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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't get so excited

Don't get so excited tradutor Espanhol

124 parallel translation
- Now, don't get so excited over nothing.
- No te exaltes por nada.
Don't get so excited, sister, and don't hurry me.
No te exaltes tanto, hermana, y no me apresures.
Don't get so excited, Franz.
No te pongas nervioso, Franz.
- Don't get so excited.
- No te excites tanto.
Oh, Pop. Don't get so excited. Remember your heart.
No te excites, padre, piensa en tu corazón.
Don't get so excited.
No te acalores.
I don't understand why you all get so excited
No entiendo por qué os alteráis tanto.
Don't get so excited about it.
No te pongas así.
- Don't get so excited, son.
- No te emociones mucho.
- Don't get so excited.
- No te emociones tanto.
Now, look, don't get so excited.
Espera, tranquilízate.
- Drink your beer. Don't get so excited.
No se exalte tanto
Don't get so excited.
No vayas tan rápido.
I don ´ t know how it is, but every year at New Year ´ s, I get so excited and...
No sé por qué, pero todos los años para Año Nuevo me emociono tanto...
- Don't get so excited, Norval.
- No te excites, Norval.
- Don't get so excited!
- ¡ No te excites!
Don't get so excited!
¡ No te pongas tan nervioso!
Norval, don't get so excited!
Norval, ¡ no te pongas nervioso!
- Don't get so excited, Norval.
- No te pongas tan nervioso, Norval.
- Oh, that. Don't get so excited.
- No se altere tanto.
Please, honey, don't get so excited.
Por favor, no te alteres.
All right. Don't get so excited.
De acuerdo, pero no te exaltes.
Don't get excited. I'll be back in a year or so.
Tranquilos, regresaré dentro de un año.
Don't get so excited. I'm perfectly calm.
- No te pongas tan nervioso.
Don't get so excited.
No te alteres.
Oh, good lord don't get so excited
¡ Por Dios! , no te excites así.
But don't get so excited, Celestino.
Pero no te excites tanto, Celestino.
Rose, don't get so excited. Everything will be all right.
No pierdas los nervios, no pasa nada.
Don't get so excited.
Tranquilo, no te excites.
Don't get so excited.
- Ginnie, no te alteres tanto.
If you've learned to keep still, don't get so excited!
Si has aprendido a estar tranquila, ¡ no te excites tanto!
All right, all right, don't get so excited.
vale, no te pongas nervioso.
- Don't get so excited about it.
- No te alteres tanto.
Evelyn, now don't get so excited.
Evelyn, no te excites.
So don't get yourself excited.
Así que no te emociones.
Don't get so excited.
No estés tan excitada.
You don't have to get so excited.
No te emociones tanto.
Don't get so excited, Mrs. Mazumdar.
No se excite, señora Mazumdar.
Don't get so excited, comrade director.
No se preocupe, compañero director.
Don't get so excited, Blore.
No se emocione tanto, Blore.
Don't get so excited.
No te alteres tanto.
know full well what I'm doing, child, now don't get so excited.
saben muy bien lo que estoy haciendo, hijo, ahora no se va muy emocionada.
Don't get so excited.
No se ponga así.
Don't have to get so excited.
No se enfade tanto.
Don't get so excited
No te pongas tan nervioso.
Don't get him so excited.
No deje que se ponga tan nervioso.
You're so big and strong. We don't want to get him too excited.
Eres muy grande y fuerte.
Don't get so excited, there'll be more trouble to come.
No se exciten, van a venir más problemas
Don't get so excited.
No te apasiones.
Don't get so excited.
No se excite.
Calm down. Don't get so excited.
¡ Cálmate, no te pongas tan nerv ioso!

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