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Esquire tradutor Espanhol

299 parallel translation
"Herbert Banning, Esquire."
"Sr. Herbert Banning".
What kind of an animated esquire is this?
¡ Esto si que es un plato de muy mal gusto!
Mr. Aloysius K. Randall, Esquire, back in circulation.
El Sr. Aloysius K. Randall ha vuelto a la circulación.
I don't mean to be rude, but you remind me of one of those beautiful girls in Esquire.
No quisiera ofenderla, pero me recuerda a las bellezas del Esquire.
You look like something out of Esquire.
Pareces salido de la revista Esquire.
When I buy an Esquire The bible of the well-dressed man My pulse jumps ten points higher
Al comprar un Esquire, la Biblia del hombre elegante, mi pulso se acelera pero no por los trajes de postín.
You won't like steak, apple strudel Angel cake, soup with noodles
Si no te gustan las chicas del Esquire no te gusta el solomillo, la tarta de manzana, el merengue, la sopa de fideos.
You would eat an oyster but you'd throw away the pearl lf you don't love an Esquire girl
Te comerías una ostra y tirarías la perla si no te gustan las chicas del Esquire.
We're being honored at dinner, I hope by the presence of James Ryan, Esquire, Local 908.
Confío en tener el honor de cenar con el Sr. Ryan, de la sección 908.
Davy Gam Esquire.
Davy Gam, hidalgo.
Addressed to i. Webber, esquire.
Dirigida a I. Weber.
Tell Pinky to come over to the Hotel Esquire first thing in the morning.
Mira. Dile a Pinky que venga al hotel Esquire mañana a primera hora.
John Ashwood, esquire.
¡ Nanny! John Ashwood II
"Memoirs of Thomas Danbury, Esquire."
" Memorias de Thomas Danbury, Esquire.
Okay, what do you want, Mr. Don Birnam, Esquire?
Bien, ¿ qué es lo que quiere, Sr. Don Birnam?
This here's a message for Ephraim Wells, Esquire, from Weed's Tavern in Greenwich. - Who's it from?
Carta para Ephraim Wells, de la taberna de Weed.
- His name is H.H. Hartsey, Esquire.
- Su nombre es H.H. Hartsey, Señor.
Mrs. H.H. Hartsey, Esquire.
Sra. de H.H. Hartsey, Señor.
I was reading Esquire and Joe in the next bed wanted to trade.
Me lo quería cambiar por mi revista.
- You look like a page out of Esquire.
You take one of those Esquire Magazine Englishmen with that little moustache and that accent, it's murder what they do to married women.
Se toma uno de esas revista Esquire con ingleses con ese pequeño bigote y ese acento, es un asesinato lo que hacen a las mujeres casadas.
That Henry Courtney, esquire, queens council,
Ese Henry Courtney, licenciado, consejero de la Reina.
J Thaddeus Toad, Esquire.
El señorito J. Thaddeus Sapo.
For many weeks... " Peter Standish, Esquire, has been possessed with strange fancies.
Durante semanas... a don Peter Standish lo han poseído ideas extrañas.
"for many weeks, Peter Standish, Esquire, has been possessed of strange fancies. On this day, In a fit of madness" -
Durante semanas, a don Reter Standish lo han poseído ideas extrañas :
Alfred Jingle, Esquire.
Alfred Jingle, señor.
I have appointed Giles to replace Blunt as senior esquire.
Nombré a Myles para reemplazar a Blunt como jefe de escuderos.
And now with the compliments of the Birling esquire some delicious chish and fips.
Y ahora, con los parabienes del Sr. Birling, unos deliciosos "fish and chips"
Williams. This is Robert Merrick Esquire.
Williams el Sr. Merrick al aparato.
Ah, Esquire. Well done.
Bien, abogado.
Linus Larrabee Esquire is taking me to Paris.
Linus Larrabee, el hombre de hielo, me lleva a París.
Meet me at the Esquire Club, 11 : 00.
Ven al Club Esquire a las once.
"Scarce had all this happened in heaven and in woods, when the renowned knight Don Quixote of La Mancha mounted his celebrated steed Rocinante and, accompanied by his faithful and valiant esquire by the name of Sancho Panza..."
"Apenas esto había acontecido, cuando el famoso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, "... montando su caballo Rocinante y junto a su fiel y arrojado escudero Sancho Panza,
Don Quixote of La Mancha and his esquire Sancho Panza.
Don Quijote de la Mancha y su escudero Sancho Panza.
I got a nice Esquire, right in the bottom drawer there. You sure?
Tengo la revista Esquire que es perfecto.
To the Honorable Davy Crockett Esquire.
Al honorable señor Don Davy Crockett.
Yep. To the Honorable Davy Crockett Esquire, former Congressman of the United States of America.
Sí, al honorable señor Don Davy Crockett... ex Senador de los Estados Unidos de América.
I mean, cross them off get rid of them, destroy them, decimate them and there'd only be one man left - me, archibald beechcroft, esquire.
Los borraría, me libraría de ellos, los destruiría, los diezmaría a todos. Y sólo quedaría un hombre. Yo, el Sr. Archibald Beechcroft.
The chair recognises its old friend... that distinguished member of the fourth estate... founder, owner, publisher and editor of the "Shinbone Star"... Mr Dutton Peabody, Esquire.
El presidente reconoce a su viejo amigo... al distinguido miembro del Cuarto Estado, fundador, propietario y editor del "Shinbone Star", el Sr. Don Dutton Peabody.
"Signed John F. Black, Esquire."
"Firmado, el Sr. John F. Black".
Edward Cunningham, Esquire.
Señor Edward Cunningham, esquire...
Residence of George Banks, Esquire.
Residencia de George Banks.
"K. Perry Esquire".
"K. Perry Esquire".
Ladies, I forgot that you must meet our new lodger Mr. Oliver Twist, Esquire.
Lo olvidaba, deben conocer a nuestro nuevo inquilino, el señor don Oliver Twist.
Esquire, Playboy.
París Match, Esquire, Playboy.
Now, Scrooge. Over there lies the lavish home of Robert Cratchit, Esquire, who owes the opulence of his surroundings and the magnificence of his Christmas celebrations to the high principles and generous spirit of his employer.
Allí está la espléndida casa del Sr. Robert Cratchit, quien debe la opulencia de su entorno y la grandeza de sus celebraciones navideñas a los loables principios y al carácter generoso de su jefe.
Dan Rover, esquire, was arrested on false grounds, and police officer Favenin can testify to it, because he doesn't recognize Dan Rover as one of the two men he chased on the rooftops.
Dan Rover, el escudero, fue arrestado bajo falsas pruebas,... y el agente Favenin puede testificar por ello,... ya que no reconoce a Dan Rover...
He's had work in Holiday, Esquire, The New Yorker, Vogue.
Publicaron su trabajo en Holiday, Esquire, The New Yorker, Vogue.
Are those beautiful dames I love an Esquire girl lf you don't love an Esquire girl
Me encantan las chicas del Esquire.
Frederick Albert Cowan Esquire.
- Sí, pero... McQuire Abercombie, ¡ soy yo!
- Two pizzas for Mr. Cutolo, Esquire.
- Dos pizzas para el abogado Cutolo.

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