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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't touch

Don't touch tradutor Espanhol

15,102 parallel translation
No, don't touch that!
¡ No, no toques eso!
Oops, sorry. Don't touch my leg!
Oops, lo siento No me toques la pierna
Don't touch it, I can do this myself.
No lo toques Lo puedo hacer yo mismo
Don't touch my leg!
No me toques la pierna
Don't touch my wee-wee.
No me toques mi cosita
Don't touch the gun.
Aleja el arma.
We know she's going to be in a bad mood, so that means don't talk to her, don't touch her, don't even think about her!
Sabemos que va a estar de mal humor, eso significa no hablar con ella, no tocarla, ¡ ni siquiera pensar en ella!
I don't want you to ever touch me again.
No quiero que me vuelvas a tocar.
Don't touch anything and get out!
¡ No toques nada y vete!
- Don't touch...
- No toque..
Don't touch'em.
No los toques.
Don't touch the body.
No toquéis el cuerpo.
No, don't touch her.
No, no la toques.
I mean, I don't like when our feet touch, but... Ew.
Quiero decir, no me gusta cuando nuestro toque los pies, pero...
Don't touch me!
¡ No me toques!
Don't touch that.
No toques eso.
Aah! Don't touch me!
¡ No me toques!
- Don't touch...
- ¡ No me toques...!
Don't touch her!
¡ No la toques!
And we can find someone who can... don't you touch me!
- Encontraremos a alguien que pueda... - ¡ No me toques!
Don't touch her.
No la toquéis.
Just don't... [ringing stops] Touch it.
[para de sonar]... lo toques.
Two hours before or after, please make sure you don't swim or touch a hairless animal.
Dos horas antes o después. No debes nadar ni tocar a animales sin pelo.
Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't touch him!
No, no, no, no. ¡ No lo toques!
Hey, don't touch it.
Hey, no lo toque.
Don't touch them!
- ¡ No los toquen!
Don't touch anything, and don't be messing in my garage!
¡ No toques nada y no te metas con mi garaje!
[Blaring stops] I said don't touch anything!
¡ Dije que no tocaran nada!
Hey, Kyle, he said don't touch anything.
Kyle, dijo que no tocaran nada.
Don't touch me.
No me toques.
I don't think they've been in touch since she left.
No creo que estén en contacto desde que ella se fue.
Don't touch the liquor?
¿ Que no toque el alcohol?
- You don't touch another man's detector.
- No le tocas el detector a otro hombre.
Don't touch me.
No me toque.
Don't touch me. What's your intention?
No me toque. ¿ Cuál es su intención?
Don't touch anything!
¡ No toquen nada!
Don't touch the merchandise, bitch!
¡ No manosees la mercancía, zorra!
" Don't touch my precious.
" No toques mi tesoro.
Don't touch anything either, okay?
No toque nada bien, ¿ de acuerdo?
Just don't touch anything in the fort, don't break anything in the fort, and don't...
Eso sí no tocar nada en la muralla, no rompas nada de la muralla, y no...
I won't touch the stuff again until college, just please don't tell Mom.
No voy a tocar nada hasta la universidad, por favor no se lo digas a mamá.
- Don't touch me, fool, I swear!
- No me toques, tonto, lo juro!
You don't touch another man's grill or his remote or his wife... in that order.
Uno no toca la parrilla de otro hombre, ni su control remoto ni su esposa... en ese orden.
Don't touch it.
- No la toques.
Ooh, don't touch that machete.
No toques ese machete.
No, don't touch me!
No, no me toques!
Don't touch me!
­ No me toques!
I am neither of those things, and don't touch me.
No soy ni de esas cosas, y no me toques.
I don't see us keeping in touch.
No nos veo estando en contacto.
I don't touch drunk girls.
Yo no toco a las chicas borrachas.
I just want the jury to see me touch you so you don't look like a threat.
Quiero que el jurado me vea tocarlo... para que no parezca una amenaza.

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