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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / Far as i can tell

Far as i can tell tradutor Espanhol

802 parallel translation
- Nothing broken as far as I can tell.
No tengo nada roto que yo sepa.
- Miss the bone? - As far as I can tell.
- ¿ Le ha atravesado el hueso?
So far as I can tell, there's been no great change since yesterday, just a gradual weakening.
Desde que la visité ayer, no se ha producido ningún cambio. Aunque está más débil.
Far as I can tell, he's never been arrested.
Por lo que veo, nunca ha sido arrestado.
- Far as I can tell, nothing broken. - My neck's stiff.
Me parece que no hay nada roto.
As far as I can tell from the child's manner.
Por cómo se comportó, sí.
- As far as I can tell.
- Parece que sí.
He's got a bad break, as far as I can tell.
Tiene una rotura fea.
As far as I can tell, they've got 50 signed already.
Por lo que he visto, ya han firmado 50.
- As far as I can tell.
- Por lo que yo puedo decir.
That's all anyone knows so far as I can tell.
Eso es todo lo que saben todos hasta donde sé.
As far as I can tell, the body doesn't seem to have any bones.
Solo puedo decir es que el cuerpo no parece tener ningún hueso.
Well, as far as I can tell, he's as strong and as fast as Groppo.
Bueno, lo que puedo decirles es que él es tan fuerte y veloz como Groppo.
As far as I can tell from instrument readings, our prime suspect has a malfunction in one of the heart valves.
Hasta donde lo puedo ver en los instrumentos a nuestro principal sospechoso le marcha mal una válvula cardíaca.
Besides, the removal of the tissue wouldn't stop the pain anyhow, as far as I can tell.
Además, por lo que veo, extraer el tejido de su cuerpo no aliviaría su dolor. ¿ Operó a Spock a tiempo?
As far as I can tell... the only way we're going to get them off that tower... in one piece is to get a vehicle on that top deck.
Sólo podemos sacarlos vivos de esa torre... si un vehículo aterriza sobre la cubierta superior.
Not only with me, but as far as I can tell, with anyone.
No solo conmigo, que yo sepa, con cualquiera.
Forgive me for asking, but as far as I can tell you're all Swiss citizens.
Perdonen que pregunte, pero creo que son todos ciudadanos suizos.
- As far as I can tell, yes.
A mí me lo parece.
Her left eye, as far as I can tell, is unharmed.
El ojo izquierdo, que yo sepa, está bien.
- All right, as far as I can tell.
- Bien, hasta lo que yo sé.
As far as I can tell you have an affectionate heart, you love children.
Usted es una persona atenta y afectuosa, ama a los niños...
As far as I can tell, given his low-life qualities which Mister Stanica has it, he doesn't need my help to get ahead.
Hasta donde yo sé, dada su habilidad para las malas artes, el Sr. Stanica no necesita para nada mi ayuda.
So, as far as I can tell, they are constructed...
Hasta donde lo logré aclarar, están hechos de...
As far as I can tell from these invoices, the only thing we buy from them... with a chemical base is suture.
Por lo que veo en estas facturas, lo único que le compramos con componentes químicos, es sutura.
All okay as far as I can tell!
Todo en orden, por lo que he visto.
Según lo que he visto, parece un tipo muy disciplinado.
As far as I can tell, it was a simple mugging.
Por lo que puedo decir, fue un simple mugging.
As far as I can tell, things between us are always the same.
¿ Qué debo hacer para no verlo más?
There's nothing wrong with you as far as I can tell.
No encuentro nada malo con Ud.
As far as I can tell he's alone.
Parece que está solo.
As far as I can tell, the visual component is inert.
Hasta donde puedo decir, el componente visual es inerte.
As far as I can tell, you couldn't ask for a better witness.
No podríamos pedir un mejor testigo.
- As far as I can tell.
- Hasta donde puedo ver.
As far as I can tell, that's Leon Sprague.
- En mi opinión, es Leon Sprague.
As far as I can tell, it was physically impossible to have gotten that body up there.
Tal y como yo lo veo, fue físicamente imposible subir ahí el cadáver.
I put 2 and 2 together, and as far as I can tell, you don't have anybody to depend on.
He estado dándole vueltas, y lo tengo muy claro. Usted está demasiado sola.
As far as I can tell, the boy drowned.
Lo que puedo decir es que se ahogó.
- As far as I can tell, she's fine.
- Por lo que sé, sí.
As far as I can tell, he hates just about everybody. VC, even South Vietnamese government types.
Hasta donde puedo decir, los odia a todos VC, hasta los tipos de gobierno de Vietnam del Sur.
Please... Anyway, as far as I can tell, I was tο remain in the shadοws... a sοrt οf supernumerary player in case...
Bien, de cualquier modo, mi papel sería el de observador incógnito, un jugador suplente, para el caso de...
- Not as far as I can tell.
No hasta donde yo sé.
Well, as far as I can tell, the message was, he's got a terrible lion up his end, so there's an advantage to an enema at once.
Por Io que he podido oír, el mensaje era que tiene un gato que le va fatal, así que le va a hacer otra lavativa ahora mismo.
Well, not all that good, I'm afraid, as far as I can tell, you're as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo.
- No muchas, la verdad. Es Ud. Tan culpable como un perrito junto a un montón de caca.
As far as I can recall, and it seems funny to tell it now...
Y si no recuerdo mal, esto tiene su gracia contado ahora...
As far as I'm concerned, you can tell him.
Por mí, se lo puedes decír.
As far as I'm concerned, all women are alike. They just got different faces so you can tell them apart.
Para mí todas las mujeres son iguales, sólo que con diferente cara, para distinguirlas.
But I can tell you this... I'll bet you I can spot a fake as far as I can see one.
Pero seguro que puedo distinguir a un farsante.
As far as I can see, there's nothing else to tell.
Por lo que a mi respecta, no hay nada mas que decir.
Met at the Yacht Club every Sunday. Is he serious? Never as far as I can tell.
conocido en el Yacht club cada domingo es serio, nunca tanto que pueda decir yo estaba, actualmente buen conjunto, bien compermiso
Well, as far as we can tell, somehow, I don't know how... someone dug him outta the grave so no brain damage occurred.
Bueno, de alguna manera, no lo sé, alguien lo desenterró de la tumba de modo que no tuvo daños cerebrales.

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