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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ C ] / Come on to my house

Come on to my house tradutor Espanhol

98 parallel translation
Come on to my house
Venid a mi casa.
You come in my house, put chairs on tables in order to open up a dance academy and you're asking me what I want?
Venir a mi casa, colocar las sillas sobre las mesas... para abrir una academia de danza, y me dice que qué quiero?
When I was a kid, my mother and I used to come out to the house... on special occasions, you know :
Mi madre y yo solíamos venir a esta casa en ocasiones especiales :
Come to my house when you've done here, and we will talk of the venture on the Shark.
Venga a mi casa cuando haya terminado aquí, y hablaremos sobre la misión en el Tiburón.
Well, you come on over to my house for supper.
Pues tú ven a cenar a mi casa.
I have always upheld the law, and because I intend to keep on doing so... I will permit no wanton to come into my house and bear my name...
Siempre he sostenido la ley, y como tengo intención de seguir haciéndolo no permitiré a ninguna libertina en mi casa y que lleve mi nombre.
Would you like to come to my house on Sunday for lunch?
¿ Te gustaría venir a almorzar a casa el domingo?
Come on, we're going to my house, where we can be alone.
Ven, vamos a mi casa, donde podamos estar solos.
And also by day,... I told you I'd come to work in my spare time on the house.
Y de día también, ya le dije que vendría a trabajar en mis ratos libres en la casa.
That's how you come after me and took to his house in the village without any commitment on my part.
Esa es la manera como entró después de mí y llevó a su casa en el pueblo sin ningún compromiso por mi parte.
I'd have been on your list, you wouldn't have come to my house.
He estado en tu lista, no habrías venido a mi casa.
I've seen you do a lot of underhanded tricks but bringing your abuelita to my house at Christmastime, come on.
Te conozco muchos trucos pero mira que traer a tu abuelita a mi casa en navidad.
Come to my house. Come on, Johnny.
Ven a mi casa, ven.
Come on. This is going to stop,'cause I will not allow this foolishness in my house.
Esto tiene que parar, porque no voy a permitir estas estupideces en mi casa.
I feel that he has an eye on my house, and that he has come to claim his share.
Me da la sensación de que le interesa mi casa, y que... ha venido a reclamar su parte.
Some nights, Jenny would sneak out and come on over to my house, just'cause she said she was scared.
Algunas noches, Jenny se colaba hacia fuera y vamos a mi casa, sólo porque ella dijo que estaba asustado.
Gunther, you don't just come into my house covered with oil, smoking a smelly cigar and ask me to fool around on my mother's couch.
Gunther, no puedes entrar en mi casa Cubierto de aceite, fumando un cigarro apestoso Y pedirme que haga cosa en el sofá de mi madre.
Come on. Let's go to my house.
Vamos a mi casa.
Come to my house on Saturday.
Ven a mi casa el sábado.
When her mom would go on a broth kick, Amy would come over to my house, and we'd stuff ourselves with brownies.
Cuando su madre cerraba la heladera, Amy venía a casa y comíamos chocolate.
Get a new job, buy a beautiful house, and hire a security guard to shoot you on sight if you ever come near my property.
Conseguiría un nuevo empleo, compraría una hermosa casa, y contrataría a un guardia de seguridad que te dispararía sin previo aviso si alguna vez te acercas a mi propiedad.
On that note, want to come over to my house and watch TV?
On that note, want to come over to my house and watch TV?
Come on. How long does it take to get into my own house?
Vamos. ¿ Cuánto se tarda en llegar a mi propia casa?
My private phone number, how to get into my house that I skipped the movie at a premiere. Oh, come on, Oliver.
Venga, Oliver.
It seems to me, my Lord, that the present life of men on earth is as though a sparrow in winter should come to a house and swiftly fly through it, entering at one window and then passing out through another, while you sit at dinner
Me parece a mí, mi señor, que la presente vida del hombre en la tierra es como si un gorrión durante el invierno llegara a una casa y volara directamente a ella, entrando por una ventana y pasando por otra, mientras usted está cenando
It's me. Come on. Back to my house.
Soy yo, ven.
