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Fairness tradutor Espanhol

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But fairness and consideration for his friends would call him for caution, he ought to think it over and discuss it and similar catchphrases.
Mas equidad y consideracin con sus amigos exigirian prudencia, necesitaria reflexionar, consultar y frases semejantes.
- as a matter of fairness...
- para hacer justicia- -
The separation must be borne in fairness to the boy.
La separación resultará justa para el chico.
In all fairness, Louise.
- Se justa, Louise.
You know, I think that in all fairness... -... I should tell you I am a married man now.
Creo que para ser justo debes saber que soy casado.
Ten years ago, Judge Roger Shaw did his duty as he saw it and sentenced this man to prison for an offense the details of which, out of fairness to the accused I shall not relate.
Hace 10 años, el juez Shaw cumplió con su deber y sentenció a ese hombre a la cárcel por un delito cuyos detalles, para ser justo con el acusado no relataré.
In all fairness, you should permit me to remain and explain ourselves.
Para que haya justicia, debería permitirme quedarme y dar una explicación.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, before I continue - I want to say in fairness to our distinguished guest... that I do not intend in any way to ridicule his faith in the supernatural.
Ahora, damas y caballeros, antes de continuar... para ser justo con nuestro distinguido invitado... no tengo la intención de ridiculizar su fe en lo sobrenatural.
That is why I feel that, in fairness to you, I should tell you personally why the governors and I have decided to appoint Mr. Wilkinson.
Por eso creo que sería justo decirle personalmente por qué la junta y yo hemos decidido nombrar al Sr. Wilkinson.
Up there is a man who believed in truth, honesty and fairness.
Allí hay un hombre que creía en la verdad, honestidad y justicia.
If it's of any importance to you, I must, in all fairness, add we've nothing to reproach ourselves for during those seven years.
Si le interesa y para ser justo con su mujer... debo decir que no hay nada que debamos reprocharnos... en esos 7 años.
On the question of who plays first, may I suggest alphabetical order - in the interest of fairness?
¿ puedo sugerir el orden alfabético como lo más justo? Sí, claro.
Young man, I've been very lenient with you, not because I like you, but because I don't want my personal feelings to influence my sense of fairness... so you won't think you're being persecuted.
Jovencito, he sido indulgente con usted... no porque me agrade... sino porque mis sentimientos no deben influenciarme. Me he esforzado para que no lo molesten.
Gentlemen, in fairness to my reputation, you owe me an apology.
Para ser justos con mi reputación, me deben una disculpa.
And in all fairness to you, there's something you should understand.
Pero quiero ser sincero. Hay algo que debe entender.
In all fairness, it seemed the only solution. And then... I remembered all her gentle kindnesses.
Aquella me pareció la única solución y entonces recordé todas sus bondades.
In all fairness, I must confess the nights here seem more beautiful than at Beacon Hill.
Honestamente debo confesar que las noches aquí... son mas bonitas que en Beacon Hill.
In fairness, they're easier to pity.
En justicia, son dados a la piedad.
It wasn't meant as kindness entirely, just fairness.
No pretendía ser amable, solo justo.
In fairness, he went down to the deck trying to save one of his men, but afterwards, he didn't rejoin his squadron.
Debo decir en su favor que descendió para salvar a uno de sus hombres. Pero no volvió a incorporarse a su escuadrón.
- I think in all fairness- -
- Con toda honestidad, pienso- -
They'rejust like city folk, Miss Farley, except that they have a sense of fairness.
Son como los urbanitas, pero tienen un sentido de la justicia.
You must do it, but honestly, with fairness.
Un momento, debes hacerlo con decencia, con lealtad.
Michael Logan, while I have no doubt that the jury must have reached their conclusion in utmost fairness and solemn regard for justice I cannot help expressing my personal disagreement with their verdict.
Michael Logan, mientras no tengo duda de que el jurado ha llegado a su conclusión con imparcialidad y solemne respeto para la justicia no puedo evitar expresar mi desacuerdo personal frente a su veredicto.
In all fairness, sir Apart from the matters mentioned Your power would be unimpaired.
Con toda sinceridad Señor, aparte de esas cuestiones... no se os mediatiza el Poder.
In fairness, you can't blame me.
Seamos justos : no puedes culparme.
Well, in all fairness, sir, I think I should tell you that I was requested to request it.
Creo que es mi obligación decirle que allí me pidieron que lo pidiese.
But in all fairness to him, I believe she's been leading him on.
Pero para ser justos con él, creo que ella le coqueteaba.
But, in all fairness, it ought to be one at a time.
Pero, sinceramente, debería ser uno por uno.
Let me say this in all fairness to Mr. McCall :
Les diré algo en favor del señor McCall :
We want the counsel from the North to get every fairness and consideration.
Señoría, queremos que el ilustre defensor venido del Norte goce de absoluta ecuanimidad y consideración en este proceso.
The sun shone in all its fairness and made you forget winter's rages.
El sol brillaba en todo su esplendor, haciendo olvidar las furias invernales.
But again, in fairness, we must all admit that he has contributed much although noisily to both zoology and anthropology.
Pero, para ser justos, debemos reconocer que sí ha contribuido mucho... aunque ruidosamente... tanto a la Zoología como a la Antropología.
In all fairness, he never implied that you were common.
Para ser justos, nunca dijo que fuera una cualquiera.
- In fairness, I ought to explain there's also a secondary problem, one of finance.
- Para ser sincero, debo decirle que también existe un problema secundario, económico.
But in fairness to everyone, there is some recent news that may have a bearing on your decision.
Pero, por cierto, hay una noticia reciente que puede tener relación con la decisión que tomaron.
His wisdom and fairness, was an inspiration always, in every act of the government.
La sabiduría y la justicia inspiraron siempre todos sus actos de gobierno.
Fairness isn't one of his virtues, Christine.
La justicia no es una de sus virtudes, Christine.
In fairness, sir, send for the RSM before you...
Señor, llame al Sgto. Mayor antes...
Your greatness is matched only by your fairness, Sire.
Su grandeza está igualada sólo por su imparcialidad, Sire.
I should in fairness add that my taste in music is reputedly deplorable.
En justicia, debo decir que mi gusto musical tiene fama de deplorable.
For the sake of fairness, I will lick both off and on.
Para ser justos, todos deberían tener mis pies.
Now, Dr. Zira, in all fairness, you must admit that the accused is a non-ape and therefore has no rights under ape law.
Dra. Zira, para ser justa, debe admitir que el acusado no es un simio y por lo tanto no tiene derechos bajo la ley simia.
Though in all fairness, I don't think this is a police matter.
Aunque para ser justos, no creo que este sea un asunto para la policía.
She has such faith that there should be fairness in everything, and she demands it, like a child.
Ella cree que todo debe hacerse con justicia, y lo exige como una niña.
Dear viewers, and you too, officer I think we can say in all fairness : " Operation Parasol, I was there.'
Al final de este acontecimiento podemos decir que nosotros y ustedes y usted, agente, embarcados por la emoción, estuvimos en la operación rescate.
Having won with Flail, decency and fairness compel me to stay with him.
Al haber ganado con Flail, la decencia y la justicia me obligan a apoyarlo.
In all fairness, Wilma, Pop didn't do anything wrong.
En justicia, Wilma, papá no hizo nada malo.
I'd like to thank the court for its fairness -
Agradezco al tribunal su imparcialidad...
Sally, in all fairness- -
Con toda justicia, tú dijiste...
¿ Justicia?

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