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Clementine tradutor Espanhol

445 parallel translation
When you are queen, Clementine, I hope there will always be a place for an old friend.
Cuando seas reina, Clementine, espero que siempre haya un sitio para un viejo amigo.
Her name was Clementine.
Se llamaba Clementine.
¡ Clementine, me voy a Nueva York!
Clementine, I'm going.
¡ Clementine, me voy!
You may go now, Clementine.
Puedes retirarte, Clementine.
And her name was Clementine
Su nombre era Clementina
Oh, my darling Clementine
Mi amor Clementina
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Qué terrible, Clementina
Clementine Carter.
Clementine Carter.
Wyatt Earp, Miss Clementine Carter.
Wyatt Earp, la señorita Clementine Carter.
Mademoiselle Clementine Villard.
La Srta. Clementine Villard.
What's the name of your car, clementine?
¿ Cómo se llama tu coche, "Clementine"?
"Clementine Webster."
"Clementine Webster."
Clementine Heller-Deville, born Tardieu in 1916 in Clichy.
Clémentine Heller-Deville, nacida como Clémentine Tardieu en 1916, en Clichy.
We're transferring you, Clementine.
La vamos a trasladar, Clémentine.
Oh, no, not that way. Hold it, Clementine. Hold it.
Vamos, Clementine, ¿ qué te pasa?
Oh, I give up. Come on, Clementine.
Me rindo, vamos, Clementine.
- Keep out of the way, Clementine.
- ¡ Aparta, Clementine!
Duchess, Clementine!
¡ Duquesa, Clementine! ¡ Turk!
Come on, you miners,'49ers, let's all join in and sing that old favourite, Clementine.
¡ Vamos, mineros! Uníos todos y cantemos esa vieja canción : Clementine.
A pin with sapphires from Clementine of Aragon.
Perlas y zafiros de Clementina de Aragón.
Her name's not Clementine.
¡ Que por cierto, no se llama Clementine!
And. uh. still there's The Grapes of Wrath and My Darling Clementine and They Were Expendable, and so...
Y aún está "Las uvas de la ira" y "Pasión de los fuertes" y "No eran imprescindibles"...
In Darling Clementine you remember when Henry Fonda is out on the porch there and he puts his feet up and. uh- - And. uh- - And he doesn't cut to close-ups.
En "Pasión de los fuertes" recuerdas cuando Henry Fonda está fuera en el porche y pone los pies en alto y... y... y él no corta a primeros planos.
And here, beautiful Clementine tells the count that Paris is an immoral city.
Y aquí la hermosa Clementina nos explica, que Paris es una ciudad inmoral.
You must mean Clementine Hozier.
Quieres decir Clementine Hozier.
My darling mother continued on her headlong headstrong, but always gallant and courageous way whilst, seven years later Clementine Hozier and I were married and lived happily ever afterwards.
Mi querida madre continuó con su precipitada testaruda, pero siempre galante y valiente forma de ser mientras que, siete años después Clementine Hozier y yo nos casamos y vivimos felices para siempre.
Oh... my dar.. ling...
¡ Oh, Mi querida Clementine!
You were gone out... Forever. Dreadful story, Clementine...
Te has perdido y desaparecido por siempre, horrible historia Clementine...
Oh, my lord, that's the end, very soon my brother will be united in wedlock with Miss Clementine!
¡ Oh, milord! Todo está perdido, mi hermano se casará pronto con Ia señora Clementina!
Don't make the choice that may dishonor Clementine.
No haga una elección que deshonre a Clementina.
Clementine was fascinated by your handsomeness.
Tu belleza ha cautivado a Clementina.
Oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my darlin'Clementine...
Oh, mi cielo, oh, mi cielo, oh, mi dulce Clementina...
You are lost and gone forever. Oh, my darlin'Clementine...
Te has ido, y te he perdido para siempre.
No, Madame Clementine.
No señora Clementine.
Even Mademoiselle Clementine...
Incluso la señorita Clementine...
You must speak to the Professor and to Clementine
Debes hablar con el profesor y Clementine.
Tonight, to honour our dear Julia on her 16th birthday we have the good luck and the honour of seeing Mademoiselle Clementine Granval, in scenes from Fantasio, by Alfred de Musset
Esta noche, en honor a nuestra querida Julia... por cumplir 16 años... tenemos la buena suerte y el honor de... de ver a la señorita Clementine Granval, en escenas de "Fantasía", de Alfred de Musset.
A gift ; they were Clementine's
Son un regalo de Clementine.
Yes... what happened to Clementine?
Sí.. ¿ Qué le pasó a Clementine?
I'm not a specialist in that? So, I'll just do what you say.
Hay que emborracharte y mientras cantas My Darling Clementine yo te curo como si nada.
And an instant later it is like in "My Darling Clementine"
Y un instante después es como en "My Darling Clementine"
¡ Clementine!
Clementine for my brother Jack.
Clementine para mi hermano Jack.
- Clementine. - All right.
Straight, Clementine.
No, así no.
- Clementine!
¡ Clementina!
And his daughter Clementine 15-12, I've got a siren.
15-12, Traigo la sirena 15-14,

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