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Curiously tradutor Espanhol

272 parallel translation
Curiously, there are still rumors about a treasure that the Turkish Emperor's men had buried somewhere...
Y curiosamente, aún hoy existen rumores sobre un tesoro que los hombres del emperador de aquella época habían enterrado en alguna parte...
Everywhere, little by little, the slander curiously spreads.
Por todas partes, poco a poco la calumnia curiosamente se propaga.
Curiously enough, just down the hall from....
Curiosamente, al otro lado del pasillo de...
Joan seemed so curiously affected when you killed it.
Joan pareció curiosamente afectada cuando usted lo mató.
Curiously enough, you were out too.
Curiosamente, había salido.
NAZAMA : You speak curiously.
Hablas en forma extraña.
Well, whoever he was He gave a curiously superficial account of Nick.
Sea quien sea, da una imagen bastante superficial de Nick.
'But curiously enough, except for his corpse 'That butler never seemed to have existed.'
Es curioso, excepto por el cadáver, ese mayordomo parece no existir.
- So do I, curiously enough.
- A mí también, curiosamente bastante.
Just here... curiously enough, there used to be another smear of black paint from the first cylinder.
Justo ahí... curioso, tendría que haber otra mancha de pintura negra de la primera bombona.
But women who have common sense are so curiously plain, father, aren't they?
Pero las mujeres con sentido común suelen ser bastante feas.
Curiously enough, I'm human, Steve.
Curiosamente, soy un ser humano.
Including love, which seems to me to be a curiously unhappy blend of tears and laughter.
Incluso el amor, que por lo que he podido observar es una triste mezcla de lágrimas y risas.
The world seemed curiously empty and silent.
El mundo parecía curiosamente vacío y silencioso.
The police seem curiously ill informed.
La policía parece bastante bien informada.
We never realized as we stared so curiously at our unexpected guest how much history might have been differently lived if she'd not been there.
Nosotros no adivinamos, mientras la mirábamos con curiosidad, de que manera nuestra aventura habría sido diferente, si ella no hubiera estado allí.
But I felt alive and curiously powerful... unconcerned if it were good or bad.
Pero me sentía viva y curiosamente poderosa,... y no me importaba que fuese bueno o malo.
Curiously enough, you were out for once.
Curiosamente, es cierto por una vez.
Gentlemen, I want to show now some pictures which, curiously, the same English have done for us.
Caballeros, quiero mostrarles ahora unas imágenes que, curiosamente, los mismos ingleses han hecho para nosotros.
You were curiously gentle with the builders.
Por haber sido tan benigno con los arquitectos.
As this thought burned itselfinto her mind... herfaith was curiously stirred as it wrestled in the birth throes of a great resolve.
A medida que esa idea se grababa a fuego en su mente... su fe se avivó curiosamente... mientras luchaba para dar a luz a una gran determinación.
The ankle is curiously swollen and full of foreign bodies.
Es raro, el tobillo está hinchado y lleno de cuerpos extraños.
Curiously, you look very appetizing.
Pues estás muy apetecible.
Curiously, Mr. Fields.
Es curioso, Sr. Fields.
The guard positioned us curiously.
Nos habíamos situado de manera curiosa.
Curiously enough...
Que curioso...
And that when this husband of my mother drinks, when he's getting drunk this man curiously courageous who throws stones at the dead, leads a life of luxury.
Y que cuando este esposo de mi madre bebe, cuando se emborracha este hombre de extraño coraje que arroja piedras a los muertos, lleva una vida de lujos.
A dying place for those who have forgotten that childhood, maturity and old age are curiously intertwined and not separate.
Donde morir para los que han olvidado que niñez, madurez y vejez... no están separadas, sino curiosamente entrelazadas.
Within another hour we had reached a long, curiously lazy, melancholy stage.
Durante la hora siguiente asistimos a curiosa y larga fase de perezosa melancolía.
" fashioned very curiously of roses and of ivory.
" moldeado con esmero con rosas y marfil.
Curiously, these seven have handed in the best schoolwork.
Un detalle curioso. Estas siete han hecho los mejores trabajos.
'Twere to consider too curiously, to consider so.
Eso sería mirar las cosas con excesiva curiosidad.
Now, in old Japanese books, there have been curiously preserved certain fragments of fiction.
Algunos libros antiguos japoneses poseen la curiosa característica de contener sólo fragmentos de obras de ficción.
I see him as curiously unattractive.
Yo le veo poco atractivo.
I see him as rather tall, rather suntanned, rather handsome, athletic looking, with a rugged but... curiously sensitive face.
Me lo imagino alto, bronceado, atractivo, atlético, de facciones duras, pero... sensible.
It's a rugged but curiously sensitive face.
Con esa cara tan fuerte pero tan sensible.
" Lady curiously shaped was on the couch what?
" La dama de curiosas formas estaba en el sofá ¿ qué?
- It's curiously archaic.
- Es curiosamente arcaica.
For an archaeologist, you're curiously lacking in curiosity.
Para ser arqueólogo, andas extrañamente escaso de curiosidad.
It was inhuman it was dull and curiously technocratic.
Era inhumana. Era aburrida y curiosamente tecnocrática.
Curiously they are right.
Curiosamente hacia la derecha.
Curiously enough, both reasons, yours and mine, are correct.
Curiosamente, ambas razones, los tuyos y los míos, son correctas.
After close association with humans, I find that curiously refreshing.
Tras mi relación con los humanos, me ha resultado muy gratificante.
Oh, how curiously human.
Qué hombre curioso.
Curiously the fireman had another admirer from the village.
Curiosamente, el bombero tenía otro admirador en la aldea.
Curiously when good news was deemed to arrive...
Pero cuando estimaba que las buenas noticias debían llegar...
2-3 hours later signs of weariness were beginning to show on them and curiously the otherwise disciplined Tóth was affected the most.
Dos o tres horas después los signos de cansancio empezaron a aparecer. Y curiosamente el disciplinado Tóth era el más afectado.
Curiously enough, she was your type :
Lo divertido es que era una chica como usted, muy moral, muy católica,
And curiously enough that doesn't include letting 28 of them escape... to further your military career, Captain.
Eso no incluye dejar escapar a 28 de ellos para impulsar su carrera militar, capitán.
I watch over him, and have been curiously content.
Lo observo curiosamente contenta.
There's a curiously high incidence of TB.
Hay una alta incidencia de tuberculosis.

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