From that tradutor Espanhol
125,803 parallel translation
Your dad moved your mom's body from that closet.
Tu padre trasladó el cuerpo de tu madre desde el armario.
I hope you get whatever you need from that.
Espero que consigas lo que quiera que necesites de eso.
Why else would I be seeing ghosts from that timeline when mom was killed?
¿ Por qué más estaría viendo fantasmas de la línea de tiempo en que tu mamá murió?
From that moment my life had ended.
Mi vida terminó en ese momento.
From that point on I shut down.
Desde ese momento, me encerré en mí misma.
And you said the hose coming from that service road was pouring it for a long time?
¿ Y dices que la manguera que venía desde ese camino de servicio estuvo vertiendo por mucho tiempo?
Isn't that the cow from the Magic Roundabout?
¿ Esta no es la vaca de The Magic Roundabout?
That shoe from this morning, I told you it was outside the house.
El zapato de esta mañana, te lo he dicho estaba fuera de la casa.
This is one of your mother's spell books, that I've kept hidden from you.
Este es uno de los libros de hechizos de tu madre que te he escondido.
That's because I never learned about this place from a spell book.
Eso es porque no supe sobre este lugar por un libro de hechizos.
And now that I have them, you will never take them away from me.
Y ahora que las tengo nunca me las quitarás.
Burov gave us information that let us capture William Crandall and stop the Soviets from stealing a deadly virus from one of our labs.
Burov nos dio información que nos llevó a la captura de William Crandall, evitando que los soviéticos robaran un virus letal de uno de nuestro laboratorios.
Well, hopefully, we'll prevent that from happening.
Bueno, con suerte, nosotros evitaremos que eso ocurra.
I'm in from out of town, and a friend told me there was beautiful hiking around here, but that first I had to make this... Gorp.
No soy de la ciudad, y una amiga me dijo que había una ruta de senderismo preciosa por aquí, pero que primero tenía que hacer esta mezcla de frutos secos.
Old patterns between parents and children create barriers that keep us from seeing what's really there.
Patrones viejos entre padres y niños crean barreras que nos impiden ver lo que hay en realidad.
The fact that you came from a trustworthy family, that was good.
El hecho de que procedieras de una familia de fiar, fue un punto a favor.
Mm. So it's not that different from the FBI, then?
¿ Así que no es tan diferente del FBI, entonces?
I just want you to know that there is nothing to worry about from me.
Solo quería que supierais que no tenéis que preocupar por mí.
So... that's where it comes from.
Así que, procede de ahí.
It wasn't that far from where I grew up.
No estaba lejos de donde me crie.
How else am I gonna feel that contentment that comes from the perception I'm not about to kill millions of people, nor are millions of people about to kill me?
Si no, ¿ cómo siento esa satisfacción que provoca la percepción de que no voy a matar a millones de personas, o que millones de personas no van a matarme a mí?
And it's very similar to a genocide documentary, in that no one is learning from history!
Se parece mucho a un documental sobre genocidios, ¡ porque nadie aprende de la historia!
What is that, a specter from the attic?
"¿ Qué es eso? ¿ Un espectro del ático?"
But no one can ever take that away from you.
Pero nadie podrá quitarte eso jamás.
'cause they're making us into a shape, and you run and there's no game element to distract you from the fact that you keep running and running.
Para modelar el cuerpo, tienes que correr, sin ningún elemento lúdico que te distraiga del hecho de que estás corriendo sin parar ".
And, um... the reason I say that, uh, I'm a bookkeeper is because one time I was on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, and a woman said, what do you do, what I did.
Y Si digo que soy contadora es porque una vez estaba en un vuelo de Los Ángeles a Nueva York, y una mujer me preguntó a qué me dedicaba.
I put on my t-shirt nightgown with the long slit that I got in 1994 from the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport with the moose on it.
Yo me puse mi camiseta de dormir con el tajo largo que compré en 1994 en el aeropuerto St. Paul, de Mineápolis. Tiene un alce.
Imagine a happy worker coming down from their transit-friendly office for a fancy coffee beverage or yoga, and what's that over there?
Imagínate a un trabajador feliz bajando desde su amigable oficina para tomarse un sofisticado refrigerio de café o hacer yoga, ¿ y eso de allí qué es?
