Dalton tradutor Espanhol
1,770 parallel translation
For the rest of the way these... took the parts of Dalton.
Por el resto del camino ellos,... llevaron las partes del Dalton.
They took part of his demise.
Se llevaron su parte de Dalton.
Let's go lurk outside dalton.
Vayamos a merodear a Dalton.
Since the dalton guys were a bust, How about collegiate?
Dado que los chicos de Dalton fueron un fracaso, ¿ qué hay del universitario?
( Dalton ) I've never spoken publicly about this case before. But if the story is to be told, I want it to be told factually.
Jamás he hablado públicamente sobre este caso antes, pero si van a contar la historia, quiero que se cuenten los hechos.
( Brenneman ) Defense attorney Doug Dalton had a very Lincoln-esque quality about him.
El abogado defensor Doug Dalton tenía una cualidad bastante Lincoln-esca.
The fact that Doug Dalton was the attorney indicated to me that there would be a negotiated plea arrived at between the prosecution, the defense, and the judge.
El hecho de que Doug Dalton fuera el abogado me indicaba que se llegaría a negociar un alegato entre la parte acusadora, la defensa y el juez.
( Preute ) Douglas Dalton was a first-class lawyer, but he was definitely matched by Roger Gunson.
Douglas Dalton era un abogado de primera, pero Roger Gunson no se quedaba atrás.
I had to worry about surviving the next day. ( Dalton ) The facts indicate that before the... - the alleged act in this case, this girl had engaged in sexual activity.
Los hechos indican que antes del... presunto acto, en este caso, esa niña había tenido relaciones sexuales.
What we understood was that Dalton was going to take his half and submit it to a lab.
Entendimos que Dalton tomaría su mitad y la mandaría a un laboratorio.
Dalton called me on the phone, clearly now, I think, having the results on the lab report, saying, "You know, what do you think would happen if we pursued a plea bargain with the prosecution?"
Creo que era obvio que ahora tenía el informe del laboratorio y me dijo : ¿ Qué crees que pasaría si tratamos de llegar a un acuerdo entre las partes?
( Dalton ) The prosecution had loaded Polanski up with multiple charges.
La parte acusadora tenía múltiples cargos contra Polanski.
( Gunson ) Mr. Dalton asked, "Could it be a misdemeanor?"
El Sr. Dalton preguntó : ¿ Podría ser un delito menor?
Standing with his lawyer Douglas Dalton, Polanski was asked by Deputy District Attorney Roger Gunson to what count he pleaded guilty.
Al lado de su abogado, Douglas Dalton, el abogado auxiliar del fiscal, Roger Gunson le preguntó a Polanski de qué cargo se declaraba culpable.
( Dalton ) We took our chances, obviously, here, because we had no idea or no way of knowing what the probation department would conclude.
Obviamente, nos arriesgamos porque no tenemos idea o forma de saber lo que decidiría el departamento de libertad condicional.
No matter what the sentence was, if it included a day in jail, Dalton, and correctly so, would have appealed it. And it's gonna go all the way up to the state supreme court.
Dalton, con toda razón, la apelará hasta llegar a la Corte Suprema estatal.
( Dalton ) We were very pleased when we got the probation report.
El informe de libertad condicional nos dio mucho gusto.
( Dalton ) I said, " Judge, we had not expected this.
Yo le dije : Juez, no nos esperábamos esto.
He said, "I want you to go out, Gunson, " and you argue that Polanski should be placed in custody, " and, Dalton, you go out,
Gunson, quiero que salgas y digas que Polanski sea puesto bajo custodia, y Dalton, en la corte, tú di que debería ser puesto en libertad condicional.
( Dalton ) This thing had reached the point where it was actually becoming surreal.
Esto llegaba a un punto surrealista.
( woman ) After 20 minutes in court before Superior Judge Laurence Rittenband, film director Roman Polanski and his lawyer Douglas Dalton emerged from the courtroom amidst a crush of reporters and cameramen.
Después de 20 minutos en la corte ante el juez de la corte superior Laurence Rittenband, el director Roman Polanski y su abogado Douglas Dalton salieron de la sala entre un tumulto de reporteros y camarógrafos.
Dalton had asked the court to place Polanski on probation, arguing that, though the crime of unlawful intercourse is a serious one, it is not a unique crime.
Dalton le pidió a la corte la libertad condicional para Polanski, argumentando que, aunque el crimen de relaciones sexuales ilegales es serio, no es el peor que podría haber cometido.
