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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did you know him well

Did you know him well tradutor Espanhol

182 parallel translation
Did you know him well?
¿ Lo conocio bien?
- Did you know him well?
- ¿ Lo conocía bien?
- Did you know him well before?
- ¿ Usted le conoció bien, antes?
- Did you know him well?
- ¿ Le conocía usted bien?
Did you know him well?
¿ Le conocía bien?
Did you know him well?
Lo conociste bien?
- Did you know him well?
- ¿ Lo conocías bien? - No.
About that guy, Marriott, did you know him well? .
Sobre ese tipo Marriott, ¿ lo conocías bien?
Did you know him well?
- ¿ Lo conocía mucho?
- Did you know him well, or is it- -
- Lo conoces bien, o es él...
Fatumbi, or Pierre Verger, did you know him well?
¿ Usted conoció bien a Fatumbi, a Pierre Verger?
- Did you know him well?
- ¿ Le conocía bien?
Did you know him well?
¿ Le conociste bien?
Did you know him well?
¿ Lo conocías bien?
- How well did you know him?
- ¿ Lo conoces mucho?
How did you know you'd find him there? Well, I took a chance.
- ¿ Por qué pensaba que estaría allí?
Thank you, sir. Did you know him very well?
Gracias, señor. ¿ Lo conocía muy bien?
- How well did you know him?
- Tres meses. - ¿ Lo conocías mucho?
How well did you know him?
¿ Lo conociste muy bien, Fritzi?
How well did you know him?
- ¿ Cuánto le conoces?
How well did you know him?
¿ Lo conocías bien?
Well, did you know him socially or in a business way?
¿ Lo conocía de forma social o de negocios?
A common slave, you know him well by sight, held up his left hand, which did flame and burn like 20 torches joined.
Un simple esclavo, al que has visto muchas veces... alzó la mano izquierda... y ardió como 20 antorchas juntas.
Did you know him very well?
¿ Le conocía usted bien?
Did you know him at all well?
¿ Le conocía bien?
Well,... did... Did anyone else know that you were meeting him?
Cualquier otro sabría que iban a encontrarse?
Did you know him well when you were in Italy? - Why?
¿ Por qué?
I know him well, Eminence, and can tell you that if he sinned he did so through generosity, rather than wicked impulse.
Le conozco bien, Eminencia. Y puedo decirle que si ha pecado,... lo ha hecho más por generosidad que movido por un impulso maligno.
- Did you know him very well?
¿ Lo conocía usted bien?
Did you know him well?
¿ Lo conocía bien?
Did you know him well?
Creo que sí.
- How well did you know him?
- ¿ Cuanto sabe?
How well did you know him?
¿ Qué tan bien lo conocía a él?
How well did you know Dr. Adam Kelno... when you were in prison with him at Jadwiga?
¿ Conocía bien al Dr. Adam Kelno... cuando estuvo preso con él en Jadwiga?
How well did you know him, sir?
¿ Lo conocía bien, señor?
How well did you know him?
¿ Le conocía bien?
How well did you know him?
¿ Qué tan bien lo conocía?
You didn't know him as well as I did.
No lo conocías como lo conocía yo.
Well, I want you to know that if I did have a son... and the opportunity presented itself... to wake him up to watch a baseball game... or to listen to the president on the radio... or for absolutely no reason at all...
Bueno, quiero que sepas que si tengo un hijo... y la oportunidad se presenta... de despertarlo para ver un partido de béisbol... o para escuchar al presidente en la radio... O sin absolutamente ninguna alguna...
Yeah, well, see, I did that, and I haven't been able to get him, so I thought maybe you'd know an alternate number, or what have you.
Verás, lo hice y no pude encontrarlo, así que pensé que quizá tenías un número alternativo.
Well, I know you're new in town. I thought it would be nice for a new girl to get out, meet some people. Did you find him attractive?
Bueno, como acabas de llegar pensé que te gustaría conocer gente nueva. ¿ Te pareció guapo?
Bueno, ¿ le dijiste que estuve despierto toda la noche, preocupado?
You know they took him to court? No... - Well, they did.
- ¿ Sabías que le denunciaron?
How well did you know him?
¿ Qué tan bien lo conoces?
Y me alegra haberlo conocido tanto como pude.
How well did you really know him?
¿ Qué tan bien lo conoció?
Well, you know, that's the research I did for him.
Bueno, tu sabes esa fue la búsqueda que hice para el.
- How well did you know him?
- ¿ Qué tan bien lo conoce?
If you did not know him well say that that new doctor was Hungarian
Si no lo conociera bien diría que ese nuevo doctor era Húngaro
How well did you really know him?
¿ Lo conocía bien?
Well, it being that, you know, me and him, we did a lot of business together, right?
Bueno, siendo que, tú sabes, él y yo, hicimos muchos negocios juntos, ¿ verdad?

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