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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Deformed

Deformed tradutor Espanhol

567 parallel translation
He cures deformed children and mutilated soldiers.
Cura a los niños deformes y a los soldados mutilados.
Maimed or deformed?
¿ Tullido o deforme?
But I'll tell you one thing, your woman is not deformed.
Pero te diré una cosa. Tu mujer no está desfigurada.
I don't know, father who is the most unhappy of us are you aware, my dear professor, that I haven't left your mother's side during your birth for 24 hours your little head had been quite deformed when you were born
No sé, padre... quién es el más desgraciado de nosotros. ¿ Sabe Ud., sr. profesor, que no me aparté de su madre cuando Ud. nació durante 24 horas? Su cabecita estaba muy deformada cuando Ud. vino al mundo.
Must have been deformed in the collision.
Se debe haber deformado en la colisión.
A complete deformed child corrected by his glandular treatments
Un niño totalmente deforme curado por sus tratamientos glandulares.
Thin and deformed individuals.
Individuos delgados y desmañados.
Deformed bodies depress me.
Los seres deformes me deprimen.
Are they deformed?
¿ Son deformes?
Ever seen a deformed Indian?
¿ Has visto alguna vez a un indio deforme?
You deformed me!
¡ Me la deformaste!
After two kids, my breast is deformed. Can you see?
Después de dos niños, mis pechos se han deformado. ¿ Ves?
¤ Alone, deformed, poor, she loved me out of compassion.
# Solo, deforme, pobre, por compasion me amó. #
You were an ugly, deformed little kid.
Tú eras una chiquilla feucha y desmedrada.
- An ugly deformed little kid!
- ¡ Una cría feucha y desmedrada!
I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion... cheated of feature by dissembling nature... deformed, unfinished... sent before my time into this breathing world scarce half made up... and that so lamely and unfashionable... that dogs bark at me as I halt by them.
yo, privado de la bella proporción, desprovisto de todo encanto por la pérfida naturaleza ; deforme, mal fraguado, enviado antes de tiempo a este latente mundo ; acabado a medias, y eso tan imperfectamente... y fuera de moda que los perros me ladran cuando ante ellos me detengo.
- Do you think that she was one of these poor, deformed children, born without pity?
¿ Cree que fue una de esas pobres criaturas nacidas sin piedad?
But I thought all the people on the surface were deformed.
Pero pensé que toda la gente de la superficie estaban deformadas.
I have heard that the beast kill the ones who are not deformed or drive them away.
He oído que las bestias matan a los que no están deformados o los echan.
Because of all the Strontium-90, 80 % of our babies are born deformed.
A causa del estroncio-90, el 80 % de los recién nacidos tienen malformaciones.
There's a part that he can't cast, a very special kind of part. You wouldn't happen to know an actor who can twist his body to look completely deformed, and then unwind before your very eyes?
¿ No conoces algún actor que pueda retorcer su cuerpo hasta parecer deforme... y luego volver a su ser ante tus ojos?
I see him as a man deformed, cursed, tormented, laughed at as a freak, but his tormentors never see the heartbreak or the tears.
Le veo como a un hombre deforme, maldito, atormentado que sufre la burla de los otros, pero sus torturadores nunca ven su dolor o sus lágrimas.
You seem to respect him, but the deformed are easily fooled.
Tú pareces respetarle, pero es fácil engañar a los deformes.
They aren't deformed, but others feel superior.
No son deformes, pero los demás se sienten superiores.
Women risk giving birth to deformed children, to monsters, but it goes on.
Las mujeres corren el riesgo de tener hijos malformados. Pero continúa.
Repeated experiments using Derma 28 on specimens deformed by injections of Derma 25 prove it's miraculous efficiency without a doubt!
Reiterados experimentos del Derma-28 en cobayas infectados con Derma-25 garantizan su prodigiosa eficacia.
And I would not care if she was ugly or deformed, if I could just find her again!
Y no me importa si está desfigurada ¡ Voy a encontrarla!
You are deformed.
Eres deforme.
The sick, the maimed, the deformed, they fasten onto the healthy body and damage it, so we eliminate them.
Arraigados al pasado. No aceptan lo nuevo. Los enfermos, los tontos, los deformes.
The accused is deformed and alone.
El acusado es deforme y solitario.
It is not deformed as is your own.
No es deforme como la vuestra.
How is it strange that green grass and leaf, the myriad of colors and aromas of flowers, made to console the souls of humans, can be deformed point that evil come to stay in their essence, and they drive more than death.
Es extraño, realmente, que los cálidos verdes de la hierba y las hojas los innumerables colores y fragancias de las flores todo lo que debería ser reconfortante para el alma humana pueda desviarse de su verdadera esencia y convertirse en mal con un único uso :
On May 6, they arrested, in Kivu, five slave dealers, guilty of using these tools of torture on the Bakudu kids so they can beg and evoke the people's pity with their deformed bodies.
El 6 de mayo, arrestaron en Kivu 5 comerciantes de esclavos acusados de utilizar estos instrumentos de tortura en los niños Bakudu, para obligarlos a pedir limosna y provocar lástima en el pueblo con sus cuerpos deformes.
Deformed! Bloayed!
Deformada... hinchada
He was ugly, he was deformed, but he wrote about beauty, about real beauty.
Era feo, era deforme, pero escribió sobre la belleza, la verdadera belleza.
It's completely deformed.
Está deformado.
- The devil! A small and deformed one!
- Un diablo pequeño, feo, deforme...
Gradually, over these three months, I came to realize that these questions did not reflect but deformed the collective mentality.
Estas encuestas, en vez de reflejar una mentalidad colectiva, la traicionan y deforman.
No. She's twisted, deformed and broken.
Está tullida, deforme.
Your face was terribly scarred and your body was deformed and twisted.
Tenías la cara desfigurada, y el cuerpo tullido y deforme.
I know that I'm deformed and misshapen
Se bien que soy deforme y contrahecho
- When the extra weight increases the skin could get deformed. Do you have a solution?
- Escuche, doctor.
They're deformed in mind and body.
Son deformes en mente y cuerpo.
I have gathered normal babies and old people, and then deformed them.
Yo he reunido bebés normales y personas viejas y luego los he deformado.
You are going to be deformed by the hands of your younger brother.
Serás deforme gracias a las manos de tu hermano menor.
I once saw a girl who had rickets when she was a baby, whose bony structure was so deformed that I could get my finger in this way but not broad ways her bony structure down there who had succeeded in becoming pregnant.
Esta chica había tenido raquitismo cuando era niña. Su estructura ósea era tan deforme, que podía meter mi dedo así, pero no a lo ancho. Sin embargo, consiguió quedarse embarazada.
We are deformed, due to the continuous incest.
Somos deformes a causa de los continuos incestos.
Ralph here claims he discovered a deformed anatomy in those furrows.
Ralph aquí afirma que descubrió una anatomía deformada en los surcos.
It's deformed you.
Te ha deformado.
Withered and deformed.
Atrofiado y deformado...
No, my deformed friend.
No, mi deforme amigo.

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