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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't get used to it

Don't get used to it tradutor Espanhol

323 parallel translation
Don't worry. She'll get used to it.
Tranquilo, ya se acostumbrará.
You can get used to the plague but I don't like it.
Puedes acostumbrarte a la peste bubónica. Pero no me gusta.
You know, the trouble with you propaganda boys, you get so used to telling lies, you don't recognize the truth when you hear it.
¿ Sabe? Lo malo de los funcionarios de propaganda es que están tan acostumbrados a mentir, que no reconocen la verdad.
I just don't like accepting handouts when we're broke. Well, you'd better get used to it.
Pero no me gusta aceptar limosnas.
In one, we don't sit on the floor. You'd better get used to it right now.
En el 1 no nos sentamos en el piso.
No, they don't get used to it.
No, no puedo.
- But don't get used to it.
- Pero no te acostumbres.
Don't let it get you down. Your first time's tough, but then you get used to it.
No te desanimes, la primera vez impresiona pero después poco a poco te vas habituando.
And I don't want to get used to it, OK?
Y no quiero acostumbrarme, ¿ vale?
Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Tranquilo, ya se acostumbrará.
I don't think I could ever get used to it.
No creo que pudiera acostumbrarme a ello.
They feel abandoned... and if they don't get used to it, after a while, they just waste away.
Se sienten abandonados, y si no hacen algo, después de un rato, solo esperan.
You don't know what it's like to get older and the body doesn't stand up the way it used to.
Desconoces qué es envejecer y que el cuerpo no te responda como antes.
And don't get used to it!
¡ Y no os acostumbréis!
I want you to get used to the thought that you don't know anything about me, don't understand anything. You will give me a formal, noble word for it.
Quiero que te acostumbres a la idea de que tú no sabes nada sobre mí, que no comprendes nada.
You don't get much fun, better get used to it.
No hubo mucha diversión. Mejor que hagamos todo lo que podamos.
No, you get used to it and don't even notice.
A fuerza de ver siempre lo mismo, uno ya ni se fija.
Don't worry Miss! You can get used to it.
No hay problema, Sra. Si Ud. se adapta.
It was hard to get used to it... but now, I don't give a damn...
Me costó mucho acostumbrarme,... pero ahora, no me importa una mierda, no me importa nada.
I don't think I could get used to it.
No creo que pueda acostumbrarme.
Don't worry, sir, you'll get used to it. It's not such a bad life.
No te preocupes, ya te acostumbrarás.
You know, it can be pretty nice here in the village once you get used to it. And just don't let Mrs. Hallet hassle you.
Sabes, puede ser agradable cuando te acostumbras si no dejas que la señora Hallet te moleste
I don't intend to get used to it, either.
No tengo la intención de acostumbrarme a eso, tampoco.
Just don't get too used to it.
Pero no te acostumbres.
And don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Y no te preocupes, te acostumbrarás.
Bah, here, but don't get used it, it's not nice to impose upon folks.
Bah, toma, pero no te acostumbres, que no es bueno abusar.
- Don't get used to it.
- No te acostumbres.
It just was strange, like the people you meet... that remember shit you did when you used to get fucked up... and you don't wanna remember.
Conoces a gente... que recuerda las cosas que hacías cuando estabas colocado... y que tú no quieres recordar.
people don't get used to it, never get used to what they are.
no se acostumbran las personas a él, nunca se acostumbra a lo que son.
I don't think you'll get used to it.
No creo que lo consigas...
It's just something to get used to, don't you think?
Es cosa de acostumbrarse, ¿ no crees?
today, you're the star, tomorrow it's the gutter you have to use your head don't be used withoutanything in return don't you get tired what can i do?
hoy eres la estrella, y mañana estás en la cuneta tienes que usar la cabeza no dejes que te usen sin nada a cambio no hagas que te despidan ¿ qué puedo hacer?
Don't you get used to it?
¿ No te acostumbras?
Sure, you get so used to hearing it, you don't even realize it's on.
- Es la costumbre... - no te das cuenta del volumen.
You're right, but don't get used to it.
Tiene razón, pero no se acostumbre.
I don't want to get used to it.
No quiero acostumbrarme a esto.
Well, don't worry, you'll get used to it.
No te preocupes, te acostumbrarás.
Don't worry. You'll get used to it.
Te acostumbrarás a ello.
So I don't get any days off, but I should be raking it in because it's well known women love to tromp through burned-out malls just to buy shoes that used to be cats from a guy that used to be a man.
Así es que no tengo días de descanso, Pero deberé recoger con el rastrillo porque las mujeres aman cruzar a través de un Mall quemado solo para comprar zapatos que antes eran gatos, de un tipo.
Please, don't look at those and tell me, "You get used to it."
Por favor, no mire y me diga : "Te acostumbras a verlo".
You'd better get used to it, because it won't be long before there are motorized trolleys that don't even need tracks.
- Mejor acostúmbrese. Porque los trolebuses a motor llegarán pronto... y no necesitarán de vías.
Well, I don't want to get used to it.
No quiero acostumbrarme.
Don't push me, let me get used to it
No me apures, Paul. Déjame despertar bien.
Don't worry your little head about it. You'll get used to the pain.
No preocupes tu pequeña cabeza, te acostumbrarás al dolor.
Papa said we will get use to it, but I don't want to get used to this!
Papá dice que nos acostumbraremos. ¡ Pero yo no quiero acostumbrarme a esto!
You're becoming a regular fixture around here. Well, don't get used to it.
Te estás convirtiendo en un visitante habitual.
- You don't have to get used to it.
No, no es así. No tienes que acostumbrarte a nada.
I don't want to get used to it.
Y no quiero acostumbrarme.
Well, don't get used to it.
No te acostumbres a ello.
Don't get used to it.
No lo haga un hábito.
I don't want to get used to it.
¡ No, no! ¡ No quiero acostumbrarme como usted!

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