Everyone says that tradutor Espanhol
413 parallel translation
Everyone says that your father is an impostor.
Todos dicen que tu padre es un impostor.
Everyone says that when things go badly.
No pensaba lo que decía.
Well, everyone says that she is.
Pues todo el mundo dice que lo es.
Everyone says that.
Todos dicen eso.
Everyone says that you Adare is a lady because it is strange that a man deals with things of women.
Todos dicen que el señor Adare es como una doncella porque es extraño que un hombre se ocupe de cosas de mujeres.
- I know, everyone says that
Eh, ya lo sé, todos me dicen que soy muy simpática.
Oh, everyone says that Ian should be the one because he owns the store. Already he's planning to buy another on Colonsay.
Dicen que debo a elegir a McCulloug porque tiene una tienda... y ya tiene planes para comprar otra en Colonsay.
Everyone says that what happened to me is divine retribution for being disloyal to you
Todo esto es un castigo del cielo por haberte traicionado.
I told you. Everyone says that.
Te lo dije, todos dicen eso.
- Everyone says that.
- Todo el mundo dice eso.
May I congratulate you'? Everyone says that Mr. Karillis'conference in New York will bring great results.
La felicito porque dicen que la conferencia del Sr. Kerilis en Nueva York tuvo grandes resultados.
Everyone says that you are a bit of a sorcerer
Todos le acusan de ser medio brujo.
Everyone says that there's a love for me, now
Todos dicen que terminaré enamorándome
- Everyone says that.
- Siempre nos lo dicen.
I know everyone says that. But you!
Sé que todos dicen lo mismo.
You, Márcia... still uncertain, and everyone says that you are a Godless woman.
Usted Márcia... indefinida, y que todos dicen ser una mujeratea.
Everyone says that, "Harry never changes."
Ya sabes, el viejo Harry es siempre el mismo.
Everyone says that The Thirty have already received hundreds of reports, on the other hand, our city has always been one of spies.
Se dice que los Treinta han recibido centenares de denuncias, y por otra parte, la nuestra fue siempre una ciudad de espías.
Everyone says that you are trying to bribe prison officials for the sake of your privileges.
Todo el mundo dice que estás tratando de sobornar a los funcionarios para poder tener privilegios.
Everyone says that.
Todo el mundo lo dice.
Come on, everyone says that I have hallucinations.
Vamos, todo el mundo dice que tengo alucinaciones.
Everyone says that you're a good shot.
- Iván Petróvich,... escuché que practica el tiro.
That's what everyone says.
Eso es lo que dicen todos.
Everyone that saw her says she wasn't there.
Todos los que la ven lo niegan.
Everyone says you're smart, modern, a little capricious, but you've got where you are today thank to your ability and shrewdness that not even three Scotsmen could beat.
Todos dicen que es elegante, moderna, algo caprichosa, pero que ha conseguido lo que es gracias a su habilidad y a su sagacidad, ni siquiera superables por tres Escoceses.
Don't take sides with a man who says you have no talent, and that you cheat everyone you work with!
¡ Toma partido por un hombre que va diciendo que no tiene ningún talento... y que estafa a todos sus colaboradores!
- That's what everyone says.
- Sí, cómo no.
That's what everyone says.
Eso dicen todos.
She says that when you're old it's best not to bother everyone.
- Bah, no lo sé. Dice que cuando una es vieja, es mejor que no moleste.
Please, don't think I'm the kind of girl that says that to everyone.
Por favor, no piense que soy la clase de chica... que le dice eso a cualquiera.
I know that she's cheating on you, everyone says so!
Te engaña. Todo el mundo lo sabe.
He says that everyone in Italy knows him.
ÉI dice que se le conoce en toda Italia.
Your father says that everyone at the Elks says that the stocks are going up even higher.
Tu padre dice que todo el mundo en Elks afirma... que las acciones van a subir aún más.
... says Dad? D'you tell everyone that?
¿ A todas les dices lo mismo?
Yes, that's what everyone says.
Sí. Es como todos creen.
And upset that everyone says they saw me with him.
Y me entristece que todos digan que me vieron con él.
- That's what everyone says.
- Pero, si dicen que...
It says in your file that you use knives against everyone.
En tu ficha pone que le sacas la navaja a todo el mundo.
Everyone says that the sea has swallowed him... but I'm sure that someday he'll come back to see me.
Pero yo estoy seguro que un día volverá a buscarme.
Now, supposing this Klimo is the genius that everyone says he is. Wouldn't there be something to be said for employing him during what I term to be this period of greatest risk?
Ahora, suponiendo que Climo es el genio... que todos dicen que es... no habría que decir algo, por contratarlo... durante lo que yo diría este período... de mayor riesgo.
- That's what everyone says.
- Eso es lo que todos dicen.
Everyone who has seen it says that such a perfect automaton doesn't exist any where else in the world.
Todos los que le han visto han dicho que es un autómata perfecto no existe ningun otro en el mundo.
But everyone says there is... and we've all agreed that you'll have to clean twice a month.
Pero todas decimos que lo está... y hemos convenido que Ud. deberá limpiar dos veces por mes.
- That's what everyone says.
- Es lo que dicen todos.
That's what everyone says.
Eso es lo que dice todo el mundo.
Everyone says you're senile with age but you're the only one that can help me.
Todos dicen que estás senil, pero eres el único que puede ayudarme.
That's what everyone says. He even said it.
Eso me ha dicho él.
The Supreme Court, by virtue of the Sexual Discrimination Act says that anyone who tries out for a team sport has to be given the same chance as everyone else.
El Tribunal Supremo, en virtud de la Ley de Discriminación Sexual... ... dice que cualquiera que se presente a un deporte de equipo... ... tiene que recibir las mismas oportunidades que los demás.
That's what everyone says.
Eso es lo que todos dicen.
Matsumoto misreads "Ippaku" and says "Ippatsu" instead. That's why everyone is laughing. that's right.
Matsumoto lee mal "Ippaku" y dice "Ippatsu" en su lugar.
- And also this friend of mine says that everyone of these aristocracies is surrounded by an army of coveters.
- Y dice este amigo de mi alma que cada una de estas aristocracias está cercada por la armada de los envidiosos.
everyone says 22
everyone says so 22
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
everyone says so 22
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19