Eyes front tradutor Espanhol
1,008 parallel translation
- Eyes front!
- ¡ Vista al frente!
Eyes front!
¡ Vista al frente!
Shoulders back, eyes front.
¡ Mirada al frente!
Eyes front, that man.
Mirada al frente.
- I said, eyes front!
- ¡ Mirada al frente!
Eyes front, Watson.
No se vuelva, vamos.
Tell Wilks to keep his eyes front. He don't even know they're up there.
Que Wilks mire al frente para que no sepan que los vimos.
Eyes front!
¡ Al frente!
Eyes front.
Vista a la derecha.
Keep your eyes to the front.
La vista al frente.
The only way I'll follow another of your suggestions... is if you hold a bright object in front of my eyes and twirl it.
Sólo conseguirás que acepte otra de tus sugerencias... hipnotizándome.
I have spots in front of my eyes, Court.
Veo manchas frente a los ojos, Court.
It's very simple. You constantly have to look in the eyes of the person in front of you, while looking over your shoulder.
Debe mirarse a los ojos constantemente por encima de la espalda...
Look at them! Bleeding to death in front of my eyes!
¡ Míralos, desangrándose ante mis ojos!
Setting that in front of my eyes.
¿ Cómo pone eso ante mi vista?
it's the same eyes, the same front, the same mouth of course Maria, I've remained the same yes, the same, always the same you haven't become a king, you haven't become a man, you've remained a boy
Son los mismos ojos, la misma frente, la misma boca. Claro, María. Sigo siendo el mismo.
Have I no eyes in the front of my head?
- Pintando las ventanas.
Shoulders back, eyes front.
¡ Vista a la derecha!
Eyes front.
¡ Mirada al frente!
Just keep your eyes to the front, brother. I would like for you to come to one of our meetings sometime.
Mantenga la vista al frente, hermano.
And when she seen me, she turned herself right in front of my eyes and ran off laughing fit to kill.
No hace ni media hora, venía alegre contoneándose por el camino y en cuanto me vio, se transformó rápidamente, delante de mis ojos.
Tell me, is your whole life passing in front of your eyes?
Dime, es todo tu vida pasando frente a tus ojos?
My whole life is passing in front of my eyes right now, and it's not a pretty picture.
Toda mi vida esta pasando frente a mis ojos ahora mismo, y no es un hermosa pintura.
Pretty good, but the spots in front of my eyes had me worried.
Bien, me preocupé porque veía manchas.
As soon as I get anything to peddle, I'm playing along with you guys... just as long as you keep me dizzy seeing'10 spots in front of my eyes.
En cuanto tenga algo que vender, los invitaré a jugar... siempre y cuando me mareen con los billetes en mis narices.
But tonight, in front of my very eyes - as if to taunt me - you all but fell into each other's arms.
Pero esta noche, ante mis propios ojos, como para burlarse de mí... prácticamente cayeron el uno en brazos del otro.
If the driver hadn't had an extinguisher, his pal would've been fried alive right in front of his eyes.
Si no hubiera tenido un extintor, habría muerto abrasado sin poder hacer nada.
Heads up. Eyes straight to the front.
Levanten la cabeza, vista al frente.
Keep your eyes in the front, Winters.
Vista al frente, Winters.
My boy asked if he'd cut it so it would drop down in front of his eyes.
Mi hijo pidió que el pelo cayera en la frente.
Only one put his hands in front of his eyes and he was the last one.
Sólo uno se tapó lo ojos con las manos, el último de ellos.
You haven't got spots in front of your eyes?
¿ No ves estrellitas?
I start to figure maybe they won't take me... and some cold sweat runs down the middle of my back, and my head begins to buzz... and everything in the middle of the room begins to swim... and I get black spots in front of my eyes... and they say I've got high blood pressure again.
Empiezo a imaginarme que, a lo mejor, no me cogen... y un sudor frío me corre por la espalda, y la cabeza me empieza a zumbar... y en la habitación todo empieza a balancearse... y tengo manchas negras delante de los ojos... y dicen que otra vez tengo la tensión alta.
- He turned into a wolf, sir... right in front of our eyes.
- Se transformó en lobo, señor... en nuestras propias narices.
Right in front of me very eyes.
¡ Frente a mis ojos!
Because it looks like one thing... and right in front of your eyes it becomes another thing.
Porque parece una cosa... y delante de tus ojos, se convierte en otra.
You're breaking up in little pieces right in front of my eyes, you know.
Se está desmoronando delante de mí, ¿ sabe?
There is a black book! And a man was murdered in front of my eyes!
¡ Existe un libro negro, y un hombre fue asesinado!
Head and eyes straight to the front.
¡ La mirada hacia adelante!
When I won a prize for deportment, there wasn't a line about it... but it was front page news when I tried to scratch the eyes out... of that little beast ofa Vandermeer girl.
Gané un premio en conducta y no lo publicaron... pero salió en primera plana que traté de sacarle los ojos... a la bestia de la chica Vandermeer.
Doctor, I get spots in front of me eyes and me heart is palpitating.
Doctor, veo puntos por todos lados y tengo palpitaciones.
Get in front of Florence and look in her eyes.
Ponte delante de Florence y mírala a los ojos.
If you look at the front, it is not elderly, it has aged are the eyes, which are empty.
Si nos fijamos en la frente, no es de persona mayor, lo que tiene envejecido son los ojos, vacíos.
You don't know what it's like to watch somebody you love just crumble away bit by bit and day by day in front of your eyes.
No sabes lo que se siente ver alguien que amas deshacerse poco a poco y día a día delante de tus propios ojos.
Those disks in front of the eyes are selen cells.
Los discos delante de los ojos son células de selenio.
- Let me tell you, when I seen my poor friend Wes lying dead in a pool of blood, being scalped in front of my eyes,
- Os diré una cosa. Cuando vi a mi pobre amigo Wes tendido en un charco de sangre mientras le arrancaban la cabellera, supe cuál era mi deber :
How can I help saying what's in front of my eyes?
¿ Cómo puedo dejar de ver lo que tengo ante los ojos?
I can see it even now in front of my eyes, you were very cute.
Todavía me parece verte. Estabas muy mona.
Man is tied to a pole. A saber given to red on a charcoal fire. The blade passes slowly in front of human eyes flush eyelids.
Un hombre atado a un poste, la hoja de un sable al rojo vivo, una incisión a la altura de los parpados, el hombre chilla.
A lead flashed in front of my eyes.
De pronto vi un titular :
Observe, please, they're on the front of his head and not on the side like reptile or fish eyes.
Observen que están en la frente de su cabeza y no a los lados como los reptiles o los ojos de los peces.
front 182
front desk 35
front and back 38
front and center 56
front page 47
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
eyes on the prize 41
eyes on me 42
front desk 35
front and back 38
front and center 56
front page 47
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
eyes on the prize 41
eyes on me 42
eyes up 51
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes here 16
eyes on 29
eyes closed 32
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes here 16
eyes on 29
eyes closed 32