Enough of that tradutor Espanhol
5,601 parallel translation
Well... I guess there's enough of that blame to go around, then.
Bueno... supongo que ya hay suficiente sentimiento de culpabilidad.
Hey, that's enough of that.
- Suficiente.
I have had enough of that saloon and all of those noisy miners.
He tenido suficiente de esa taberna y todos esos mineros ruidosos.
So, musicians, enough of that tuning up,
Así que, músicos, basta de afinar,
Okay, that's enough of that.
Vale, ya vale con esto.
Okay, yeah, that's enough of that.
Vale, sí, ya es suficiente.
I had enough of that growing up.
Ya tuve suficiente mientras crecía.
That's enough of that.
Ya es suficiente con eso.
You were lucky enough to be a part of that 1 % that served the nation, right?
Tuvieron la suerte de ser parte de ese 1 % que sirvió a la nación, ¿ no?
My mom did that enough for the both of us.
Mi madre ya hizo suficiente por los dos.
Yeah, probably because that woman has had enough of the "I can kill a bear with my bare hands" bullshit.
Sí, quizá porque esa mujer ya está cansada de la tontería de "Puedo matar un oso con mis propias manos".
And in all that time, I have never been brave enough to learn what became of our boy.
Y en todo este tiempo, nunca he tenido el valor suficiente para aprender lo que pasó con nuestro chico.
First of all, healthy enough ego on that boy as is.
Para empezar, ese chico ya tiene ego de sobra.
What that allowed the vision of Mr. Miyamoto to do was to say now that I have the ability to manipulate polygons in real time at a fast enough frame rate, then instead of just going back and forth,
Lo que eso permitió hacer a la visión del señor Miyamoto fue decir que ahora que se tenía la habilidad para manipular polígonos en tiempo real a una velocidad lo suficientemente rápida, entonces en lugar de ir hacia atrás y hacia adelante
And then when we got to the PlayStation 3, we really said, " Okay, this thing's gonna give us enough power to really go back and revisit that idea of telling an interesting, character-driven narrative in a way that we might
Y luego nos encontramos con la PlayStation 3, realmente dijimos : "Bien, esta cosa va a darnos suficiente poder para retroceder de verdad y volver a la idea de contar una interesante narrativa que impulsara al personaje, de un modo que pudiéramos hacer eso que nadie había hecho antes."
They're just articulated enough to be moveable into a variety of fun poses, but not so over-articulated that you need help getting them to stand up properly, or look like a normal human being, or as normal as someone with no nose looks.
Están bien articulados pero no tanto como para que necesites ayuda para levantarlos o para que parezcan un ser humano normal. Casi tan normal como alguien sin nariz.
When I determine that her mind is sound enough to make decisions that will directly affect the national security of this county.
Cuando decida que su mente está suficientemente clara como para tomar decisiones que van a afectar directamente a la seguridad de este país.
Most of it's probably automobile traffic, but I've got some that remain in the area long enough to have possibly witnessed something.
La mayoría es probablemente de móviles dentro de coches pero tengo alguna que siguió en la zona suficiente tiempo como para, probablemente, ver algo.
Well, close enough that there's massive tissue destruction within the wound, and the plastic wadding of the shell's clearly visible.
Bueno, bastante cerca... tanto que hubo destrucción masiva de tejidos en la herida... y la cobertura de plástico del casquillo es claramente visible.
I was lucky enough to find my Russian bride several years ago with the assistance of a foreign affair, and I assure you that it can work for you as well.
Fui afortunado al hallar a mi novia rusa, hace varios años, con la ayuda de A Foreign Affair. Y les aseguro que puede funcionar para ustedes también.
So lots of women are using our website to meet someone simply because there are not enough men that she can choose from.
Muchas mujeres usan nuestro sitio para conocer a alguien simplemente porque no hay suficientes hombres.
And I hope you'll keep using that head of yours the way you have been because that store will be enough to get you through college and make you a good life.
Y espero que sigas usando la cabeza como hasta ahora porque esa tienda te llevará a la universidad y te dará una buena vida.
See, awkwardly enough, only weeks ago, a group of human beings, just like yourself, slaughtered many of the companions of the vampires that you see assembled before you here.
Verás, tan torpemente, hace unas semanas un grupo de humanos como tú masacró a muchos compañeros de los vampiros que ves reunidos delante de ti aquí.
Something like that could create enough energy to make an electrostatic mist to cover over hundreds of miles.
Algo así podría crear suficiente energía... para crear una niebla electrostática que cubra cientos de kilómetros.
We hate that poor asshole with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns, a "He's not worthy of you," or whatever, when he's probably a decent-enough person, I mean, as guys go.
Odiamos al pobre imbécil con toda la furia del mundo, pensamos que no es digno de ella y demás, aunque seguramente es una buena persona, para ser hombre.
They got some kind of half confession out of her, and that's good enough for them.
Tienen una especie de medio confesión de ella, y eso es suficiente para ellos.
Some large amount of money, large enough that my dad was getting bugged with questions about like : "How do I store this money?"
Una gran cantidad de dinero, suficiente para que mi padre comenzara a hacerse preguntas como por ejemplo : "¿ Cómo almacenaré este dinero?"
