Don't you mean tradutor Espanhol
15,835 parallel translation
I got some "Don't Be So Mean" greens in there for you today, too.
Tengo una ensalada verde muy relajante para ti.
I mean, you don't trust no one.
No confíes en nadie.
What do you mean, I don't comprende?
- ¿ Qué? ¿ Qué quieres decir con "no comprende"?
And I don't mean the robberies that they do every day here, in case you don't get it. So no bullshit.
Y no me refiero a los que se realiza cotidianamente en estas oficinas, por si alguno entendió mal, así que nada de joder.
I don't know what you mean.
No sé de qué me hablas.
I mean, you don't even wear perfume.
Es decir, tú ni siquiera usas perfume.
What do you mean you don't understand me?
¿ Cómo que no me entiendes?
You don't mean that.
Tu no sabes lo que dices.
Don't mean it ain't true. You're half-assing music, and you're half-assing chemistry, and no fruit of my loins is gonna be a half-asser.
Vas a medias con la música y con la química, y ningún fruto de mis entrañas hará las cosas a medias.
I mean, even if you don't agree with it, people are gonna want to see that shit.
Siempre me preocupo por ese tipo de cosas.
I don't know what you mean, Mommy.
No sé lo que quieres decir, mami.
If you don't send that little girl down here, with that film, and I mean right now!
Si no envías a esa niñita aquí, ¡ Con esa película, y me refiero a ahora mismo!
- What do you mean you don't know?
- ¿ Como que no lo sabes?
I mean, you and me have something real, don't you see that?
Quiero decir, tenemos algo de verdad, ¿ no te das cuenta?
- I don't know what you mean.
- No sé a qué te refieres.
I mean, you do drink beer, don't you?
Digo, tomas cerveza, ¿ No?
Just because you don't want to be working here when you're my age doesn't mean you have to run off to college in another city.
El que no quieras trabajar aquí a mi edad... no te obliga a ir a una universidad en otra ciudad.
You know I don't mean to pry... but you must know what you mean to me.
Sabes que no quiero entrometerme. Pero debes saber lo que significas para mí.
You say things... maybe you mean them... maybe you don't.
Dices cosas. Quizás las dices en serio. Quizás no.
Just like you don't mean anything to Marie.
Al igual que tú no significas nada para Marie.
But I don't think you're saying what you mean.
Pero no creo que sea lo que quieres decir.
I mean you don't get to live as long but you get where you're going quicker so it all evens out.
Vives menos, pero llegas más rápido a donde quieras ir.
I mean, I don't need to say that to you.
No necesito decírtelo.
I don't know what you mean.
No sé de qué hablas.
I mean, you don't want to be out of this easy-peasy job.
Me refiero a que no quiere estar fuera de este trabajo fácil peasy.
- No, honey, all I'm saying is working graveyard doesn't mean you don't still have responsibilities at home.
No, cariño, todo lo que digo es que por tu trabajo nocturno no quiere decir que aún no tienes responsabilidades en casa.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you, it's just that having read your portrait, I don't understand why you'd want something that is so badly written, quite apart from its content.
Lo siento, no quise insultarla, es solo que después de leer su perfil, No entiendo por qué usted querría algo que está tan mal escrito, aparte de su contenido.
You don't have to be mean.
No tienes que ser cruel.
I don't mean to be rude, but you do know that you're not welcome here, don't you?
No quiero ser grosera, pero sabe que no es bienvenido aquí, ¿ no?
I mean... You don't think people are gonna have a problem when music just appears in their houses?
¿ No crees que a la gente le moleste que la música aparezca en sus hogares?
I mean, nowadays, if you don't sell out, people will wonder if nobody asked you to.
Hoy en día, si no vendes álbumes la gente se preguntará si nadie te lo pidió.
What you mean we don't leave from here?
¿ Qué quieres decir que no salimos de acá?
Uh, look, I don't... I don't get anything that's happening. So, uh, I'm out, you know what I mean?
Mira, no... no entiendo nada de lo que está pasando aquí, así que... me voy,
but I-I don't get it, you know what I mean?
"estamos en la montaña", pero no lo pillo, ¿ entiendes lo que digo?
Surely you don't mean to go out in public like this.
Seguro que no quieres salir en público así.
I didn't mean to scare you, I just literally don't think there will be another moment for the three of us to be alone.
No quería asustarlos. Es que literalmente no pienso... que vaya a haber otro momento en que estemos solos.
Oh, what do you mean don't pick him up.
- ¿ Cómo que no lo levante?
Does that mean you're allowed to sell it if I don't want you to?
¿ Quiere decir que tú puedes vender el barco?
I mean, I don't know, you know how kids are.
Ya sabes cómo son los chicos. Es difícil saberlo.
What do you mean? You don't have to move to Boston.
No tienes que mudarte a Boston.
I mean, I'm just saying, you said you don't really like Cleveland, so, like, where do you like to go hang out where you, like, have fun?
Dijiste que no te gustaba Cleveland, así que, ¿ adónde te gusta ir a pasar el rato y a divertirte?
Ali... don't we mean anything to you?
Ali... ¿ No significamos nada para ti?
- Just because you don't, doesn't mean that you can't appreciate the amazingness of this.
Que no te guste no significa que no puedes apreciar lo increíble que es esto.
What do you mean you don't fuck around in the city?
¿ Qué quieres decir con que no vas a la ciudad?
You think we don't mean business?
¿ Crees que no venimos por negocios?
- You don't mean that.
No lo dices en serio.
What, do you mean they don't know where it is?
¿ Ellos no saben dónde está?
Just'cause they call you Bobby Fish don't mean you're Bobby Fischer.
Te llaman Bobby Fish, pero no eres Bobby Fischer.
- Don't you ever, and I mean, ever...
- Nunca jamás... - Misty.
What do you mean, "don't worry about it"?
¿ Cómo que "no te preocupes"?
- What do you mean? - They don't negotiate with terrorists. - Why?
- No negocian con terroristas.
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you see 982
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you see 982