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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't tell them anything

Don't tell them anything tradutor Espanhol

161 parallel translation
Don't tell them anything, all right.
- No les cuentes nada, ¿ de acuerdo?
I don't care, tell them anything only get them out of here.
No me importa, diles cualquier cosa, pero sácalos de aquí.
I tell them you don't care anything about me.
Yo les digo que no te importo.
But I don't tell anything I don't want to in any of them.
Pero no diré nada que no quiera decir en ninguno de ellos.
Never mind why, don't tell them anything.
No importa por qué, no les digas nada.
I don't want you to tell them I said goodbye or anything like that.
No les digas que me fui, ni nada de eso.
- Police. Don't tell them anything.
A casa de Dilling.
And, Lane, don't tell them anything.
Y, Lane, no se lo diga a nadie.
If the police, or anyone, call, tell them you don't know anything about it.
Si la policía o alguien más llama usted no sabe nada de todo esto.
- No, don't tell them anything.
- No, no les digas nada.
- We don't tell them anything!
- ¡ No le decimos nada!
- So don't tell them anything.
- Por eso tú no vayas a decir nada.
Don't tell them anything.
No les digas nada.
You don't risk anything, if you keep the secret and don't tell them.
Usted no arriesga nada, si guarda el secreto y no les dice.
Since we don't know anything, there's nothing we can tell them.
Y como no sabemos nada, no habrá nada que podamos revelarles.
( shouting ) - Don't say or tell them anything.
- No les cuenten o digan nada.
Cinnamon, don't tell them anything.
Cinnamon, no les digas nada.
Given that you hold that it is I, Socrates who corrupts the young, you will certainly know who improves them, answer then, your silence may lead the court to believe that you don't know anything, tell me who can improve the young?
Dado que pretendes que soy yo, Sócrates, el que corrompe a la juventud, tú sabrás seguramente quién la hace mejor... Tu silencio podría hacer sospechar a la corte que no sabes nada... ¿ Quién hace mejores a los jóvenes?
And if I don't have anything to tell them, I keep quiet.
Y si no tengo nada que decirles, me mantengo callado.
You tell them I'm coming. Don't tell them anything else.
Diles que voy, pero nada más.
Don't tell them anything!
¡ No les digas nada!
Please don't tell them anything.
No les digas nada.
Throw them when I tell you to! Otherwise, don't do anything!
Tíralas cuando te lo ordene hasta entonces no hagas nada.
Don't tell them anything!
No les digas nada.
- I said don't tell them anything.
- Dije que no Ies dijera nada.
I don't tell them anything
No se lo digo
They won't know anything if you don't tell them yourself.
No sabrán nada si tú no les dices.
Sorry, Barry, you tell them I don't have anything to do with this.
Barry, dile a ellos que no sé nada de esto.
We could tell them, but I don't think they could do anything to stop it.
Podríamos decírselos, pero no creo que hiciesen nada para pararlo.
Listen to the lawyer. Don't tell them anything!
Escucha al abogado. ¡ No les digas nada!
Family members used to tell me don't accept anything from any strangers. Neither allow me talk to them.
Me dijeron que no aceptase cosas de extraños y que no hablase con ellos.
We don't have anything good to tell them.
No tenemos nada bueno que decirles.
- Yes, Mr. Basquiat? Don't tell them anything.
No les diga nada, sólo hágalo.
Just don't tell them anything.
Solo no digas nada.
I don't even tell them about anything I'm close on anymore.
No les dije, ya no somos tan cercanos como antes.
Don't tell them anything until I come back.
No les digas nada hasta que regrese.
You don't tell them anything. You don't tell anyone anything.
No le dirás nada a nadie.
or you don't tell them anything if you don't want, but get on with your life, even without them, move on, fuck!
O no les digas nada si no quieres, pero avanza en tu vida, incluso sin ellos, muévete, joder!
You can tell them from their boxes, sacks and plastic bags which don't look anything like the standard containers of the workers.
Vienen con sus sacos, cestas cajas, bolsas de plástico muy distintas de los pizcadores de manzanas.
I don't know these people, or why they're looking for you, but if you tell them anything about what happened here...
No se quienes son estas personas o porque te buscan, pero si les dices algo de lo que paso aqui...
Don't tell me he doesn't think he doesn't owe them anything,'cause he does.
No me digas que él no le debe nada, porque sí es así.
Do what they say, but don't tell them anything.
Hagan los que les digan, pero no les digan nada.
And I tell them right from the start, I don't want anything permanent.
Y, desde eI comienzo, Ies digo que no busco una relación estable.
But don't tell them anything, please.
Pero no les diga nada, por favor.
I don't tell them anything.
No les cuento nada.
Don't tell them anything about me.
No les digas nada de mí.
Tell them I don't have anything.
Diles que no tengo nada.
I don't need them to tell me anything.
¡ No necesito que me digan nada!
Don't tell them anything, Billy.
No les digas nada, Billy.
Don't tell them anything about us, and try to find out all the dirt on them.
No les digas nada de nosotros, e intenta sacarles sus trapos sucios.
- Don't tell them anything else.
No les digas. Está bien.

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