You think I didn't know what was going on when you come to my house, telling me you're my friend?
¿ Crees que no supe qué pasaba cuando fuiste a mi casa, diciendo que eras mi amigo?
Come on down to my house. I've got lots of chicken fingers down there.
Ven a mi casa, tengo muchas patas de pollo.
Would you like to come over to my house for dinner on Friday?
¿ Te gustaría venir a mi casa a cenar el viernes?
Mrs. Arness, I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house on Thursday and possibly look over the contract.
Está bien. Sra. Arness, me preguntaba si nos podríamos reunir el jueves en mi casa y echarle una mirada al contrato.
Come on, let's go to my house. My wife is waiting.
mi mujer nos espera.
If you fucking think it's over, come over to my house and every night I wake up, sweating my ass off because I had a nightmare because that fucker's face is in my head, I'll tap you on the forehead and say, " It's on, it's on!
Si crees que se acabó, ven a mi casa y mira cómo me despierto de noche, sudando como loco porque tuve una pesadilla, porque aún Ie veo Ia cara al desgraciado, y que te golpee en Ia frente diciendo :
Come on. Come on. Come to my house with me.
Vamos, te vienes a casa conmigo.
Come on. You didn't put on a costume and sneak into my house just to leave empty-handed.
No te disfrazaste y entraste aquí para irte con las manos vacías.
I can't really stay in Everwood. But don't worry. I'm having movers come by the house to get all my stuff on thursday, and I figured I'd come by then, say goodbye to Sam, if that's okay.
No me puedo quedar en Everwood pero, no te preocupes, los de la mudanza irán a tu casa a llevarse mis cosas el jueves y había pensado acercarme y despedirme de Sam, si te parece bien
You go to come in my house and drop blame on me.
Vienes a mi casa y me hechas la culpa sobre mi.
Want to come to my house this weekend to work on our articles?
¿ Quieres venir a mi casa el fin de semana a trabajar en nuestros artículos?
No, it's just that I am knocking on the door of a room in my own house.. to come in like a guest...
No, es sólo que estoy picando a la puerta de una habitación en mi propia casa... como si fuera un huesped...
It's not far to my house, come on...
Mi casa está muy cerca, vamos.
You come to my house and you drop a fucking bomb on me like that?
Viene a mi casa y me suelta una maldita bomba, ¿ así nada más?
" Come on in to my home.It's not a house.
" Ven a mi casa.
Well, I tell you what... once she's feeling better, I want you two to come on over to my house and have dinner with my wife and I.
Bueno, ya que se sienta mejor, quiero que vengan a mi casa a cenar con mi esposa y yo
I want you and rebecca to come over to my house to dinner on friday.
Quiero que tú y Rebecca vengáis a cenar el viernes a mi casa.
Why don't you come to my house on Friday?
¿ Por qué no vienes a mi casa el viernes?
Don't you dare come into my house and talk to me about my life and my family. You can comment on my life but I can't comment on your life?
no te atrevas a entrar en mi casa y darme lecciones sobre mi vida y mi familia tu puedes meterte en mi vida pero yo no puedo hacer lo mismo con la tuya?
If I do decide to kill myself, I'm going to come over to your house and blow my brains out right on your front lawn, as a gift to you and everything you stand for.
Si decido suicidarme, voy a ir hasta tu casa... y me voy a reventar la cabeza justo enfrente de tu césped delantero... como regalo para ti... y todo lo que representas.
You have come to my house on dad's birthday.
Has venido a mi casa en el cumpleaños de mi padre.
You come into my house. You start snooping around. And you are trying to get your greedy hands on my most precious possession.
Viene a mi casa y se pone a husmear tratando de poner sus sucias manos en mi más preciada posesión.
To come to my house and park on my street, driving this vehicle.
De venir a mi casa... ¿ Y estacionar en mi calle conduciendo este vehículo?
You know, for this kind of money, you could come up to my town and get a 5-bedroom house on the lake.
Saben, por este dinero, pueden venir a mi ciudad y conseguir una casa de 5 habitaciones en el lago.
Come to my house and we'll crank up dean martin and... toss a few back. come on.
Ven a mi casa, nos ponemos a Dean Martin y... nos beberemos unos tragos. Vamos.

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