You wanna guess who's on this list of availables that Richard just got from his recruiter?
¿ Quieres adivinar quién está en la lista del reclutador?
Clearly, she has a lot of pent-up sexual energy, likely from working in this worm farm, so that's the angle I'm taking since I'm not allowed to have a seizure.
Tiene mucha energía sexual acumulada. Obviamente por trabajar aquí. Así que tomé ese enfoque.
Richard, not that long ago, you agonized over using a stolen log-in to get into a bake-off with Endframe, a company that stole from us.
Richard, no hace mucho, agonizaste por usar un acceso robado para competir con Endframe, una empresa que nos robó.
Richard was gonna take that deal, and then you pulled it right out from under us.
Richard iba a aceptar el trato y tú te echaste para atrás.
That is the number of installs that we've got from Hoolicon alone.
Es el número de instalaciones que conseguimos solo de Hooli-Con.
But I have just flown from America, and I'm here to prove to you that he is wrong.
Pero acabo de llegar de Estados Unidos, y vine a demostrarles que está equivocado.
Hi, could you tell Dan Melcher that Richard Hendricks and the guys from Pied Piper are here to see him? You guys are Pied Piper?
¿ Podrías avisarle a Dan Melcher que Richard Hendricks y Pied Piper quieren verlo?
- Reynard thinks he broke you, that there's no coming back from what he did.
Reynard piensa que te rompió por dentro, que no volverás a ser la misma de antes que él llegara.
I understood everything, and now it's fading like a dream that you woke me from.
Entendía todo, y ahora se desvanece como un sueño del que tú me despertaste.
That seat was meant for a structural engineer from Berkeley.
Ese asiento era para un ingeniero de estructuras de Berkeley.
I look around me now, and all I see are brave faces that have come so far from your homes, families, your children, to risk so much on behalf of generations of human beings that you'll never meet but who will owe you... everything.
Miro a mi alrededor, y todo lo que veo son caras valientes que han venido tan lejos de sus hogares, familias, de sus hijos, arriesgando mucho en nombre de generaciones de seres humanos que nunca conocerán pero que les deberán... todo.
But you wouldn't know that because everything about this building, from its flat facade to its manicured grounds, is designed to misdirect you, to make you look the other way.
Pero no lo sabríais porque todo en este edificio, desde su fachada plana hasta sus cuidados terrenos, está diseñado para desviaros, para haceros mirar hacia otro lado.
You see, we still believe in that kind of stuff where I'm from.
Ya ves, de donde vengo todavía creemos en ese tipo de cosas.
That's a heap of judgment coming from someone whose husband pops up around these parts looking for ways to relieve his pain.
Eso son un montón de críticas de alguien cuyo marido va por ahí buscando formas de aliviar su dolor.
Deacon Joe's attorney just informed the DA that he's bringing a signed confession from his client detailing the name and location of every single one of his victims.
El abogado del diácono acaba de informar al fiscal del distrito que va a traer una confesión firmada de su cliente detallando el nombre y la ubicación de cada una de sus víctimas.
Does that ring any bells from the Nightingale days?
¿ Te suena de algo de los días del Nightingale?
That's a long drive from Woodhaven, hardly his local.
Es un viaje largo desde Woodhaven, difícilmente sea su sitio local.
After that, all we had was the signal from his cell.
Después de eso, todo lo que teníamos era la señal de su celular.
Is that blood from the Pouchino crime scene?
¿ Esa es sangre de la escena de Pouchy?
That's right. And half of you bought them from me!
Es verdad, y la mitad de ustedes me los compraban.
You'll never get that from Gerry Epp.
Nunca lo conseguirás de Gerry Epp.
- I-I would, but currently, I lack credibility, so the only way to fix this and turn it around is to get Voss and prove that my case was scuttled from the inside.
- Lo haría, pero a fecha de hoy, he perdido toda la credibilidad, y solo hay un modo de arreglarlo y dar la vuelta a la tortilla, atrapando a Voss y demostrando que mi caso lo tiraron por tierra desde dentro.
Where the hell did that come from?
¿ De dónde demonios salió eso?
from that day on 36
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334