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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't you like it

Don't you like it tradutor Espanhol

12,179 parallel translation
You think you know what it's like in here, but you don't.
Crees que sabes cómo es esto, pero no lo sabes.
I don't like it any more than you do, okay?
No me gusta más que a ti, ¿ de acuerdo?
SLURRING : I don't like it when you talk like that.
- No me gusta que digas eso.
Sir, it's for their own safety, so if you don't mind, we'd like to...
Señor, se trata de su propia seguridad. Si no le importa, nos gustaría...
Oh, it's... it's huge. Essentially in a place where you don't have adequate latrines, where people don't have water to wash their hand, it's going to spread like wildfire like it did here.
En un lugar donde no hay letrinas adecuadas... donde no tienen agua para lavarse las manos... se propagará como un incendio, como ocurrió aquí.
She'll tell you you did a wonderful job, and if people don't like it, they're just jealous.
Ella te dirá que hiciste un maravilloso trabajo, y si a la gente no le gusta, es porque están celosos.
I don't think you get what it's like working with your mother.
No creo que entiendas como es trabajar con tu madre.
If you don't like it, you'll be free to leave.
Si no te gusta, serás libre de marcharte.
I'd like it now, if you don't mind.
- Me gustaría ahora, si no le importa.
Because I don't know if you mean to, but you make them feel inadequate, and even though you say you like them, it's clear you think you're very slightly better.
Porque yo no sé si lo haces a propósito, pero los haces sentir inadecuados, y aunque dices que te gustan, está claro que piensas que eres ligeramente mejor.
If you don't feel like it, I won't
No iré, si no quieres.
You don't just... Give up and throw it all away like it was nothing.
No te.... rindes simplemente y lo tiras todo por la borda como si no fuera nada.
But you have to promise you wont destroy the earth if you don't like it.
Pero no quiero escuchar que no le gustó después de que lo pruebe.
Then it's exactly what it looks like. And I'm guessing you don't want me to sign it?
Bueno, lo lamento, porque ellos ya la aceptaron.
It would make me feel like role play is stupid, because you're not Donna, and I don't give a shit what your degree says.
Sentiría que el juego de roles es estúpido, porque no eres Donna... y me importa una mierda lo que diga tu título.
[beeping] Look, if you don't like it, you can go with the key fob, You tap that button twice, it starts recording.
Mira, si no te gusta, se puede ir con la llave, toca ese botón dos veces, se inicia la grabación.
If you don't like it, you can get store credit.
Si no te gusta, puedes obtener crédito de la tienda.
If you don't like it, you can leave,'cause I can handle them both on my own and you know it.
Si no te gusta, puedes dejar, porque me puedo encargar de ambas por mi cuenta y lo sabes.
And if I'm feeling something that you don't understand, then you make me feel like I'm wrong for even feeling it.
Y si siento algo que no entiendes, entonces me haces sentir mal por eso.
Marcus is waiting on your psych's report, so please, even if you don't think it, even if you don't feel it, just try, please, try to act like a normal person...
Marcus espera tu informe psiquiátrico, así que, por favor, aunque no creas en ello, aunque no te apetezca, inténtalo, por favor, intenta actuar como una persona normal...
I'm just saying, I don't like to hide things... and I'd prefer it if you could contain it, at least when we're in public because, that way, I... Or should I say "we" look competent enough to keep our jobs.
Sólo digo que no me gusta esconder nada... y preferiría que pudieras contenerlo... al menos cuando estamos en público, así yo... o debería decir "nosotros"... nos vemos capacitados como para realizar nuestro trabajo.
If you don't take it out of my pocket, it's just gonna ring like that forever.
Si no lo sacas de mi bolsillo, va a seguir sonando así eternamente.
Uh, you don't need to put a "the" before Facebook and Instagram, and it looks like she was at home.
No es necesario "el" antes de Facebook e Instagram, y parece que no salió.
He was coming straight for you, or something did, a spirit, I don't know, but it looked just like him.