( Dalton ) In the interview, he said that very possibly he wanted Polanski back in the country, and Polanski could be on his way to prison now.
¿ Polanski en prisión este fin de semana? En la entrevista dijo que era muy posible que hiciera que Polanski volviera al país y Polanski podía estar en camino a prisión.
( man ) Mr. Dalton, has Mr. Polanski talked to you about his reaction to coming here for this almost three-month period?
Sr. Dalton, ¿ el Sr. Polanski le dijo qué piensa sobre venir aquí por casi tres meses?
( Dalton ) When we met in his chambers, at this time, Judge Rittenband said that he wasn't going to honor the promise that he had made about releasing Polanski upon completion of the diagnostic study. He gave as his reason that he was getting too much criticism.
Cuando nos reunimos en su gabinete en ese momento, el juez Rittenband dijo que no cumpliría con lo prometido sobre liberar a Polanski después de terminado el estudio de diagnóstico porque lo estaban criticando mucho.
As we walked down the aisle, past the chairs of an empty courtroom at that time, Doug Dalton turned to me and said,
Mientras caminábamos por el pasillo, pasamos un tribunal vacío y Doug Dalton me miró y me dijo :
I told Mr. Dalton that I would be available to... disclose this information to anyone at any place at any time.
Le dije al Sr. Dalton que estaría dispuesto a... revelar esa información a todo el que la pidiera en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.
( Dalton ) I contacted Roman, and I said for them to come to my office.
Contacté a Roman y les pedí que vinieran a mi oficina.
( Dalton ) What does it have to do with what was my conversation with Mr. Polanski?
¿ Qué tiene que ver con mi conversación con el Sr. Polanski?
No, I can't tell you that. What happens if he does not come back, Mr. Dalton?
¿ Qué pasará si no vuelve, Sr. Dalton?
Dalston's guitarist.
El guitarrista de Dalton.
And my brother goes to Dalton.
Y mi hermano va a Dalton.
Captain of the Dalton Lacrosse team.
Capitán del equipo de Lacrosse de Dalton.
The Dalton guys keep texting us. It was a feeding frenzy last night.
Los chicos de Dalton siguen enviándonos mensajes anoche fue un frenesí.
"And you're sitting in a bar, with the best jukebox in Manhattan. " And Dalton here is a bartender " whose cocktail shaker should be bronzed.
Y estás sentado en un bar con el mejor tocadiscos de Manhattan, y Dalton es un camarero cuyos cócteles deberían estar premiados.
And you are sitting in a bar with the best jukebox in Manhattan. And Dalton here, Dalton is a bartender whose cocktail shaker should be bronzed.
Estás sentado en un bar con el mejor tocadiscos de Manhattan, y Dalton es un camarero cuyos cócteles deberían estar premiados.
Not Collegiate, not Dalton, not Trinity.
No en Collegiate, no en Dalton, no en Trinity.
- Dr. Dalton.
- Dr. Dalton...
- Think Timothy Dalton.
- Piensa en Timothy Dalton.
"Lucky Luke vs. the Daltons"...
"Lucky Luke contra los Dalton"...
If the Daltons ever found out, we'd be like a joke on a lollypop stick.
Si los Dalton lo hubieran sabido, sería como una broma con un palo de chupetín.
Hey, Dodge, are you going to Chaz Dalton's Space Academy?
Hey, Dodge, te vas a la academia espacial Chaz Dalton ´ s?
You know, Chaz Dalton went to outer space, plus he walked on the Moon.
sabias que Chaz Dalton fue al espacio exterior además el caminó en la Luna.
Who did, Mr. Dalton?
¿ Quién la pidió, Sr. Dalton?
And two weeks and three days later,
Dos semanas y tres días más tarde Dalton me llamó por teléfono.
( Dalton ) De Laurentiis testified.
De Laurentiis testificó.
( man ) That's Dalton?
¿ Ese es Dalton?
( man # 2 ) Yeah, that was Dalton, his lawyer.
Sí, es Dalton, su abogado.
( Dalton ) Polanski, of course, was delighted.
Polanski, claro, estaba complacido.
[Steady drum beat]
Dalton sólo tenía que confiar en el juez.
in which case, any balance of his stay in state prison would be cut short, but it was to be no less than the full period of 90 days. ( Dalton ) The judge held a press conference.
El juez dio una conferencia de prensa.