiendo golosinas y esperando hasta que salió.
I expect the blasted things are mocked up as teddy bears or candy bars.
Quizás los explosivos estén camuflados como ositos de peluche o barras de caramelo.
- Two candy bars, please.
- Dos chocolatinas.
You should lay off those candy bars.
No deberías comer tantas chocolatinas.
Now he's on candy bars.
Ahora es adicto a las chocolatinas.
Betsy's mother sends her candy bars every week.
La madre de Betsy le envía golosinas todas las semanas.
His father would take him out, buy him candy bars. Those two would eat anything.
Salía con su padre y le compraba demasiados caramelos.
Get half a dozen jars of honey and plenty of candy bars.
Lleven seis tarros de miel y varias barras de caramelo.
Candy bars, maybe.
Con pinta de barritas de caramelo, quizá.
I can't eat five candy bars by myself.
No puedo comer 5 barras yo solo.
Your friends told me... they weren't actually getting candy bars.
Tus amigos me dijeron... que no estaban tomando barras de caramelos.
Until you've gone through a village handing out candy bars to the kids
No se sabe hasta que se ha cruzado un pueblo repartiendo caramelos a los niños
And then you see your best buddie's legs blowed off by a mine... because the people you gave the candy bars to, forgot to tell you Charlie was in town
Y ves caer a tus mejores compañeros con las piernas voladas por una mina Por que las personas a cuyos hijos les has dado los caramelos, olvidaron decirte que el enemigo estaba en el pueblo
Certain kinds of candy bars especially.
Sobre todo algunas chucherías.
They found a clerk who recognized the photo, and our friend over here bought four candy bars down by Henshaw's the night of the murder. We got him.
Un dependiente reconoció la foto... compró cuatro caramelos cerca de la casa de Henshaw... la noche del asesinato. ¡ Lo tenemos!
Oh, so, they're just like candy bars.
Oh, así que básicamente son como barritas de caramelos.
They're exactly like candy bars.
Son exactamente como barritas de caramelo.
They had concession stands... and they would sell, uh, magazines... and candy bars and sodas and -
Había quioscos... que vendían revistas... dulces, gaseosas y
General, what we want to do is to print, "I shall return"... on candy bars, matchbooks, chewing gum, sewing kits and pencils, and drop them on the Philippines to boost morale.
General, lo que queremos hacer es imprimir "Volveré"... en golosinas, cerillas, chicles, costureros y lápices... y tirarlo en Filipinas para levantar la moral.
* I thought our little wild time * Can I have all your candy bars? * Hadjust begun *
¿ Puedo llevar todas sus golosinas en barra?
I see you left your candy bars outside.
Veo que abandonó las golosinas en barra.
Charlie, what do you do for fun besides steal candy bars? Huh?
Charlie, ¿ qué haces para divertirte, además de robar chocolatinas?
Get you guys anything you want... booze, cigarettes... candy bars.
Les dan lo que quieran : alcohol, cigarrillos, barras de caramelos.
I am sorry for your young man in the States but if you showed him what he saved monthly on candy bars and cigarettes not to mention lipstick and shampoo, his disappointment would be tempered.
Lo siento por su novio americano pero si le explica cuánto se ahorra cada mes en chocolatinas cigarrillos, pintalabios y champú, su decepción quedará mitigada,
Grandpa, did you eat all these candy bars today?
Abuelo, ¿ has comido todas estas chocolatinas hoy?
- Got anything to eat? Youse got any candy bars, peanuts...
¿ Tienes algo de comer?
Here, I need one of those candy bars.
Necesito uno de esos dulces.
I hide candy bars all over the house.
Escondo chocolatines por toda la casa.
Candy bars.
Kaplan and his C.I.A. candy bars shot the operation with hidden cameras.
Kaplan y sus chocolates de la C.L.A. Filmaron todo con cámaras ocultas.
So, Sister, what you are saying is... that Hudson Hawk is not willingly working for the Mayflowers... but that Kaplan and the candy bars are.
Así que lo que está diciendo, hermana, es que... el Halcón del Hudson no está trabajando voluntariamente para los Mayflower... pero Kaplan y los chocolates sí.
Kaplan and the candy bars were seen boarding a plane out of Rome.
Kaplan y los chocolates abordaron un avión para salir de Roma.
Do you got any food here, candy bars?
¿ Tienen alguna comida aquí, barras de caramelos?
Oh, they'll get plenty of candy bars at everyone else's house.
Ya les darán muchos dulces en las otras casas.
Oh, I let them start on their candy bars.
Les dejé empezar a comer los dulces.
All right, all right, next year we'll have candy bars.
Está bien, está bien, al año próximo compraré dulces.
He kept a stock of candy bars in the glove compartment. He said don't tell, don't tell mum. This is just between us men, Okey?
Me dejaba caramelos, se iba y decia que no le dijera a mama, que era un secreto entre los dos, si?
After a while I couldn't even eat the candy bars.
No podia comer los caramelos, los metia en un cajon.
Mr. Harvey, like your candy bars, you are completely nuts.
Sr. Harvey, está completamente loco.
Would you like to buy some candy bars. They're to raise money for our school.
Es para juntar fondos para la escuela.
I eat candy bars in the morning.
Barras de dulce en la mañana.
Yes, but if all of our divisions are doing record-breaking business how come Rich candy bars are down 12 percent?
Si todas nuestras divisiones obtienen enormes utilidades ¿ por qué los chocolates Ricón bajaron un 12 %?
Will you lay off the fuckin'candy bars?
No sigas comiendo tantos dulces.
- A dozen candy bars.
Doce barras de chocolate.
Candy bars.
Miss Laurie Stevenson, will you please meet at the dance floor, - Miss Laurie Stevenson, - Candy bars, bubble gum, licorice,
Chocolate, chicle, regaliz -
You couldn't eat six bars of candy now that you're a mouse.
No podrías comértelas ahora que eres un ratón.

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