Iba directo hacia ti, o algo lo hacía, un espíritu, no lo sé, pero se parecía a él.
I feel like when you're younger, in your 20s, the road ahead in your life, it's not as clear. You don't know where it's going.
No sé, parece que cuando eres joven, a los veintipico, tu futuro no es muy claro, no sabes adónde vas.
It sounds like you're not sure you want to be with me and that you don't like the road and you don't fucking want to do this or something.
Pareces no estar seguro de querer estar conmigo, no te gusta tu futuro, ¡ y no quieres seguir, o algo así, carajo!
And if you don't like it after all you've seen...
Y si no te gusto después de todo lo que has visto... Voy a desaparecer.
If you don't like it just say so!
Si no te gusta solo dilo.
I know you don't like to talk about it, But I want you to know that I love you, And that you're gonna murder this motherfucker tonight.
Sé que no te gusta hablar de esto, pero quiero que sepas que te quiero, y que esta noche vas a acabar con ese hijo de puta.
What don't you like about it, Dale?
¿ Qué no te gusta, Dale?
This it like the new bar, but you don't have to, like, go up to somebody with an opening line.
Es como el bar nuevo, pero no tienes por qué acercarte a alguien con una frase ingeniosa.
No, I don't really see what the point is if I know I don't like it, you know?
No, en realidad no veo cual es el punto... si sé que no me gusta, ¿ sabes?
All right, so why don't you send over some of his demos, I'll take a listen, and if I like one, work out the arrangement tonight, lay it down tomorrow.
¿ Y por qué no me mandas sus demos, y si me gusta alguno... hago los arreglos esta noche y la tengo lista para mañana?
If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to it.
Si no te importa. Me gustaría seguir con esto.
'Cause you don't know what it's like to disappoint your parents.
Porque no sabes cómo es decepcionar a tus padres.
B-because you don't know what it's like to grow up in a house where everybody lies for a living.
Porque no sabes como es crecer en un hogar donde todo el mundo miente por vivir.
Why don't you just let me sleep through it, like when you make me watch "Frontline"?
¿ Por qué no me dejas pasarlo dormida, como cuando me hiciste ver "Frontline"?
It's not that I don't like the wet room you've installed.
No es que no me guste el baño que instalaste.
If you don't like it, you can have it paid into your own bank account.
Si no te gusta, cóbralo en tu propia cuenta bancaria.
Whether you like it yourself, I don't know.
Si te gusta personalmente, no lo sé.
Well, I'm sorry you don't feel like it, but you have to take the test, or you'll fail.
Pues, lamento que no tengas ganas, pero tienes que tomar tu examen, o vas a reprobar.
It's no secret that you don't like Miles.
No es un secreto que no te gusta Miles.
- Hey, pal, you don't like it, you are welcome to drink elsewhere.
- Hey, amigo, no te gusta, eres bienvenida a beber en otro lugar.
So I want to say to the parents today talk to your kids find out what they think, how they feel and if you don't like what you hear, do something about it.
Por eso quiero decir hoy a los padres... hablad a vuestros hijos... averiguad que piensan, como se sienten... y si no os gusta lo que escucháis, haced algo al respecto.
'Cause it's, like, mostly guys with beards that creep me out, but, I don't know, you're cool.
Porque son sobre todo tíos con barbas que me ponen los pelos de punta, pero, no sé, tú eres guay.
I know that it's unlikely, but you don't think it looks a little like smallpox?
Sé que es poco probable, pero no creo que se ve un poco como la viruela?
I don't mind it, you know, I like short shorts.
A mí no me importa, me gustan los short cortos.
We got to move it like a snake, so you don't lose track.
Debemos moverlo como a una serpiente para no perder su rastro.
If you don't like it, go out to eat!
¡ Si no les gusta, vayan al restaurante!
I don't know what you up to. But I don't like it.
No sé que os proponéis, pero no me gusta.
Louis, hey, I know we're under the gun with this Dominic thing, but I really don't think it's a good idea to let him push you around like that.
Louis, oye, sé que estamos bajo mucha presión con todo lo de Dominic, pero de hecho no creo que sea una buena idea dejarle que te presione así.

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