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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't you understand that

Don't you understand that tradutor Espanhol

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I don't think that any of you understand that.
No creo que alguno de vosotros sea capaz de entender eso.
I don't want you thinking that shit about me, you understand?
No quiero que pienses mierdas sobre mí, ¿ entiendes?
Everybody says that you have to try to forgive and move on, but what people don't understand is that I can't move on.
Todos dicen que hay que intentar perdonar y seguir... adelante pero lo que no entienden es que no puedo.
See, you know the thing that - Okay, here's what I don't understand.
La cosa que- - Esto es lo que no entiendo.
I mean, that's the picture you should be looking... you don't understand.
Digo, ese es el panorama que deberías ver... no lo entiendes.
I don't understand how you guys can keep working on that stupid movie.
¿ Cómo pueden seguir trabajando en esa estupidez?
I don't understand you staying up all night in that stupid tornado shelter.
¡ No lo entiendo! ¡ Quedándote toda la noche levantado en ese estúpido refugio para tornados!
Look, not having the baby named is making me a little anxious, and I understand if you don't like that name, but you haven't liked any name.
Mira, no tener el nombre del bebé me esta poniendo un poco ansiosa, y entiendo si no te gusta ese nombre, pero no te gusta ningun nombre.
Look, I know that I haven't been a good listener, and I know you think that I don't understand your side of things.
Mira, no eres buena escuchando y se que crees que no entiendo el modo que tu ves las cosas
I don't know if you can understand this but just... hearing that people ar-are looking, that people are trying to figure out what happened it makes any punishment, wherever I have to go, bearable.
No sé si puedes entender esto... pero sólo... escuchar que hay gente buscando, que hay gente intentando descubrir qué pasó... hace cualquier castigo, cualquier sitio al que tenga que ir, soportable.
Just accept that a force that you don't understand made our daughter incapable of learning reading and spelling long enough for you to have her tested, which made it possible for you to meet that guy who...
Sólo acepta que una fuerza que no entiendes hizo a nuestra hija incapaz de aprender a leer y a deletrear lo suficiente para que le hicieras pruebas, lo que hizo posible que conocieras al tipo que...
What the hell is it that you don't understand, Johnny?
¿ Qué demonios es lo que no entiendo, Johnny?
Well, how could you think that I don't understand it?
¿ Cómo pudiste pensar que no entiendo?
But, you don't understand, that guy in the woods, he was in the Reformatory.
No entienden. Ese chico del bosque estuvo en ese reformatorio.
You understand that, don't you?
Lo entiendes, ¿ verdad?
I can understand chewing each bite of some food 25 times like chicken fried steak, but I don't think you have to chew your refried beans that many times.
Sé que masticar cada bocado 25 veces como el bistec pero no es necesario masticar los frijoles tantas veces.
Still, voters don't understand what makes you all that different from Chirac.
Pero los franceses no perciben bien los desacuerdos entre usted y Chirac.
Which just tells me that you don't understand them any more.
Lo cual sólo me dice que ya no los entiendes.
- Okay okay, clearly you two approach things differently, but here's the part that I don't understand.
Ok. Bueno, claramente ustedes dos persiguen cosas diferentes, pero hay una parte que no entiendo.
Well, it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse down there if you don't, uh, get the situation under control and get Meredith enrolled, do you understand that?
Bueno, seguro se pondrá mucho peor si usted no pone la situación bajo control y logra que Meredith se inscriba. ¿ Lo entendió?
I don't understand that. I don't give a fuck what you understand,
Me importa un carajo que no puedas entenderlo.
And I don't think that you people understand that your sport can eat a family up and everyone in it.
Y no creo que la gente entienda que su deporte pueda consumir a la familia y a todos en el.
We can understand that you and your family... I don't think you can.
Los entendemos a tí y a tu familia... No creo que puedas.
You don't have to be that smart to understand.
No tienes que ser muy inteligente para entenderlo.
No, I'm trying to explain to you that you don't understand how easily you can die.
No, trato de explicarte que no entiendes lo fácil que puedes morir.
I don't have kids, so I can't even pretend to understand how you feel especially now, when you've got all these people thinking that our kids are the enemy!
No tengo hijos, así que ni siquiera puedo fingir que entiendo cómo os sentís, especialmente ahora, ¡ que tenemos a todas esas personas pensando que nuestros hijos son el enemigo!
- Well, I don't understand it myself, you know, don't pretend that I do, all this prancing around...
- Bueno, sí. No tengo ni idea, pero hago como que sí, moviéndome por aquí de un sitio a otro...
It's another piece of a consistently embarrassing life that you just don't seem to understand!
¡ Es otra pieza de tu embarazosa vida que pareces no entender!
You understand that, don't you?
Lo entiende, ¿ no?
What annoys me most is that you don't understand - that you were born with a giant silver spoon in your mouth.
Lo que más me molesta de todo esto, es que no entiendes que tú naciste con una cuchara de plata en la boca,
I don't understand why you can say things like that!
¡ No entiendo cómo puedes decir cosas así!
So before long you know Toby and I managed to grab her before she could dive back in and the kicker is that she's amnesic so you understand if we don't chase after her, then you know what
Entonces, antes de que Toby y yo pudiéramos agarrarla antes de que pudiera sumergirse otra vez y lo raro es que ella está amnésica, ¿ entienden? si no íbamos detrás de ella, saben lo que puede suceder.
What I don't understand is that you had all of Jerry's picks.
Lo que no entiendo es que tenías todas las apuestas de Jerry.
I want you to understand that I don't distinguish between shades of color in here.
Quiero que entiendas que no distingo entre sombras o color aquí.
You don't understand that's very hard on the digestive system.
No lo entiendes, es muy pesado para el sistema digestivo.
I don't expect you to understand that.
No espero que lo entienda.
I understand that you don't want him to have to go through this.
Entiendo que no quiera que pase por esto.
Don't talk to me like that again. Do you understand me? Mm-Mmm.
No me vuelvas a hablar así. ¿ Me entiendes? No.
Only Thomas can help me, don't you understand that?
Solo Thomas puede ayudarme, ¿ no entiendes eso?
Only Thomas can help me, don't you understand that?
Solo Thomas puede ayudarme, ¿ no entiende eso?
So,... don't tell me that I don't understand you.
Así que no me digas que no te entiendo.
Well, look, no one is the same person that they were 15 years ago, but TV-catapulting aside, I mean, I just don't understand why they won't engage in an arm's-length business deal with you.
Bueno, mira, nadie es la misma persona que era hace quince años, pero dejando de lado la catapulta de televisores, me refiero a que, no acabo de entender por qué no van a participar en tratos de negocios de libre competencia contigo.
Don't you understand that?
¿ No lo entiendes?
Don't you understand that I'm doing an evaluation?
¿ No pueden entender que estoy haciendo una evaluación?
Abed, try to look at what you're doing and understand that I don't want to.
Abed, intenta mirar lo que haces y entiende que no quiero.
Don't you women understand that agreeing to a date is like a contract?
¿ Vosotras las mujeres no entendeis que acordar una cita es como un contrato?
Don't you understand that I'm out of time?
¿ No comprendes que no tengo más tiempo?
Okay, uh, you guys just... There's-There's something really important on that laptop. You don't understand.
Bueno, eh, vosotros sólo... no entendéis.
Derek, I understand that you don't want to talk to me, but this is important.
Derek, entiendo que no quieras hablar conmigo pero esto es importante.
I-I don't expect you to understand that.
No espero que tú entiendas eso.
You understand what that means, don't you?
Usted entiende lo que eso significa, ¿ verdad?

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