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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Didn't i tell you that

Didn't i tell you that tradutor Espanhol

1,850 parallel translation
I didn't tell you about that.
No te lo dije.
Why didn't you tell me that I had a son?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que tenía un hijo?
Didn't I tell you not to show up here again until you call that girl whose number I gave you?
¿ No te dije que no aparecieras por aquí otra vez hasta que llamases a esa chica al número que te dí?
I'm hurt that you didn't tell me you were stopping by.
Me hiere que no me hayas dicho que pasarías.
That's why I didn't tell you I saw him.
Por eso no les dije que le vi.
Didn't I tell you to board that shit up?
No te dije que cosieras esas mierdas?
When I was his age, I had four, five girlfriends at one time. Didn't I tell you that?
Yo a su edad llegué a tener cuatro o cinco novias al mismo tiempo. ¿ Lo sabías?
Didn't I tell you that nice guys always finish last?
¿ No te dije que la gente amable siempre pierde?
Don't you dare sit there and tell me that I didn't try.
No te atrevas a decir que no me esforcé.
But I didn't mean to tell you that.
Pero no quería decírtelo.
I didn't tell you that?
¿ No te lo había contado?
Didn't I tell you fellas that there was a slight case of misidentity at the station?
No les he dicho que hubo un ligero caso de error de identificacion en la estacion?
I tell them that you took advantage of the fact that they didn't have any ownership certificate to sell the land to those Chinamen.
Les digo que usted se aprovechó del hecho que ellos no tenían ningún certificado de propiedad para vender la tierra a los chinos.
I just - I just wanted to tell you that what I said in there... Didn't mean it.
Sólo quería decirte que lo que dije ahí... no quería decirlo.
Jo, please tell me you didn't order that procedure even though I told you not to.
Por favor, dime que no pediste ese procedimiento a pesar de lo que te dije.
Go on. - Ben! - I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you.
Lamento mucho no habértelo dicho.
I am sorry that I didn't tell you, man.
Perdón por no decírtelo.
- I hope you didn't tell her that.
- Ojalá no se lo hayas contado.
To tell you the truth, I didn't think I hear from you after that Bogota situation.
Creía que no volvería a saber de ti después de lo que pasó en Bogotá.
I can't believe, you didn't tell me anything about that.
No me puedo creer que no me dijeses nada.
- I didn't tell you that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
She--she didn't tell you that I was a firefighter?
¿ Ella- - ella no te dijo que era bombero?
Oh, we could celebrate,'cause I didn't get a chance to tell you... but I got that job at Happerman Browning.
Podríamos celebrar, porque no pude contarte pero conseguí el empleo en Happerman y Browning.
Didn't I tell you that was my spot and you gonna jump in front of me and take my damn parking spot?
¿ No le dije que ese era mi puesto y se me va a adelantar y va a tomar mi maldito puesto?
Fine, but only if you don't tell Kate or Lucasta that I didn't get the key from Peter.
Bueno, pero sólo si no les dices a Kate ni a Lucasta que no conseguí la llave a través de Peter.
Dude, didn't I tell you two months ago that you had to replace the stop valve?
¿ No te dije hace dos meses que tenías que cambiar la válvula de cierre?
I know you didn't track us down after 20 years to tell us that Friday the 13th is your new life plan.
Sé que no nos habrías localizado después de 20 años para decirnos que tu nuevo plan de vida es el Viernes 13. Oye, mira, leí los periódicos.
I would've read about it or heard about that. You didn't hear about it because I didn't fucking run out and tell Entertainment Tonight.
No te enteraste porque no corrí a contárselo a Entertainment Tonight.
I didn't tell you that Martina's pregnant.
No te he dicho que Martina está embarazada.
I didn't want to tell you that.
No debí decirles eso.
Didn't I tell you Mr. Billu would say that?
¿ Ven? ¿ No les dije que el señor Billu diría eso?
Didn't I tell you? That's a passe driving hazard.
¡ Insisto que traer esto es peligroso!
Bill, I am so sorry that I didn't have the guts to tell you when I first found out.
Bill, lo siento lamento no haber tenido agallas para decírtelo en cuanto lo descubrí.
Didn't you once tell me that I should support you... in everything it is you want to do?
¿ No me dijiste una vez que debía apoyarte en todo lo que quieres hacer?
Why did you tell Inma that you didn't want to sleep with me, that you regretted everything and missed I don't know who?
¿ Por qué le dijiste a Inma que no quería tener sexo conmigo, lo siento y que estaba solo yo no sé para quién?
Which doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't tell you this before now.
Que no perdona el hecho que no te lo dijera antes.
Nicole, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about what happened to me that night.
Nicole, siento mucho no haberte dicho lo que me pasó esa noche
Oliver, I think that what your dad is trying to say is that he understands that you've had a bad day. And, uh, he's just concerned, now that you left school and you didn't tell anybody where you were going.
Oliver, creo que lo que tu papá trata de decir es que entiende que has tenido un mal día y sólo está preocupado de que te fueras de la escuela sin decirle a nadie adónde ibas.
- No, I didn't, because I don't believe that it's my job to tell him things that you both find painful to say to him.
- No, no lo hice porque yo no creo que sea mi trabajo decirle cosas que Uds. dos hallan doloroso decirle.
But that's why I didn't tell you.
Por eso no te lo dije.
You stare at the same walls and you hear the same stories for 23 hours a day, and so I tell Pynchon about some drug stash that the cops didn't find on my last pinch.
Miras las mismas paredes y escuchas las mismas historias 23 horas al día, así que le dije a Pynchon acerca de un escondite de drogas que los policías no encontraron la ultima vez
I gotta tell you, she didn't seem all that stupid to me.
Tengo que decirte que no creo que sea tan estúpida.
Didn't it give you just the tiniest little thrill to tell me that that painting that I was so happy about was yours?
¿ Acaso no te dio sólo un poquito de escalofrío decirme que la pintura que me gustaba tanto, era tuya?
The one thing I didn't tell you is that I'm here on a student visa that expired six years ago, and I got a call from the authorities, so unless I can find somebody that will marry me,
La única cosa que no te dije es que estoy acá con una visa de estudiante que expiró hace seis años.
Your precious little lisa stole your daughter away from you and didn't tell you, which is something that I would never do to you.
Tu preciosa Lisa robó a tu hija y se la llevó sin decírtelo, que es algo que yo nunca te haría.
I assure you, I didn't tell him to do that.
Te aseguro, que yo no le dije que hiciera eso.
Didn't I tell you that we're supposed to worry about these?
¿ No te dije que no te preocuparas?
I understand why you gave him up, But it's that you didn't tell me.
Entiendo que lo dieses en adopción pero no me lo dijiste.
Didn't I tell you that I found them?
¿ No te dije ya que las encontré?
Said if I... If I didn't tell you, that he'd find me
Me dijo que si yo... que si no te lo contaba... me encontraría
Then I have to assume that if I tell you something and you do exactly the opposite, it's not that you didn't hear me but that you could give a flying fuck about the order I gave you.
Entonces tengo que suponer que si yo le digo algo y usted hace exactamente lo contrario, no es que no me oyera sino que Ud. se caga en la orden que yo le di,

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