Don't you see tradutor Espanhol
29,156 parallel translation
- See? When you make amends, don't you just feel lighter?
Cuando te redimes, te sientes más liviano.
I-I don't want to see you here.
No quiero verte aquí.
I don't want to see you at all.
No quiero verte para nada.
But you don't need it to be on the phone if you can see it on the phone, even though there's nothing there at all.
Pero no necesitas que esté allí. Puedes verlo en el celular, aunque no haya nada en realidad.
I don't know, Eric. I just need to see exactly what I e-mailed you, Butters. And then I need you to e-mail me saying what an awesome prank that was e-mailing you
no lo se, Eric necesito ver lo que te e-mailie, Butters para que me e-maileés diciendo que la travesura de "Los RevientaFantasmas chuparon bolas" fue tuya y que antes te dije que era buena
I don't know if you tried to teach me a lesson, but you have. I have to stand here and look at you, and all I see is a big, fat reflection of myself. With only one minor difference.
estando aqui y observandote todo lo que veo es un reflejo gordo de mi mismo con una unica diferencia menor No!
Then you don't see the whole game.
Entonces es que no ves el juego completo.
Nah, you don't got to see what's gonna happen.
No, no tienes por qué ver lo que va a pasar.
I don't see you out there on the court playing basketball.
No te veo ahí fuera en la cancha jugando a baloncesto.
You don't see faces like yours every day.
No se ven a menudo caras como la tuya.
You don't see them.
No los ves.
No, I don't want to see you.
No, no quiero verte.
Don't you want to see him?
¿ No quieres verlo?
Well, see, to me, I think what's up with you seems like the more interesting question here, don't you think?
Verás, para mí, creo que lo que te pasa a ti parece ser una pregunta más interesante, ¿ no crees?
Why don't you come down to the All Saints'Church this Sunday, and see for yourself what's what?
¿ Por qué no viene a la iglesia de Todos los Santos este domingo, y ve por sí mismo qué es qué?
Don't you see?
¿ No lo ves?
Don't you see this is exactly why Max Lord hates you?
¿ No ves que por esto Max Lord te odia?
I don't think he's on our side. Whoa! Did you see that?
No creo que esté de nuestro lado. ¿ Viste eso?
You see, I don't think that the illegitimate line died out at all.
No creo que la línea ilegítima haya desaparecido.
Man, Kirk, when I don't see you for a while,
Hombre, Kirk, cuando ¿ No te das por un tiempo,
Well, now that you know I am listening, why don't you pitch it out again and see if you can address some of my concerns?
Bueno, ahora que ya sabe que estoy escuchando, ¿ Por qué no se trata de vender hacia fuera otra vez Y ver si se puede abordar algunas de mis preocupaciones?
I thought you were leaving tonight, I thought I'd never see you again. 4,030 I don't know what to do.
Pensé que se iba esta noche, pensé que no volvería a verla.
Why don't you come and see me?
¿ Por qué no vienes a verme?
I don't see you kneeling before anyone.
Tú no te arrodillas ante nadie.
You don't see how that could be a problem?
¿ No ve que eso podría ser un problema?
You and Deacon? I don't have to like the guy to see that he cares about you.
No me tiene que gustar el tipo para ver que le importas.
You don't want to see this.
Solo recuerda que tú me dijiste que haga esto. ¿ "Espero que la pases bomba hoy"? No querrás ver esto.
Don't you want to go see that computer guy?
¿ No quieres ir a ver al tipo de la computadora?
So you don't see the value in anything we do here?
¿ Así que no ves el valor a nada de lo que hacemos aquí?
You still don't see him for who he is, do you?
Todavía no le ves cómo lo que es en realidad, ¿ verdad?
You know, it's hard not to think about the fact that things maybe could've been different had I gone to see that counselor with her. I don't know.
Sabes, es difícil no pensar en el hecho de que las cosas quizás hubieran podido ser distintas de haber ido con ella a ver a ese consejero.
I don't want to see you back here.
No quiero volver a verte aquí.
When I open them, I don't want to see you here.
Cuando los abro, no quiero verte aquí.
I don't see anywhere here in your pleading where you say that there was a wrongful act.
No veo en ninguna parte de tu alegato donde dices que fue un acto ilícito.
You accept the guilty plea, you don't see more than a day of jail time, and it's expunged from your record in 24 months.
Usted acepta la declaración de culpabilidad, no ve más que un día de tiempo en la cárcel, y ha borrado de su registro en 24 meses.
Mr. Davenport, I understand you're not happy to see any of us, but when a bomb goes off on your property, you don't get to pick and choose who investigates.
entiendo que no esté feliz de vernos pero cuando una bomba estalla en su propiedad no puede elegir quien investiga.
See that you don't.
Más te vale. ¿ Dónde está mi dinero?
You see, I don't understand why this place is called a house not a palace.
Verá, no sé por qué le llaman a este lugar casa y no palacio.
You see, I don't need to kill you, and, believe it or not, I don't want to.
Ya ves, no necesito matarte, y, créelo o no, no quiero hacerlo.
I don't care if you never let me see her again!
¡ No me importa si no me dejas volver a verla!
And don't think I didn't see you uploading those answer keys.
Y no creas que no te he visto subiendo esas hojas de respuestas.
I don't see you anywhere- - how do I know you're here?
No le veo por ninguna parte- - ¿ Cómo sé que está aquí?
You guys don't stop it, I will lock that baby up, and none of you will ever see it.
Ustedes no paran esto, encerraré al bebé arriba, y ninguno de ustedes lo volverá a ver.
You don't see it because you're my son.
Tu no lo ves porque eres mi hijo.
Look, I go to Cabo once a year... you don't see me pushing tacos down everyone's throat.
Mira, voy a Cabo una vez al año... No ves que me empujaba tacos en la garganta de todos.
I know, but don't you see?
Lo sé, ¿ pero no lo ves?
So then it's possible that, uh, there can be stuff in there that you didn't see, that you don't know about, right?
Entonces es posible que... haya cosas que no vieras, de las que no supieras nada, ¿ verdad?
You know, I expect to be screwed over from everybody else, but I really don't see it coming from my own team.
¿ Sabes? , esperaba que el resto me jodiera, pero de verdad que no lo veía venir de mi propio equipo.
Why don't you start checking local cameras, see if you can find him.
¿ Por qué no empezar a comprobar cámaras locales, ver si puede encontrarlo.
Why don't you go through it and see if you can spot any patterns or anomalies.
¿ Por qué no los revisas a ver si puedes ver algún patrón o anomalía?
Don't you want to see your father at Career Day?
¿ No quieres ver a tu padre en el Día de la Carrera?
don't you see that 70
don't you see it 40
don't you see what's happening 30
don't you see what this means 19
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you see it 40
don't you see what's happening 30
don't you see what this means 19
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you think so 212
don't you know 365
don't you think 3078
don't you trust me 129
don't you know it 19
don't you mean 71
don't you remember 435
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you think so 212
don't you know 365
don't you think 3078
don't you trust me 129
don't you know it 19
don't you mean 71
don't you remember 435