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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did you tell her that

Did you tell her that tradutor Espanhol

409 parallel translation
Then why did you tell her that it was an insulting letter?
¿ Por qué has dicho que era una carta ofensiva?
Why did you tell her that you helped me with my shoe?
¿ Pero por qué le has dicho que me has ayudado a atarme el zapato?
What did you tell her that for?
¿ Para qué le dijiste eso?
Why did you tell her that I saved your life?
¿ Por qué le has dicho que te salvé la vida en una barca?
- Did you tell her that?
- ¿ Le dijiste eso?
Did you tell her that I was in?
¿ Le has dicho que estaba?
¿ Y le dijiste que ibas a vivir - en el palacio algún día?
You know, last night, when Easy's dress came unzipped, did you tell her that you thought I was crazy?
Anoche, cuando a Easy se le bajó la cremallera, ¿ le dijiste que yo estaba loca?
Did you tell her that you're Amedeo?
¿ Ya le has dicho que eres Amedeo?
Did you tell her that her pimp son has got no money earned by himself?
¿ Le has dicho que el chulo de su hijo no tiene ni un céntimo ganado por si mismo?
And why did you tell her that?
¿ Por qué le dijo eso?
Did you tell her that?
¿ Se lo has dicho?
Did you ever tell her that you would marry her?
¿ Alguna vez dijiste que te casarías con ella?
Mike, did I ever tell you that I had a grandmother who was a cook and her name was Sadie?
Mike, ¿ no te había dicho que tenía una abuela que era cocinera y se llamaba Sadie?
Did you tell that gal her right name?
¿ Le has dicho a esa chica lo que es?
Did she tell you that her aunt was sick?
¿ Te dijo que su tía estaba enferma?
Did you tell Miss Keene that I used her to get rid of a woman?
¿ Le dijiste a la Srta. Keene que la usé para librarme de otra mujer?
- Did your wife tell you that that guy is her brother?
Y usted tiene que devuélveme la pistola.
You did tell her that.
Ya se lo ha dicho.
Did you tell her about me? Did you tell her about me dancing with that South American savage?
¿ Le dijiste que bailé con esa salvaje sudamericana?
Did you ever tell her that you loved her?
¿ Le dijiste alguna vez que la amabas?
Did I ever tell you the story of king david? Let me tell her that story. Later.
Déjame que se la cuente.
What else did she say that Clarence told her to tell you to tell me?
¿ Qué más te dijo que Clarence le dijo que me dijeras?
- Did you tell her about that?
- ¿ Se lo dijo?
Why did you tell the judge that it was you who killed her?
- ¿ Por qué te autoinculpaste?
Did you wanted me to tell her that she's in love with a man who's unattainable?
¿ Quería que le dijera que se enamoró de un imposible y por su culpa?
- But did you tell her.. .. that we're going to marry?
- ¿ Pero le has dicho que nos casamos?
- Did you happen to tell my wife that you've been digging into her perfume?
¿ Quieres que mi esposa sepa que usaste su perfume?
Did you really tell her that?
¿ En serio?
Mr Hawkins, did you tell Mother that I wanted to have a word with her?
Mr Hawkins, ¿ Le diría a mi madre que quiero hablar con ellar?
Did the prisoner's wife show you a knife and tell you that her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?
¿ La mujer del acusado le mostró un cuchillo y le dijo que su esposo se había cortado la muñeca rebanando pan?
You didn't tell me that you went after me just to spite her, did you?
No me contaste que fuiste a por mí para fastidiarla, ¿ verdad?
Did you ever tell her that, Link?
¿ Se lo habías dicho, Link?
Did you tell Didi that I tried calling her?
¿ Le has dicho a la señorita Didí que le he llamado muchas veces?
I don't know what you did with all that money, But you're gonna have to tell her this yourself.
No sé qué habrás hecho con el dinero, pero debes decírselo tú.
Humbert don't tell Charlotte that I told you this, will you but did you know that you've had the most remarkable effect on her?
Humbert no le digas a Charlotte que te dije esto pero, ¿ te has dado cuenta del gran efecto que has tenido sobre ella?
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
¿ Le dijo qué planes tenía, o algo así?
And anyway, what I want to tell you is that I did use it to shampoo her hair.
Es igual. Lo que quería decirles es que lo usé para lavarle la cabeza.
Did you even tell her that I advised you to sleep with another woman?
¿ Yo?
If it wasn't about Ann, then why did you tell her... that the name of the imaginary child was Bunny?
Si no hablaba de Ann, entonces, ¿ por qué le dijo...? ... ¿ Que el nombre de la niña imaginaria era Bunny?
He got her to tell you that Sam Wood did it.
La obligó a decir que fue Sam Wood.
Did she tell you that I found her with one of her friends?
¿ Le dijo que la encontré con uno de sus amigos?
But, Excellency, I spoke with you on the telephone only a short while ago and you did not tell me about her at that time.
Pero, Excelencia hemos hablado por teléfono hace muy poco y no me ha hablado usted de ella entonces.
Did she also tell you that I was her husband?
¿ También te dijo que yo era su marido?
Mr. Vandergelder, if you're thinking of marriage, you might as well learn that you have to let women be women. Now, tell me, did you like her? Did she like you?
Si está pensando en casarse, debería saber... que hay que dejar a las mujeres ser como son. ¿ Le ha gustado?
- ( UVANOV ) : Why did you have to tell her that?
Idiota, ¿ por qué tenías que decírselo?
Why did you have to tell her that?
¿ Por qué tenías que decírselo?
Did you tell Emily that Cal's been cheating on her?
¿ Le dijiste a Emily que Cal la ha estado engañando?
When my mother got well, and tried to take charge after all those years... is it not true, that I was doing a good job of raising the children? And that you did not stand up to her and tell her that in effect... I was a better parent to those children?
Cuando mi madre se puso buena y quiso retomar el mando, no es verdad que hice un buen trabajo con los niños y que le dijo que yo era un padre mejor.
How did you expect her to tell you that she made more money than you?
Pero, ¿ cómo podía ella confesarte, que su salario es mayor...?
Did your mother tell you that I am doing a little work for her?
¿ Te ha dicho tu madre que estoy haciendo un pequeño trabajo para ella?

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