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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't tell him anything

Don't tell him anything tradutor Espanhol

185 parallel translation
Of course, don't tell him anything now
Por supuesto, ahora no le diga nada.
Don't tell him anything.
Tú cierra la boca.
We don't want to interrupt your chat with the man from the Foreign Office,..... but if you tell him anything of what you know,..... you will never see your child again.
No queremos interrumpir su charla con el caballero de Asuntos Exteriores. Pero debemos recordarle que si le dice algo lo que sabe... no volverá a ver a su hija.
You don't need to tell him much of anything,
No necesita decirle nada más.
Don't tell him anything.
No lo digas.
Don't try to tell him anything.
No le digas nada.
Well, you watch him. And if he starts to do anything like his father and you don't tell us...
Y si empieza a hacer algo como su padre y no nos lo dices, cuidaré de que vuelvas a la horca.
I don't know. Tell him anything you like, but leave me alone.
Dile lo que quieras, pero déjame sola.
Don't tell me you could do anything so ghastly as to get mixed up with him.
No me digas que podrías hacer algo tan horrendo como involucrarte con él.
You don't need to tell him anything, he knows.
No es necesario que le digas nada, él lo sabe.
Don't tell him I had anything to do with it.
Que no se entere de que yo tuve algo que ver.
And don't tell him anything else.
Sin añadir nada más.
- Then don't tell him anything.
- Entonces no paga.
I didn't tell him anything. Don't you know Hackett is a Cop?
No le dije nada, ¿ aún no sabe que Hackett es policía?
- Boss, tell him I don't know anything.
- Jefe, dígale que no sé nada.
Don't tell him anything, he's a friend.
El teniente es un amigo.
I'm not joking. I don't want to hide anything, I would like to tell him our situation now.
Ese hombre podría hacer muchas cosas por esos chicos,... que no saben lo que hacen.
- I don't know anything! Did you tell him she left 1 hour ago?
- No sé nada. ¿ Le has dicho que se fue hace una hora?
There's a guy upstairs, if he asks about me tell him you don't know anything.
Ahí hay uno. Si pregunta por mí, dile que no sabes nada.
Feel him out. Don't let anything go till I tell you.
No le pegues hasta que yo te avise.
You don't have to tell him anything.
- No tienes que decirle nada.
I don't want you to tell him anything.
No quiero que le digas nada.
Don't tell him anything.
No le digas nada.
Don't tell him anything about the stones.
No le digas nada sobre las piedras.
If the Lieutenant's awake, don't tell him anything.
Si el teniente está despierto no le digas nada.
Believe me, Francesca, stay far away from your love, don't ever tell him anything.
Créeme Francesca, mantente siempre alejada de tu amor, no le digas nunca nada.
Don't tell him anything.
No le cuente nada.
Tell me I don't mean anything to you, that you love him.
Dime que no significo nada para ti, que le quieres.
Just don't tell him anything.
¡ Y a él no le digas nada!
- I don't need to tell him anything.
- No es necesario que le cuente nada.
We have to tell him. You don't do anything.
- Tenemos que decirle.
Don't tell him anything!
No le digas nada!
If you find out anything upsetting about Diana, don't tell him.
Si descubre algo terrible sobre Diana, no se lo diga.
- Don't tell him anything shameful.
- No le digas nada vergonzoso.
Don't mention anything about this to Danjel, and don't tell him I'm unwell. Promise me!
Ni una palabra a Danjel y no le digas que estoy mal.
But tell him I don't want anything to happen to Oomiak.
Pero dígale que no quiero que le pase nada a Oomiak.
Don't tell him anything. Please! Please!
No le cuentes nada, por favor.
Listen. If Jerry calls, don't tell him anything, OK?
Si llama Jerry, no le cuentes nada, ¿ vale?
You don't have to tell him anything.
No diga nada, Sra. Schnittgens.
You don't have to tell him anything!
No le digas nada.
Don't tell anything to him.
Entonces, no le digas nada.
I don't tell him anything.
Pero no le cuento nada.
My dad doesn't believe you exist because I don't know anything about you to tell him.
Mi papá no cree que tú existes porque no sé decirle nada de ti.
He rejected, abandoned and deserted her 20 years ago and she still says, "Hello, don't tell him we want anything, we just like to see him once in a while".
Él la rechazó, abandonó y olvidó hace 20 años atrás. Y ella aún dice, "Hola, no le digas que queremos nada, sólo nos gusta verlo de vez en cuando".
Don't tell him anything.
No le diga nada.
uncle, don't tell him anything about this
Tío, no le digas nada.
We're looking... don't tell him anything.
- Buscamos...
- Don't tell him anything.
No le digas nada.
Don't tell him anything, Charlie.
No le digas nada, Charlie.
Don "t tell him please don" t tell him anything
No le diga nada. Por favor, no le diga nada.
Don't you dare say anything until I figure out how to tell him.
No digas nada hasta que se me ocurra cómo le voy a decir.

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