Cause if you do tradutor Espanhol
471 parallel translation
You ain't gonna get in no trouble, cause if you do, I ain't gonna let you tend them rabbits.
No darás problemas, porque si no, no habrá conejos.
'Cause if you do, the screws will drill you.
Porque si lo haces, van a acribillarte.
Stay here for just one little minute and don't peek,'cause if you do, I'll never forgive you.
Quédate aquí un momento y no mires. Si lo haces, no te lo perdono.
'Cause if you do you're a fool
Porque si lo haces, eres un tonto
'Cause if you do
'Cause if you do
You better do your laughing now, boy,'cause if you don't listen good, you ain't gonna have no teeth left to laugh with.
Más vale que te rías ahora porque si no me escuchas, no te quedarán dientes para reírte.
♪ Cause if you do, they'll know you.
Porque si vienes, te reconocerán.
You guys know what you're doing? I hope you do'cause if you don't, we're all dead.
Espero que sí, porque si no estamos muertos.
'Cause if you do a verse for less than 100k...
Porque si haces un verso por menos de cien mil...
-'Cause if you do, you'll be behind bars.
- Porque si lo hacéis, estaréis entre rejas.
Don't you lose this dime'cause if you do, ain't nobody ever gonna here from you again.
No pierdas esta moneda... porque si lo haces... nadie, nunca, sabrá más nada de ti.
'Cause if you don't do that, if you don't do that right now, you are a lost man.
Porque si no haces eso, si no lo haces ahora mismo, eres hombre muerto.
Don't pay any attention to anybody else... and do it to the other guy first...'cause if you don't, he'll do it to you.
Ataca primero, porque si no, el otro te atacará.
'Cause if you do, that's it.
Porque, si quieres, no se hable más.
You fuckin'"a," man,'cause if you don't... I'm taking you out and everybody around you. Do you understand me?
Escucha o tú y los tuyos pagarán.
'Cause if you do, I'll have to give you a dose of medicine.
Porque si lo haces, tendré que darte una dosis de medicina.
'Cause if you don't, he'll just hold your kinfolk hostage till you do.
- Si no, las tendrá de rehenes.
'Cause if you do, baby, I'll fuck you good, like a big old jack-rabbit, jump all around that hole!
¡ Si lo eres te voy a dar gusto de verdad! ¡ Te voy a follar como un viejo conejo saltando en el agujero!
'Cause if you do, you'll become the hunted.
Porque si lo haces, serás perseguida.
'Cause if I could do it, you sure could do it.
Soy Dorothy de la vida real.
Well, if I should get you every available typewriter, and about a dozen typists, who are willing to die for the cause, do you think that you could turn out a handsomely-bound contract to present to Mr. Underwood by tomorrow night?
Si consigo muchas máquinas de escribir y seis mecanógrafos... dispuestos a sacrificarse... ¿ crees que lograrás terminar un contrato bien prolijo... para Underwood mañana a la noche?
Just do as I say'cause there's going to be an awful mess if you don't.
Se organizará un lío tremendo si no.
'Cause you'll never get your love if you don't do so.
Porque no conseguirán amor Si no lo hacen.
'Cause if I do, you're gonna regret it.
Porque si regreso, te vas a arrepentir.
I shall be very glad to advise you where to get a boat, gentlemen, if, in exchange, you will do me and the cause of Filipino freedom a great service.
Les diré con gusto dónde pueden conseguir un barco, caballeros, si, a cambio, me hacen a mí y a la causa por la libertad de Filipinas un favor.
'Cause if you are, it won't do you any good.
Si eso tratas, no te servirá.
St Crispin I pray, I beseech you, put the record straight, But if any of those who had intended to take these bulls lending credence to the words of this man cease to do so, it will cause a great damage
San Crispín, yo te pido, yo te suplico, pon las cosas en claro, porque si alguno de los que tuviesen intención de tomar estas bulas dando crédito a las palabras de este hombre dejase de hacerlo,
If that happens it'll be cause you tell him! And if you do, you'd better watch out for me!
Será porque tú se lo digas y si lo haces ten cuidado conmigo.
Don't care if you do,'cause it's understood you ain't got no money, you just ain't no good.
Me tiene sin cuidado, pues sabido es que no tienes dinero y no sirves para nada.
We do not want to cause any trouble you can be sure if you keep your word.
No queremos causar ningún problema puedes estar seguro si mantienes tu palabra.
If you will do me the honour of accepting it, I will hand it to you personally to be paid, at your discretion, of course, to some good cause.
