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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't you see what's happening

Don't you see what's happening tradutor Espanhol

120 parallel translation
Barabbas, don "t you see what" s happening?
Barrabás, ¿ no ves lo que sucede?
Can't you understand what's happening here? Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No comprendéis lo que está ocurriendo?
Precisely. Don't you see what's happening around you?
Precisamente. ¿ No ves lo que está sucediendo a tu alrededor?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que está sucediendo, Bert?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que está sucediendo?
Barabbas, don "t you see what" s happening?
Barrabàs, ¿ no ves lo que està ocurriendo?
I don't know what's been happening at the office, but i see you when you come home at night, you're tired.
Madre... Escucha, cariño,... quiero hablar contigo tranquilamente un momento.
Of course, you don't see what's happening now, huh?
Pero no sabes lo que sucede.
Don't you see what's happening to you?
¿ No ves lo que te pasa?
Listen! Listen! Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que nos está pasando?
Oh, I see what's happening... and you don't fool me a bit.
Ya entiendo qué está sucediendo... y no me engañas.
~ What's happening, Francisco, don't you see them?
¿ Qué pasa, Francisco, no los ves? ¡ Luz!
You see what's happening here, don't you?
¿ Ves lo que está pasando aquí, ¿ no?
Blanche, Blanche, don't you see what's happening?
Blanche, ¿ no ves Io que ocurre?
Sam, don't you see what's happening?
Sam, ¿ no ves lo que está pasando?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que está pasando?
- You don't see what's happening.
- No entiendes lo que está pasando.
Don't you see what's happening to you?
¿ No te das cuenta de lo que te sucede?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ven lo que está pasando?
I know that's confusing, but don't you see what's happening here?
Sé que es confuso... ¿ pero no lo ve?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No se da cuenta de qué pasa?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que esta pasando?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que sucede?
- Don't you see what's happening?
- ¿ No ves lo que sucede?
Oh, stop it! Don't you see what's happening here?
Detenganse, no ven lo que esta ocurriendo?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que ocurre?
You see what's happening? Holograms don't feel pain.
Los hologramas no sienten dolor.
Don't you see what's happening here?
¿ No ves lo qué está sucediendo?
Don't you see what's happening here?
¿ No ves lo que pasa?
Don't you see what's happening? .
¿ No ves lo que está pasando?
Look, don't you see what's happening?
Mira, ¿ no ves lo que pasa?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que pasa?
Max, don't you see what's happening?
¿ No ves lo que sucede?
- Don't you see what's happening?
- ¿ No ves lo que está sucediendo?
Donna, don't you see what's happening?
Donna, ¿ no ves lo que esta pasando?
Mónica. Don't you see what's happening?
¿ No te das cuenta de lo que pasa?
Don't you see what's happening out there?
¿ No ven lo que pasa aquí?
You see, John... the stress on your body right now is far greater than anyone understands. They don't make machines that can monitor what's happening inside you.
Ya ves John, el stress en tu cuerpo es más grande que nada... no fabrican máquinas que puedan monitorearte por dentro.
Don't you see what's happening here?
¿ No ven lo que está pasando aquí?
It alters your memory, so you don't see what's happening.
Eso altera tus recuerdos así que no ves lo que está pasando.
You're so desperate to make everybody like you, you let people use me to get to you... and then you act like you don't see what's happening.
Tú necesitas ganarte la aprobación de todos... dejas que me usen para acercarse a ti, y luego finges no entender.
- Don't you see what's happening?
Si. Hay que creer.
- Don't you see what's happening? We'd better get over there and talk to them.
Será mejor que vayamos a hablar con ellos.
Sir, these dreams what I see, you don't think it's actually happening, do you?
Señor, estos sueños lo que veo, ¿ no cree que esté sucediendo realmente, verdad?
Don't you see what's happening to our country?
¿ No puedes ver lo que le está pasando a nuestro país?
- Don't you see what's happening here?
- ¿ No ves lo que ocurre aquí?
Wait a minute, don't you see what's happening here?
Espera un momento, ¿ no ves lo que esta pasando aquí?
Don't you see what's happening to you?
¿ No ves lo que te está pasando?
Don't you see what's happening?
¿ Es que no ves lo que está pasando?
Don't you all see what's happening?
¿ No ven lo que está pasando?
Look, don't you see what's happening?
¡ Esto no tiene nada que ver contigo!

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