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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't you ever

Don't you ever tradutor Espanhol

9,618 parallel translation
- Don't you ever touch me like that.
No me vuelvas a tocar así.
You're strong, nor everybody else ♪ I don't know what I ever saw in you.
No sé por qué me fijé en ti.
I am your queen, don't you ever forget it.
Yo soy tu reina, nunca lo olvides.
Well, I don't mean to alarm you, Mrs. Evans, but there's no record of Bill ever having been married.
Bueno, no quiero alarmarla, Sra. Evans, pero no hay registro de que Bill se hubiera casado.
I don't want you to ever say her name again, okay?
No quiero que vuelvas a decir su nombre, ¿ vale?
- Why don't you ever water the grass?
¿ Por qué jamás riegas el césped?
They don't know that I trembled the first time I ever saw you on stage.
No saben que yo temblé la primera vez que te vi en el escenario.
Don't you ever talk to me like that again especially in front of your little sister.
Nunca más vuelvas a hablarme así... especialmente frente a tu hermanita.
It's something that I can pull from that makes my life almost kind of worth it, which is, you know... for a long time, is something I don't feel like I've ever had.
por un largo tiempo, es algo que no siento que he tenido.
I don't think I've ever seen you speechless.
No creo que alguna vez te haya visto sin palabras.
His name's McQueen, but don't ever touch it, unless I tell you to.
Su nombre es McQueen, pero nunca la toques, a menos que yo te lo diga.
And I don't normally deliver dry cleaning either, but I just... I wanted to clarify that I was not making advances towards you earlier, nor would I, ever.
Tampoco entrego ropa de la tintorería... pero quería aclarar que no estaba coqueteando antes... y que no coquetearía... jamás.
- Don't you and Dad ever want to take it easy... just the two of you.
No tiene miedo de estar solo, Sólo que con papá?
Don't you go talking to me ever again about patience.
No me vuelvas a hablar conmigo nunca más acerca de la paciencia.
Hell, you don't know of anybody who's ever been in there.
Tú no conoces a nadie que haya estado allí.
Why don't you ever do that for me?
¿ Por qué nunca haces eso para mí?
I don't think I've ever heard you apologize to anyone before, you know that'?
Nunca creí te escucharía disculparte con nadie, ¿ sabes que?
I don't wanna hear from you ever again, do you understand me?
No quiero volver a saber de ti nunca más, ¿ entendiste?
Don't you ever say I just walked away
No digas que me alejé
When I let you go, that was just me fucking up... but I don't wanna ever let you go again.
Cuando te dejé ir, cometí un error pero no quiero dejarte ir otra vez. Ni ahora, ni nunca.
I don't know. Have you... Have you ever thought that you and Amy, you know, that you might be in love with Amy?
No lo sé. ¿ Alguna vez... alguna vez has pensado que Amy y tú, que podrías estar enamorada de Amy?
Don't you ever...
Ninguna vez...
I don't ever wanna see or hear from you ever again. You understand me?
No quiero ver ni escuchar de ti más, nunca más. ¿ Me entiendes?
It's like do you ever feel like you're so on the same page with someone that you don't even know what to say to that person?
¿ Como cuando sientes que estás tan en sintonía con alguien que no sabes qué decirle?
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never ever have enough.
Si se concentran en lo que no tienen, jamás en la vida tendrán suficiente.
I don't know what to say except that now the country needs this, needs you, more than ever.
No sé qué decir salvo que el país lo necesita, te necesita, más que nunca.
Secondly, don't you ever fucking refer to me as Sonny again, or I'll put two in your head.
En segundo lugar, nunca te refieras a mí como Sonny de nuevo, o voy a poner dos balas en tu cabeza.
Do you ever feel like you're... I don't know... invading people's privacy?
Alguna vez has sentido como que estabas... no sé... ¿ invadiendo la privacidad de la gente?
You don't ever want to see her?
¿ No quieres volver a verla?
Why don't you ever do as you're told?
¿ Por qué no haces alguna vez lo que te dicen?
- Just so you know, I don't do this that much, like, hardly ever, so don't be nervous.
Para que sepas, no hago esto mucho, es decir, casi nunca,
Don't you ever touch a black man's radio!
"¡ No toques la radio de un negro!".
Okay, Jem, I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I need you to know that your music
Jem, no sé si algún día veras esto, pero necesito que sepas que tu música
I'm trying to cram it all in there in the next 48 hours, because, you know... Because this is an odd case. I don't know if I'm ever gonna see her again.
Estoy intentando enseñarle todo eso en las próximas 48 horas, porque, ya sabes... no sé si la volveré a ver de nuevo.
Every day I talk about love - the love of God, love divine, love thy neighbour..... all love's excelling... .. but I don't think I ever really knew what it meant..... until I realised how much you meant.
Cada día hablo del amor... el amor a Dios, el amor divino, el amor al prójimo toda la excelencia del amor... pero ni siquiera sabía lo que quería decir de verdad... hasta que me di cuenta de lo mucho que me importabas.
Don't release the song. I mean, give her all the credit she wants, but, you know, she'll never make a penny off of it, because no one will ever hear it.
Quiero decir, dale todo el crédito que quiera, pero, ya sabes, nunca hará un centavo con ella, porque nadie la escuchará.
Don't you ever rest?
No descansas nunca?
Okay. Don't you ever book-drop like that again.
Nunca dejes caer un libro así otra vez.
Because I don't ever want to see you again.
Porque no quiero volver a verte nunca más.
But, Roger, I don't see this as being something you ever have to worry about.
Pero, Roger, no creo que debas preocuparte de estos problemas.
Hey, I don't think I ever told you I, uh, I really liked your pop-up.
Oye, no te lo dije antes, pero me gustó tu improvisada.
Second of all, you don't talk to the neighbors, ever.
Segundo, no has de hablar con los vecinos, nunca.
Don't you ever get tired of compromising?
¿ Nunca te cansas de comprometerte?
And I don't think you are ever going to be.
Y no creo que nunca lo estés.
You don't mention him, ever.
Nunca hablas de él.
So don't you ever bother us again.
Así que nunca más nos molestes.
Now, I don't believe in church, but I do believe in God, and I know it to be the God's honest truth that you're the most beautiful woman ever sing the blues, or any woman, period.
Ahora, yo no creo en la iglesia, pero sí creo en Dios, y yo sé que es pura verdad de Dios que eres la mujer más hermosa siempre cantar el blues, o cualquier mujer, y punto.
I don't want to open old wounds or anything, but I also don't know when I'll ever see you again.
No quiero... abrir viejas heridas o algo así, pero tampoco sé cuándo te veré otra vez.
You don't ever ask yourself what the hell is it all about?
¿ Te preguntas a ti misma de qué demonios se trata todo esto?
Rule number two, don't ever ask a spirit how you're gonna die.
Regla número dos, ni se te ocurra preguntarle un espíritu cómo vas a morir.
You really don't ever wanna get married?
¿ De veras no quieres casarte?

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