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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / Faking

Faking tradutor Espanhol

1,905 parallel translation
Yeah, and he wasn't faking it.
Si, y no lo estaba fingiendo.
Why do you think he's faking?
¿ Por qué crees que miente?
You think I'm faking?
¿ Crees que miento?
So, no, I'm not faking.
No estoy fingiendo.
Faking your kidnapping.
¿ Fingir tu secuestro?
Was he faking it?
¿ Estaba fingiendo?
I know you're faking.
Sé que estàs fingiendo.
Are you faking?
¿ Estàs fingiendo?
Fine, I'm faking.
Bien, estoy fingiendo.
After my parent's divorce, I started faking a limp and walking with a cane.
Después del divorcio de mis padres, empecé a fingir que era coja y a caminar con muletas
I was faking it. I know.
- Estaba fingiendo.
Because he was faking it.
- Porque estaba fingiendo.
He's faking it.
¡ Está fingiendo!
You were totally faking it.
Lo fingiste todo.
I thought I had Tom all figured out, but it's almost like he's faking being sad.
Pensaba que entendía a Tom, pero casi es como si estuviera fingiendo estar triste.
Were you faking it?
¿ Estabas fingiéndolo?
If you really loved me, you'd keep faking it.
Si de verdad me amaras, hubieras seguido fingiéndolo.
I wasn't sure which was making me madder- - that Mike was bailing on the family by faking an injury or that he thought of it first.
No estaba segura qué me enfadaba más- - que Mike se escaqueara de la familia fingiendo una lesión o que a él se le ocurrió primero
It's like he was having a spasm. He was probably just faking it, to get compensation.
Probablemente lo estaba fingiendo, tratando de conseguir una compensación.
Did it sound like I was faking?
¿ Parecía que estaba fingiendo?
Doesn't it feel like we were faking it our unhappiness?
¿ No sientes como si fuera que lo estamos fingiendo? ¿ Nuestra infelicidad?
Hey! Will? I know you're faking.
Will, se que estas fingiendo está bien Cha-Ka.
I think she's faking it.
Creo que aparenta ser feliz.
Well, that means I know when you're crying for real and when you're faking it.
Eso significa que sé cuándo lloras de verdad y cuando estás fingiendo.
To what, spend a few hours faking small talk?
¿ Qué cosa? ¿ Pasar unas horas hablando de trivialidades?
The only acting she's ever done is faking an orgasm.
Sólo actúa cuando finge un orgasmo.
We know you're faking it.
Sabemos que finges.
"Faking sick is very difficult."
"Fingir una enfermedad es fácil."
There's no faking going on here.
No fingimos nada.
We're not faking us through year after year, pretending or so.
No necesitamos fingir. No somos pretenciosos.
He may be faking.
Que puede estar fingiendo.
I think he's faking.
Creo que fingir.
- I think the motherfucker's faking!
Creo que mierda fingiendo.
- Really? So you were just faking it for my benefit?
Imagina a mi favor?
And the next time y'all call me it better be for something easy, like faking a moon landing.
Y la próxima vez que me llamen es mejor que sea para algo fácil... De acuerdo...
I had to see whether you were faking.
Tenía que ver si fingías.
I was considering faking a heart attack, bad flatulence, anything to get out of here.
Estaba considerando fingir un ataque al corazón, mala flatulencia, cualquier cosa para salir de aquí.
You weren't faking.
No fingías.
You better not be faking this just to get out of a tough conversation.
Será mejor que no estés fingiendo esto para huir de una conversación difícil.
De que fingía.
I wasn't faking.
No fingía.
I know he wasn't faking.
Sé que no estaba fingiendo.
I don't think he was faking.
No creo que haya fingido.
You think his lung is faking it?
Crees que su pulmón está fingiendo?
And you'd be a total MILF if it weren't for the whole faking-the-mother thing.
Y podrías ser una total MQMGF * ( * madre que me gustaría follar ) si no fuera por toda la cosa de madre farsante.
And I would have picked you if these two dipsticks hadn't been faking sick to get out of chopping and dicing.
Y te habría elegido a ti si estos dos idiotas no estuvieran haciendose los enfermos para librarse de picar y trocear.
Probably faking my way through most of it.
Probablemente apañándomelas todo el tiempo.
You think she was faking it?
¿ Crees que estaba fingiendo?
Gold. We know you've been faking employee drug tests In order to hide the use of stimulants.
Sabemos que están falseando las pruebas de drogas de los empleados para esconder el uso de estimulantes.
Is he faking?
¿ Está fingiendo?
She's faking it.
Está fingiendo.

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