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Drake tradutor Espanhol

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In the heart of the drake.
En el corazón del Drake.
And the drake... its shining jewel.
Y el Drake... su brillante joya.
Welcome to the drake,
Bienvenido al Drake,
A man named Patrick Corey Moved into the drake today.
Un hombre llamado Patrick Corey se ha mudado hoy al Drake.
It took over the drake, And then one by one, it destroyed us.
Tomó el control del Drake, y entonces, uno a uno, nos destruyó.
You'll never make it out of the drake.
Nunca conseguirás salir del Drake.
You are the other girl from the Drake.
Eres otra niña del Drake.
I know I'm connected to the Drake.
Sé que estoy conectada con el Drake.
Why have I returned to the Drake?
¿ Por qué he vuelto al Drake?
But since then, I realized, The Drake has changed, Jane.
Después comprendí ; el Drake la cambió, Jane.
It happened in her apartment, here at the Drake.
Ocurrió en su apartamento, aquí, en el Drake.
The Drake killed your mother and now wants to kill you?
¿ El Drake mató a tu madre y ahora quiere matarte a ti?
The Drake pulls you up here from 1000 miles away... and the ghost of your grandmother shows you fragments of your family's past.
El Drake te atrae hasta aquí desde 1000 km de distancia... y el fantasma de tu abuela te muestra retazos del pasado de tu familia...
She was obsessed with the Drake.
Estaba obsesionada con el Drake.
You have to know the truth about the Drake.
Tienes que saber la verdad acerca del Drake.
She had a special connection with the Drake.
Ella tenía una conexión especial con el Drake.
The renovation of the Drake is started.
At the rate I'm going, The Drake will take a lifetime.
Al paso que voy, el Drake me llevará toda la vida.
The Drake is you natural right, Jane.
El Drake es tu derecho natural, Jane.
It's Ben- - Ben Drake from AP English?
Ben Drake de Inglés Avanzado.
Say "hi," Drake.
Di hola Drake.
- Drake is your baby's name?
- ¿ Tu bebé se llama Drake?
I'm obsessed with Drake.
Estoy obsesionada con Drake.
It's Drake, like a mix of Drew and Blake.
Es Drake, una mezcla de Drew y Blake.
Drake has a bit of a rash.
Drake tiene salpullido.
This is great for me and for Drake.
Esto es genial para mi y Drake.
Baby Drake didn't look so good.
El bebé Drake no se veía muy bien.
There is an alley between Oswald and Drake, near the East River.
Hay un callejón entre Oswald y Drake, cerca de East River.
See, that's not our fault, that's her fault, as per the judge's decision in Sarah Drake vs. Westship insurance.
Ves, no es nuestra culpa, es su culpa, según la decisión del juez en Sarah Drake contra el seguro de Westship.
"Life's an infernal muddle," as Mr. Drake says on Upton Rectory.
"La vida es un lodazal infernal", como diría el Sr. Drake de Upton Rectory.
Drake, Polly, perhaps I was too hasty.
Drake, Polly, quizá fui muy desconsiderado.
And I'm definitely tweeting that to Drake to use in his next rhymes.
Y definitivamente estoy twitteando que a Drake a utilizar en sus siguientes rimas.
I know the GM of the Drake Hotel.
Conozco al director del Hotel Drake.
Penny, the Drake is the best place to get married in Chicago.
Penny, el Drake es el mejor sitio para casarse en Chicago.
Billy club, if you please, Sergeant Drake.
Páseme a Billy, si es tan amable, sargento Drake.
Marriage, Drake... perhaps it's slackened you.
Eso es el matrimonio, Drake, te estás volviendo un blando.
Bennet Drake?
¿ Bennet Drake?
Drake's friend Linklater, the distance flown from window to rail, we've assumed more than one assailant.
Linklater, el amigo de Drake, por la distancia de la que cayó desde la ventana a la reja, - asumimos que había más de un atacante. - Sí.
Even you, Drake.
Ni siquiera a ti, Drake.
Imagine Drake, here, with a rash on his conkers - that but worse.
Imagine a Drake, aquí, con un sarpullido en los huevos... pero peor.
Even you might do so, Drake.
Hasta usted podría hacerlo, Drake.
Come, Sergeant Drake, we waste too much time. No!
- Vamos, sargento Drake, estamos perdiendo demasiado tiempo. - ¡ No!
I would, in conscience, leave off riding Sergeant Drake.
Yo, me esforzaría en evitar molestar al Sgto. Drake.
Sergeant Drake.
Sargento Drake.
If Drake cannot keep his spleen inside him, it is up to you to provide discipline.
Si Drake no puede controlar su carácter, es tu deber disciplinario.
- Drake goes with you.
Drake irá con usted.
I'm sure Mrs Drake expects the sergeant.
Estoy seguro de que la Sra. Drake espera al sargento.
- Take Drake or you're scrubbing latrines.
- Lleve a Drake o limpiará letrinas.
You know, Drake or no Drake - this place is going to shit in his shoes one day or the next.
¿ Sabe? Con o sin Drake, en este lugar pisará mierda tarde o temprano.
Not currently, Mrs Drake.
Actualmente no, Sra. Drake.
You should call her Mrs Drake.
Debes llamarla Sra. Drake.

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