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Carlotta tradutor Espanhol

601 parallel translation
This is my only child, my beloved daughter Carlotta.
Y aqui mi unica hija : Mi amadisima hija Carlota.
My daughter Carlotta, who is not easily conquered, spoke of him often, imagining his character.
Mi hija Carlota, nada facil de conquistar, hablaba de el con frecuencia, presintiendo su espiritu.
The PodestÁ's daughter, Carlotta.
La hija del Podesta, Carlota.
Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!
Senorita Carlota, si lo que haceis no es mas que un juego, un simple coqueteo o algo peor, sois, a pesar de vuestro dulce rostro y vuestra voz que suena cual mensaje celestial, una diablesa!
Carlotta, consider...
Carlota, sopesadlo...
For God's sake, Carlotta, I must at your feet.
Por el amor de Dios, Carlota, debo postrarme a tus pies.
Carlotta's silvery laugh a while ago, but probably it was a delusion.
Antes, la risa argentea de Carlota, seria una ilusin.
- But where is Carlotta?
- Mas dnde esta Carlota?
They are looking for you, Carlotta, and you hide yourself in the shadows.
Se os busca, Dona Carlota, y vos os escondeis, huis a la sombra.
Has no one seen Carlotta?
Alguien ha visto a Carlota?
O beautiful Carlotta, how strangely you speak!
Oh, bella Carlota, que extrana forma de hablar!
But give me Carlotta!
Mas traedme a Carlota!
" "She gave herself to me," " " "she, Carlotta, willingly, in love," "
Ella se me entreg, ella, Carlota, voluntariamente y con amor,
For did not, Alviano, as you said, Carlotta also give herself to you?
Pues no se te ofreci, Alviano, como dijiste, tambien a ti Carlota?
Carlotta, beloved... I am with you, he lied, lied, lied!
Carlota, amada mia... Estoy a tu lado, el minti, minti, minti!
My daughter, Carlotta has been insulted!
"¡ Mi hija, Carlotta, ha sido insultada! ..."
" No ghost will frighten Carlotta!
"¡ Ningún fantasma atemorizará a Carlotta!"
Wednesday night found Mlle. Carlotta strangely ill, and Christine Daae singing " Marguerite'.
Carlotta estaba extrañamente indispuesta y Christine Daaé interpretó "Marguerite".
In Mlle. Carolotta's correspondence there appeared another letter, edged in black!
En la correspondencia de Mlle. Carlotta apareció otra carta, ribeteada de negro.
Mlle Carlotta If you appear tomorrow night you must be prepared for a great misfortune, and therefore I advise you to be "ill" The Phantom
Mademoiselle Carlotta, Si se presenta en el teatro mañana por la noche, la prevengo de que una gran desgracia podría sucederle. Le aconsejo que se encuentre "indispuesta".
My dear Managers - The role of "Marguerite" shall be sung again tomorrow evening by Christine Daae, instead of Carlotta The Phantom
Queridos empresarios... El papel de "Marguerite" será interpretado mañana por la noche por Christine Daaé sustituyendo a Carlotta. El Fantasma
Encouraged by her mother, Carlotta defied every warning, and the following evening appeared as - " Marguerite'.
Animada por su madre, Carlotta desafió la amenaza y la noche siguiente se presentó para representar el papel de "Marguerite".
- Send Mademoiselle Carlotta here.
- Envíeme a mademoiselle Carlotta.
Thank you, Carlotta.
Gracias, Carlotta.
Of course, there's Carlotta, she knew.
Claro, Carlotta, ella lo sabía.
We are dispensing with Carlotta's services.
Estamos prescindiendo de los servicios de Carlotta.
Poor Carlotta.
Pobre Carlotta.
I'm not Carlotta.
No soy Carlotta.
I saw that your precious Carlotta Vance arrived on the Europa yesterday.
Me enteré de que tu preciosa Carlotta Vance llegó ayer en el Europa.
¿ Carlotta?
Carlotta has no age.
Carlotta no tiene edad.
Mr. Jordan, Miss Carlotta Vance is here to see you.
Sr. Jordan, la Srta. Carlotta Vance quiere verle.
Carlotta, this is a surprise.
Carlotta, qué sorpresa.
Now, come along, Carlotta.
Ahora en serio, Carlotta.
Carlotta, go along with you.
Vamos, Carlotta.
Now, Carlotta, your stock must bring you in a little something.
Vamos, Carlotta, tus acciones deben de servirte de algo.
You see, Carlotta, it's like this.
Verás, Carlotta, el asunto es éste.
Why, Carlotta, you're marvellous.
Vaya, Carlotta, eres increíble.
Yes, I would, Carlotta.
Sí, Carlotta, querría.
I was very much in love with you, Carlotta.
Yo estaba muy enamorado de ti, Carlotta.
You broke my heart when you refused me, Carlotta.
Rompiste mi corazón cuando me rechazaste, Carlotta.
Tell him to come right in. Do you mind, Carlotta?
Dígale que pase. ¿ Te importa, Carlotta?
This is Miss Carlotta Vance.
Sta es la Srta. Carlotta Vance.
Wait a minute. Not Carlotta Vance?
Un momento. ¿ Esa Carlotta Vance?
Why don't you get an actor for Carlotta?
¿ Por qué no consigues un actor para Carlotta?
And he knows Carlotta.
Y conoce a Carlotta.
- That's where Carlotta's staying.
- Ahí es donde se aloja Carlotta.
Let's see, I'll put him between Carlotta and the Packard woman.
Veamos, le pondré entre Carlotta y la mujer Packard.
Mlle Carlotte,
Mademoiselle Carlotta...
Mlle. Carlotta, under the spell of his curse will never sing again.
"Mlle. Carlota, bajo el hechizo de su maldición nunca más cantará."
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carlo 187

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