Si me hace el honor de aceptarlo, se lo entregaré personalmente para que lo emplee... en alguna buena causa.
Do you think it would cause a complete breakdown of discipline if a lowly lieutenant kissed a starship captain on the bridge of his ship?
¿ Crees que causaría una crisis disciplinaria si una humilde teniente besa al capitán en su nave?
If I was you, I'd do more listening than talking. 'Cause one loud noise and zonk!
En su lugar, escucharía en vez de hablar porque un ruido fuerte y ¡ zas!
One of these days, no one's gonna get me, and if anyone does get me, it won't be you'cause you haven't got the guts to do it.
Un día de estos, nadie me va a coger, y si alguien lo hace, no serás tú... porque no tienes las agallas para hacerlo.
Oh, yes, I do. I gotta stay if you do'cause I took the job.
No, yo acepté el empleo.
Cause if you can't do that, Jimmy Dick, what use are you?
Si no puedes hacer eso, "don nadie", ¿ para que sirves?
I wouldn't like to suspend it for two hours on the stage, cause I think it would take something away from it. Although I'm sure I could do two hours without it, I just feel that I'd missed a lot of important emphases if I didn't, uh, have access to the whole language, you know?
Me gustaría suprimirlas durante dos horas en escena, pero creo que se echaría algo en falta aunque estoy seguro de que podría pasar dos horas sin ellas, creo que echaría en falta mucho énfasis importante si no tuviera acceso a todas las posibilidades del idioma, ¿ sabes?
If I do, white eyes, you're gonna be in heap big trouble...'cause I'm gonna track you down and shoot an arrow straight up your ass.
Si lo hago, Ojos Blancos, estarás metido en un buen lío, porque te perseguiré y te clavaré una flecha en el culo.
So, if you leave my house for good, I grant you 150 guilders at once and an annual sum of 160 guilders, on the sole condition that you leave the valuables I gave you to my son's name and you do not cause any more trouble.
Además, cuando se vaya, le daré 150 florines... y una pensión anual de 160 florines, si dona los objetos de valor que le ofrecí... a mi hijo, y si me deja tranquilo.
But don't feel bad if I bump youse out'cause it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your dancing shoes.
Da igual quedar descalificado. Lo importante es participar. Lo importante es pasárselo bien bailando.
And if you ever have to go to the hospital, which I hope you never do, carry your own piss with you, cause that's what they want.
Si tienes que ir al hospital, y espero que no sea nunca, lleva tu propio orine contigo, porque eso es lo que quieren de tí el momento que llegas.
If You is lookin'down on me wit'disfavor I ain'know what to do'cause if worshipping'You ain'stoppin dose tears an'dat thunder,
Si me estás mirando con desfavor no sé qué hacer, porque aún adorándote no paras esas lágrimas y esos truenos.
Let's hope I don't see you again,'cause if I do...
Espero no volverte a ver, porque en ese caso...
And if you don't, tell me...'cause I'll get a private detective to find her... who'll do a lot better job than the Dick Tracy club you got here.
Y si no, dígamelo... pues conseguiré un detective para hallarla... que hará un mejor trabajo que el club de Dick Tracy que tiene montado acá.
'Cause if they don't- - You just make sure they do.
Porque de lo contrario... Asegúrate de que la encuentren.
'Cause if you got the guts, which I don't think you do — You might have the heat, though.
Y aunque tuvieras agallas, cosa que dudo, estás perdido.
Look, Punchy, if you wanna do any more screaming, be my guest'cause I'm so through.
Punchy, si quieres seguir grirando, hazlo. Yo he acabado.
Don't tell your sister'cause, if you do, we'll both be in trouble.
- No se lo digas a tu hermana. Si lo haces, los dos estaremos en dificultades.
If you do not stay out of his way, you will have cause to regret it.
Si no se queda fuera de su camino, tendrá causas para sentirlo.
But if you haven't, get off your ass,'cause God won't do it for you.
Pero si no, mejor que empieces, porque Dios no lo hará por ti.
'Cause when I asked her if I could look down in that cellar of yours, she said : "What's it got to do with you?"
'Por que cuando le pregunte si podía echar un vistazo a su sotano, Ella dijo : "Que tiene eso que ver contigo?"
cause if you don't 56
cause if you did 19
cause if you are 29
cause if not 24
cause if it is 25
cause if so 19
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
cause if you did 19
cause if you are 29
cause if not 24
cause if it is 25
cause if so 19
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you do it 42
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24
if you don't leave 24
if you don't help me 38
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you do it 42
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24
if you don't leave 24
if you don't help me 38