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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Duly noted

Duly noted tradutor Espanhol

355 parallel translation
Madam DuBarry, your grief has been duly noted by all present and you are hereby banished from Paris.
Luís, abrid los ojos. Madame Du Barry, su dolor ha sido presenciado por todos.
Well, it's been duly noted.
Pues nos hemos dado cuenta.
It will be duly noted.
Quedará registrada.
Your protest has been duly noted.
Su protesta ha sido registrada.
- Duly noted.
- Los daremos por leidos.
Your objection is duly noted.
- Tu objeción quedará anotada.
And you, my boy, your loyalty is duly noted.
Y tú, hijo mío, su lealtad es debida nota. Usted va a ser recompensado.
Duly noted.
Anotado, consejero.
Duly noted.
Tomo debida nota.
It's duly noted.
Se hizo lo debido.
Your objection is duly noted for the record, Mr. Scoler.
Su objeción queda debidamente registrada, Sr. Scholer.
Duly noted.
Debidamente anotado.
Your denial is duly noted.
Su negativa es debidamente registrada.
- Duly noted.
- Tomo nota.
Duly noted.
- Duly noted.
- ya me di cuenta.
Duly noted, lieutenant.
Muy bien, teniente.
This moment has been duly noted on your timecards and will be deducted from your pay.
Este minuto será debidamente anotado y deducido de la paga.
That's duly noted.
Tomo nota.
It's duly noted.
Me lo apunto. Ven aquí.
- I disagree, sir. - Duly noted.
- Disiento, señor.
Well, your sentiments are duly noted.
Tomaré nota de tu objeción.
Duly noted Ralph. Next week you can go back to drinking from the hose.
La próxima semana puede regresar a beber de la manguera.
Duly noted. O.K. Number twenty-four...
Ok número veinticuatro... ¿ Sabe qué?
Your moral outrage is duly noted, Anthony.
Tomamos nota de tu indignación moral, Anthony.
Your protest is duly noted. Good.
- Tomo debida nota de su protesta.
Your dedication is duly noted, Mr. NeeIix.
Tomo nota de su dedicación.
Your opinion is duly noted, Sergeant.
Ud. comete un error. Su opinión no importa, sargento. Retírese.
Duly noted, Sergeant.
Tomo nota, sargento.
Also duly noted.
Tomo debida nota de ello.
Duly noted. Fortunately, it's not up to you.
{ C : $ 00FFFF } Debidamente notado, y afortunadamente, no depende de tí.
Duly noted.
Debidamente notado.
Your initiative is duly noted.
Su iniciativa es debidamente anotada.
- Duly noted.
Lo consideraré.
Duly noted. Okay.
Debidamente notado.
I'll make sure it's duly noted in the report of their dismissal.
Estoy seguro de que esto será debidamente notificado en el reporte para sus despidos.
Well, your objections are duly noted and summarily overruled.
Tus objeciones quedan anotadas y desestimadas.
Duly noted.
Tomo nota.
Duly noted.
Your cooperation will be duly noted.
Su cooperación se ha anotado.
Duly noted, Supervisor Grissom.
Tomo nota, supervisor Grissom.
Duly noted.
Debidamente notificado.
So, what do you say, after this quiz, once our attendance is duly noted you and I, we blow off afternoon classes, and we go get dangerous?
¿ Qué tal si después de tu prueba, y confirmada nuestra asistencia tú y yo nos fugamos en la tarde y hacemos algo peligroso?
Duly noted.
Lo recordaré.
Your opinion is duly noted major.
Tomamos buena nota de su opinión, Mayor.
- Duly noted.
It's duly noted.
Debidamente notado.
I knew you'd say "duly noted," too.
También sabía que dirías "debidamente notado".
Duly noted.
Lo tomaré en cuenta.
- Duly noted.
Se tomará en cuenta.
Duly noted.
¡ Tomo nota!
noted 237

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