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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get a hold of yourself

Get a hold of yourself tradutor Espanhol

347 parallel translation
You've gotta get a hold of yourself.
Habías perdido el control.
You've got to get A hold of yourself.
Debes controlarte.
Get a hold of yourself.
Conserve la calma.
- Now, get a hold of yourself, kid.
Tú... - Cálmate.
Witzel, compórtate
Get a hold of yourself Jane will you.
- Recapacita, Jane.
- Chinita, get a hold of yourself.
- Trata de controlarte, Chinita.
Operator! - Get a hold of yourself!
- ¡ Compórtate!
Get a hold of yourself!
¡ Domínate!
All right, all right, get a hold of yourself and try to open your eyes.
Vale. Contrólate y trata de abrir los ojos.
- Get a hold of yourself.
- Cógelo tú
No, chum, get a hold of yourself.
Créeme, debemos retirarnos.
Get a hold of yourself.
Get a hold of yourself!
In the name of well-adjusted manhood, get a hold of yourself.
Por todos los santos, cálmate, Tim.
Stop acting like a crazy colt and get a hold of yourself.
Deja de comportarte como un potro salvaje y tranquilízate.
Will you just get a hold of yourself?
Escucha, ¿ te vas a calmar?
Get a hold of yourself!
¡ Domina tus nervios!
Get a hold of yourself.
Get a hold of yourself.
Get a hold of yourself!
¡ Ocúpate de ti mismo!
Get a hold of yourself!
¡ Tranquilízate!
Get a hold of yourself.
No lo olvides.
Try to get a hold of yourself.
Sobre todo, cálmate.
Get a hold of yourself, Pierre.
Un poco más de sangre fría, amigo Pierre.
Get a hold of yourself.
Venga ya, Accattò.
Get a hold of yourself.
Niña, tranquilízate.
Solange, darling. Get a hold of yourself.
Solange, mi pequeña.
Come on, Doctor, get a hold of yourself.
Vamos, Doctor, cálmese.
Matt, get a hold of yourself. Put Brewster out of your mind.
Matt, tranquilízate y olvídate de Brewster.
Get a hold of yourself.
And get a hold of yourself.
¡ Y usted también tenga paciencia!
I want you to get a hold of yourself.
Quiero que tengas valor.
- Will you get a hold of yourself?
- ¿ Quieres controlarte?
Get a hold of yourself man!
Consigue donde cubrirte, hombre!
Get a hold of yourself.
Compruébalo por ti mismo.
Get a hold of yourself. Hang in there!
Vamos a por él.
Get a hold of yourself!
¡ Aguanta!
- Get a hold of yourself.
- Contrólate.
You better get a hold of yourself.
Más vale que te controles.
Kantaro of the Tachibana clan, get a hold of yourself.
Eres Kantaro del clan Tachibana. ¡ Contrólate!
Get a hold of yourself.
You'd like to get a hold of it yourself, wouldn't you? Ha-ha-ha.
Te encantaría que cayera en tus manos, ¿ verdad?
Is that all you can talk about? If you don't get hold of yourself, your mind will crack.
Y como no te calmes un poco, te vas a volver loca.
Get hold of yourself.
Encuéntrate a ti mismo.
You've just seen a man who started out at the same time you did take a big step up in the department, which you'll never do unless you get hold of yourself.
Acaba de ver a un hombre, que empezó a la vez que usted, ascender en el departamento. Algo que usted jamás conseguirá, a no ser que se domine.
I want you go someplace and get hold of yourself.
Quiero que se vaya a alguna parte y se serene.
Get a hold of yourself, you yellow... 420 is losing altitude, sir. I'm going to take her down.
Voy a bajarlo.
Now, you stop crying and get hold of yourself, and I'll send Mother down to the theater right away. Yes, I'm leaving this minute.
Enviaré a tu madre al teatro enseguida.
Get a hold of yourself!
- ¡ Karl...! ¡ Contrólate!
Unless you get hold of yourself, you'll be a mute, musically speaking.
Al menos que se decida, será mudo... musicalmente hablando.

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