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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Disgraceful

Disgraceful tradutor Espanhol

685 parallel translation
I have just been sentenced, not to a disgraceful death, for it is disgraceful only to criminals, but to leave this earth to join your brother, innocent like him...
Yo he sido ya sentenciada, no a una muerte vergonzosa, - porque es vergonzosa sólo a los criminales si no a dejar esta tierra para unirme a mi hermano, tan inocente como él...
Count Alfred, I understand you've been seriously involved... in a disgraceful affair with a woman.
Conde Alfred, creo que estuvo Vd. implicado en... un lamentable asunto con una mujer.
It's disgraceful :
Es vergonzoso.
It's disgraceful.
Es una desgracia.
You've seen them, ladies and gentlemen, all throughout this disgraceful trial. Strong men smiling.. in the face of false accusations.
Habrán visto durante este vergonzoso juicio, a 2 hombres fuertes sonriendo impávidos ante acusaciones falsas.
I realise that this marriage is an outrage and a disgraceful waste.
Usted debe darse cuenta de eso Me doy cuenta que este matrimonio es un ultraje y una sucia verguenza
Oh, it's disgraceful.
Oh, es vergonzoso.
- It's disgraceful!
- ¡ Es vergonzoso!
This is disgraceful, Gillette.
- Es una vergüenza, Gillette.
Of all the disgraceful abuses of confidence. DONALD :
¡ Qué terrible abuso de confianza!
Well, you're drunk and you're disgraceful and you ought to be ashamed of yourself!
¡ Está ebrio, es una vergüenza y debería darle pena!
I have been driving in the streets and I have seen disgraceful things.
He estado en las calles y he visto cosas vergonzosas.
I'd like to see my old woman throwing things around. It's disgraceful.
A mi mujer no se le ocurriría tirar las cosas así, es horrible.
Just read that disgraceful item, Horace.
Lee el vergonzoso artículo, Horace.
- Why, that's disgraceful.
- Eso es vergonzoso.
- It's disgraceful!
- ¡ Qué vergüenza!
¡ Qué vergüenza!
You're right, it's disgraceful of me, but nevertheless I'm not going.
Tiene razón, es una cochinada por mi parte, pero no iré.
If you'll permit me to say so, your lordship, your parents'graves are in a disgraceful condition.
Si me permite decirlo, su señoría, la tumba de sus padres está en unas condiciones lamentables.
Those shoes are disgraceful on a ship's officer.
Esos zapatos son vergonzosos en un oficial de barco.
Last year, the jail and the hospital were a disgraceful sight.
El año pasado, la cárcel y el hospital eran un espectáculo lamentable.
His appearance is so disgraceful, I... I hate to take him any place.
Con tal mal gusto no puedo llevarte a ningún lugar.
- This is disgraceful. - Oh, sit down.
¿ Cómo te atreves?
By the way, it would be disgraceful for an officer to appear before his commandant's daughter in such a condition.
A propósito, no se vería bien que un oficial apareciera ante la hija de su comandante en esas condiciones.
It's disgraceful.
Es vergonzosa.
Why, do you think that for one moment, if I had any money, I'd allow Bud Norton to have that disgraceful gasoline station... in front of a home that once entertained the leading socialites of Pennsylvania?
¿ Crees que si tuviera dinero... permitiría que Bud Norton tuviera esa gasolinera vergonzosa... frente a la casa en la que estuvo la crema de la sociedad de Pensilvania?
How disgraceful indeed.
Son cosas tristes.
It's disgraceful.
Qué vergüenza.
Without a doubt, that is the most disgraceful exhibition I've ever seen.
Sin ninguna duda, es lo más vergonzoso que he visto nunca.
After that, the nation can see to the eradication of the disgraceful Capet and the punishment of all conspirators. " It is signed" The Friend of the People. "
Después debe proscribir a los indignos Capetos y castigar a los conspiradores.
It's disgraceful.
No te joroba!
A disgraceful exhibition.
Un espectáculo lamentable.
Disgraceful hour for a bridegroom to be coming home.
Una hora vergonzosa para que un novio regrese a casa.
It's disgraceful!
¡ Es una vergüenza!
- No, it's disgraceful.
- ¿ Él va a venir? - Él ya está aquí. - Jesús.
Boys, this is disgraceful.
Esto es vergonzoso.
Disgraceful scenes in public.
¡ Un comportamiento vergonzoso!
You might have warned me of the birth of this disgraceful enterprise.
Podía haberme advertido de este vergonzoso proyecto.
This is a disgraceful verdict.
Éste es un veredicto vergonzoso.
I've never heard of anything more disgraceful in my life!
Nunca había oído algo tan vergonzoso.
It's the most disgraceful thing you've ever done.
Es lo más deshonroso que has hecho.
The performance tonight was disgraceful.
La performance de esta noche fue vergonzosa.
Stop that disgraceful exhibition at once and come down here.
Pon fin a esta exhibición vergonzosa y baja aquí ahora mismo.
¡ Una conducta vergonzosa!
They're disgraceful.
Son horribles.
It seems that they all died... without being disgraceful.
Parece que han muerto todos... sin ser desgraciados.
Entirely disgraceful.
¡ Qué desgracia!
It's disgraceful!
¡ Es un escándalo!
It's disgraceful!
¡ No tiene vergüenza!
This is the most disgraceful disturbance I've –
Qué desorden, hija.

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