Dile tradutor Espanhol
43,274 parallel translation
Okay, just tell her if she needs anything I'm here.
Bien, solo dile que si necesita algo, aquí estoy.
Tell your inner monolog to zip it and dial down the drama, would you?
Dile a tu monólogo interior que cierre la boca y cálmate un poco, ¿ quieres?
Tell May what happened.
Dile a May lo que sucedió.
She's the only one that can stop The Man.
Dile sobre Lucy. Ella es la única que puede detener a El Hombre.
But tell him to put some trousers on.
Pero dile que se ponga unos pantalones.
- Say hi then!
- ¡ Dile hola!
Tell your brain...
- Dile a tu cerebro...
Please tell your friend that sometimes, we choose the tough path only because we feel that to achieve important things we have to take the tough path.
Por favor, dile a tu amiga.. .. que a veces sólo elegimos el camino difícil porque.. .. nos parece que para obtener cosas importantes..
"welcome it."
Dile hola, hola, hola.
"say bye to it."
Dile adiós, adiós, adiós.
"Say hello to happiness."
Dile esto a la sonrisa, hola, hola.
"Say goodbye to all your fears."
Dile esto al miedo, adiós, adiós.
Tell Father to be proud.
Dile a padre que se sienta orgulloso.
Tell Mom I love her.
Dile a mamá que la quiero.
Yeah, tell Bozer to brand a big ass â Lâ on Mac's burger,'cause I'm gonna take this little boy to school.
Dile a Bozer que marque una gran "N" en la hamburguesa de Mac, porque voy a llevar a este niñato a la escuela.
So unless you want this on the front page of every news site, you're gonna go get your boss and tell her to bring her checkbook.
Si no quieres esto en primera plana en todas las noticias del lugar, le dirás a tu jefe y dile que traiga su talonario de cheques.
Just tell her that.
Solo dile eso.
Now tell him what you just said to me.
Ahora dile lo que me dijiste a mi.
Um... tell her it's like the boiler room down here.
Dile que es como la sala de máquinas de abajo.
Tell Keith whassup.
Dile a Keith : "¿ qué hay?".
And tell Dave whassup, but not in front of Keith.
Y dile a Dave : "¿ qué hay?", pero no delante de Keith.
Oh, also, tell him we're not a couple.
También dile que no somos pareja.
So tell him to fly here.
Pues dile que venga.
Yeah, oh, and tell the girls that we brought Chestnut in.
Sí, y dile a las chicas que metimos a Chestnut.
Tell the Ocean League, we'll do it.
Dile a la Liga Oceánica que lo haremos.
Tell her to come out.
Dile que salga.
Tell who?
¿ Dile qué?
Tell your girlfriend to come at me.
Dile a tu novia que venga a por mí.
Tell Detective Matthews that Oscar is not here and then follow him to his hotel.
Dile al detective Matthews que Oscar no está aquí y luego síguelo a su hotel.
Tell him I'd like to meet him at my office as soon as possible.
Dile que me gustaría reunirme con él en mi despacho lo más pronto posible.
Bailey, tell him what "there" means here.
Bailey, dile lo que "ahí" significa aquí.
Tell him I came to you and told you everything, like an adult.
Dile que vine a ti y te conté todo, como un adulto.
Tell your wife I owe her one.
Dile a tu esposa que le debo una.
Look, tell my family I love them.
Mira, dile a mi familia que los amo.
And tell her that she has to fire Desmond.
Y dile que tiene que despedir a Desmond.
Tell that to my knees.
Dile eso a mis rodillas.
Then tell her that and this all goes away.
Entonces dile y esto terminará.
- Tell her I said hi.
- Dile que hola.
Tell her she can't make me share.
Dile que no puede obligarme a compartir.
Tell him I said...
Dile que he dicho...
Anyway, tell her I'll have a couple more for her tomorrow.
De cualquier forma, dile que tendré algunas más para mañana.
Tell her you're going.
Dile que vas.
Tell her it's your dream, and you deserve it.
Dile que es tu sueño y te lo mereces.
Tell her it'll make you a better father.
Dile que te hará un mejor padre.
- Oh, tell her, Godfrey.
- Dile, Godfrey.
Penelope, tell the driver there has been a change of plan.
Penelope, dile al conductor que hubo un cambio de planes.
Just tell him how meaningful the note he wrote you was.
Solo dile lo mucho que significó esa dedicatoria para ti.
Hey, if that's Cindy, tell her your better-looking, more-distinguished friend is very single.
Oye, si es Cindy, dile que tu amigo más guapo y más distinguido está muy soltero.
- Tell Sandro to take a pill.
Dile a Sandro que se relaje.
Just tell her there's nothing to be afraid of, that Halloween is fun, and that everybody's costumes are fake.
Dile que no hay de qué asustarse, que Halloween es divertido y todo es de mentira.
Till you give the boss what he wants.
Dile que le darás al jefe lo que quiere.