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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get away from the door

Get away from the door tradutor Espanhol

170 parallel translation
Madam, get away from the door.
- Señora, apártese de la puerta.
- Get away from the door. - No.
- Apártese de esa puerta.
Get away from the door!
- ¡ Apártate de la puerta!
Get away from the door.
Quédate lejos de la puerta.
- Then get away from the door.
- Entonces aléjate de la puerta.
[Snarling] Spotty. Get away from the door!
Spotty. ¡ Aléjate de la puerta!
Get away from the door.
¡ Aléjate de la puerta!
Children, get away from the door.
¡ Niños, aléjense de la puerta!
Get away from the door. Get away from that door.
Aléjate de la puerta iAléjate de la puerta!
All right, get away from the door, both of you.
Aléjense de la puerta, los dos. Muévanse.
- Get away from the door.
- Fuera de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Aléjese de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Apártese de la puerta.
Charlie, get away from the door.
¡ Apártate de la puerta!
Get away from the door, man! Can't someone...
¡ Apártate de esa puerta, viejo!
Better get away from the door.
Aléjense de la puerta.
Get away from the door!
¡ Aléjate de la puerta!
Get away from the door.
Apártense de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Aléjense de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Aléjese de ahí.
All right, you wanna get away from the door, ma'am?
Muy bien, ¿ quiere apartarse de la puerta, señora?
- Jane, get away from the door.
- Jane, apártate de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Quítate de la puerta.
Swoop, get away from the door. Follow me.
Quítate de la puerta.
Just get away from the door.
Simplemente aléjate de la puerta.
Get away from the door.
Apártate de la puerta.
Don't go near that door. Get away from the door!
No se acerque a la puerta ¡ Aléjese de la puerta!
That means, get away from the door.
Eso significa aléjate de la puerta.
Please, get away from the door.
Aléjense de la puerta, por favor señores.
Be careful. Get away from the door.
Fuera, cuidado, puerta libre.
Get away from the door. It's not time yet.
Tú no tenías por qué asomarte a la puerta porque aún no era la hora.
You get away from the door, motherfucker!
¡ Aléjate de la puerta, hijo de puta!
- Get away from the door. - No.
Kim, aléjate de la puerta.
Get to the door and tell your friends to clear away from there.
Vaya hacia la puerta y dígales a sus amigos que se larguen.
When you want to get away from there, come over here. The door's always open.
Venga cuando quiera evadirse.
You will get me a seat at the back. Far away from the ring, near an exit door. - Fine, Madam.
Consígueme una al fondo, lejos del ring, cerca de alguna salida.
Get these buckets away from the door.
Sí, quiten estos calderos de al lado de la puerta.
- Get them away from the door.
- Que se parten de la puerta. - Apartaos de la puerta.
Get back to your places, away from the windows and the door.
Vuelvan a su sitio, aléjense de puertas y ventanas.
You tear your finger opening your brougham door, you borrow a piece of court plaster from me, and you're careless enough to let a thread of it get carried away by a nut on that chair which you pitched onto the track!
Se lastimó su dedo, al abrir su puerta nueva. Tomó prestado una curita de mí. Y fue lo suficientemente descuidado... como para dejar una hebra, enganchado en una tuerca... de esa silla que puso sobre la pista.
- Get them to stand away from the door.
- Que se alejen de la puerta.
Get back away from the door, Willy.
Vete lejos de la puerta, Willy.
You get your ass away from my door, or I'll have the police up here so fast it'll make your head spin.
O se aparta de mi puerta o llamo a la policía para que se lo lleven.
Ma, get away from the back door.
Mamá, vete de ahí.
Open up! - You're breaking the door, get away from here.
- Estás rompiendo la puerta, vete de aquí.
Ira, get him away from the door. What?
- AIejaIo de Ia puerta.
Get him away from the door!
¿ Como? AIejaIo de Ia puerta.
Kevin... I want you to put the door down and step away from the maze, and no one will get hurt.
Kevin... quiero que vuelvas a poner la puerta en su sitio, te apartes del laberinto, y nadie saldrá herido.
Get the fuck away from the door!
Sal de la puerta. Vete a la mierda!
- Get away from the fucking door!
- ¡ Vete de la maldita puerta!
Get away from the damn door!
Alejate del puerta!

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