I feel very strongly that it's not enough to just live in the world as it is, to just kind of take what you're given, and you know, follow the things that adults told you to do, and that your parents told you to do, and that society tells you to do. I think you should always be questioning.
Me siento fuerte de creer que no es suficiente vivir en el mundo tal como es de solo tomar lo que se te da, y ya sabes, seguir las cosas que los adultos te dijeron que hagas y que tus padres te dijeron que hagas, y que la sociedad te dijo que hagas.
And Aaron is just someone who kind of looks like a hacker, enough that they can, you know, put his head on a stake and put it on the gates.
Y Aaron es solo alguien que se ve como un hacker lo suficiente para que, ya sabes, ellos pusieran su cabeza en una estaca y la colgaran en las puertas.
I mean, you could, but a lot of people do that, and then you'll have to be splitting the pot a bunch of ways, and then, you won't even have enough money to cover first month's rent, or the garbage bag to move your stuff in.
Podrías hacerlo, pero mucha gente hace eso, y tendrías que dividir el premio, y entonces no tendrías suficiente dinero para cubrir el alquiler del primer mes, o la bolsa de basura para sacar tus cosas.
It is a blow with significant enough blunt force that it literally causes the brain - to rattle around inside of your skull. - [Groans]
Es un golpe con fuerza suficiente significativa romo que causa literalmente cerebro para recitar todo el interior de su cráneo.
As if that is not enough, he's also hacked himself access to pay-porn sites and a pile of "Mythcrash" gift cards, which is harder than it sounds.
Como si eso no fuese suficiente, también hackeo su acceso a páginas porno de pago y un montón de'Mythcrash', tarjetas de regalo, lo que es más difícil de lo que parece.
It's showing us that there is enough energy in a slice of cake to walk a mile.
Nos muestra que hay suficiente energía... en un trozo de pastel, para caminar 1.5 km.
That is enough waste per year to cover every square foot of San Francisco,
Suficiente residuos por año para cubrir todo San Francisco,
And by "succeed," I mean we will not save ecosystems to the extent necessary, we will not have enough food for people around the planet we will not stop global warming, we will not stop pollution in the dead zones that run of
Y por "tener éxito", me refiero no vamos a salvar los ecosistemas en la medida necesaria, no vamos a tener suficiente comida para la gente en todo el planeta no vamos a detener el calentamiento global,
Enough! I'm so tired of you and that stupid movie.
estoy cansada de tu película estúpida.
But enough about me, let me introduce you to another of my creations, one that will set you free.
Pero basta de hablar de mí, déjame presentarte otra de mis creaciones, una que te liberará.
If you truly like a person, have a deep enough relationship to enter the inner world of that person. Ah, yes.
Si te gusta de verdad una persona... ten una relación lo bastante profunda para entrar al mundo interno de esa persona.
And that, Dylan, is enough to get one of you to Japan.
Y eso, Dylan, es suficiente para conseguir uno de ustedes a Japón.
Well, one Morty's enough to hide from the bureaucrats, but you get - - you get a whole matrix of Mortys and put them in agonizing pain, that creates a pattern that can hide even from other Ricks [beep].
Pero si creas una matriz de Mortys que agonizan de dolor eso genera un patrón que puede ocultarte hasta de otros Ricks, ¡ c * * * * *!
But enough of that!
Pero suficiente de eso!
A legacy that embraces all of us who were lucky enough to have known him.
Un legado que nos atañe a todos los que tuvimos la fortuna de conocerlo.
She has a new life now... one that's hard enough without old boyfriends distracting her with flights of fancy.
Ahora ella tiene una nueva vida... y ya es bastante dura sin viejos novios que la distraigan con fantasías de huir.
You take a long sniff of it and you let that be enough.
Lo hueles y dejas que eso sea suficiente.
One of the first things I told him... and I think we have agreed on, that words are not going to be enough.
"INSPIRADA EN HECHOS REALES" Una de las primeras cosas que le dije... y creo que hemos estado de acuerdo, es que las palabras no van a bastar.
All right, that's enough, both of you.
De acuerdo, es suficiente, ustedes dos.
Ain't enough of you bastards left to eat that much in 10 lifetimes.
Es suficiente para que ustedes, bastardos, puedan comer tanto como 10 vidas.
Someplace big enough for that kind of manufacturing, off the power grid.
Suficientemente grande para ese tipo de producción, fuera de la red eléctrica.
And that is enough for both of us, okay?
Y eso es bastante para las dos, ¿ vale?
Bill thought that we were ready to present to the faculty, and I said we had not done enough to prepare them for what they were about to hear, let alone the sight of a pulsating vagina on a projection screen.
Bill pensó que estábamos listos para presentarlo a la facultad, y yo dije que no habíamos hecho suficiente para prepararlos para lo que estaban a punto de oír, no hablemos ya para la visión de una vagina palpitando... en una pantalla de proyección.
Well, if they're brave enough to come in, we should at least keep a record of that bravery, don't you think?
Bueno, si son lo suficientemente valientes como para venir, al menos deberíamos mantener un registro de ese valor, ¿ no crees?
enough of this 129
enough of this shit 25
enough of this nonsense 22
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
enough of this shit 25
enough of this nonsense 22
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830