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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get out of there now

Get out of there now tradutor Espanhol

720 parallel translation
Jeb, get out of there now.
Jeb, sal de ahí de inmediato.
there you are, Mom. Now come on, get out of here, get out of here, go on...
¡ Vamos, todos afuera!
No, there's nothing you can do now except get out of my way.
No, ahora mismo no puedes hacer nada salvo quitarte de en medio.
Now come on, you men, get out of there.
Y ustedes salgan de ahí.
Now, get down there to that beach and wipe out that Bombo and that bunch of Blefuscuians.
Vamos a la playa. A luchar contra Bombo y sus hombres.
I want to get out of there right now.
Quiero salir de ahí ahora mismo.
- Oh, play one more piece now, Jack. - Oh, get out of there.
Toca otra, Jack.
Now, unhitch the horses and get them out of there.
Desenganchad los caballos y lleváoslos de aquí.
They cost $ 50 apiece! Now, stop it and get out of there!
¡ Deténganse y salgan de ahí!
Now, there's one thing more. Did you get Sutton out of the store yet?
Otra cosa. ¿ Ha sacado ya a Sutton de la tienda?
Now, if we take Route 16 right out the front door... that's the route that's out there... we could get in somebody's car and sort of zzip.
Si tomamos la carretera 16, que está frente a la puerta principal... la carretera que está allá afuera... podríamos subirnos a un auto que pasara... y como que...
Now, you got to register and there ain't no way you can get out of it.
Pasa a alistarte, no hay nada que te libre de esto.
Now, you get out of there.
Ahora, vete de aquí.
Now, we've gotta find some way of getting back in there... and get Captain Sam out. Good evening, gentlemen. Give me that money.
- Buenas noches, caballeros.
Now there's time enough for Don and me to get married after you're out of school and on your own.
Pensaré en volver a casarme cuando termines el instituto y te independices.
Get out of there, now!
¡ He dicho que salgáis!
Get out of there right now!
¡ Vete ahora mismo de ahí!
Now, get him out of there.
Ve y sácalo de allí.
Trouble? There's no trouble that a good story can't get us out of - like the one just now about the piece of chalk and the blackboard.
No hay problema que no se pueda solucionar con una buena historia... como ésa de la tiza y la pizarra.
Hurry now, get out of there. Look in back of you!
Salí pronto, ¡ mirá detras tuyo, mirá!
Now get him out of there, and over to the hospital.
Sacadlo de ahí y llevadlo al hospital.
We can't wait. We've got to get them out of there now.
Hay que sacarles ahora.
Get'em all out of there now.
Sáquenlos de ahí ahora.
Now, you get my stuff out of the supply shack and you... You know, and we'll put her up over there.
Saca todas mis cosas de la choza de utensilios y la instalas allí.
Hey smart guy, I thought I told you to stay out of that road, now come on get back there! "I'm going home and watch it on TV." Why go ahead home and watch it on TV.
¡ Hey, hombre inteligente, que yo te dije permanecer fuera de ese camino, ahora vamos volver allí! "Me voy a casa y verlo en la televisión." ¿ Por qué ir por delante en casa y ver en la televisión.
Now, get out of there.
Ahora sal de aquí.
If we were to ride out of here now... we could go to Liberty and get there by the time the bank opens in the morning.
Si vamos ahora a Liberty, Ilegaremos cuando abra el banco.
Maybe we can get calder out of there now.
Tal vez podamos sacar a Calder ahora.
Mr. Loren, isn't there some way we can get out of this house now?
Sr. Loren, ¿ No hay alguna forma de abandonar ya esta casa?
Now there must be a way out of this place and I'm going to find it and get the police before he does.
Debe haber una salida y voy a encontrarla... para traer a la policía antes de que él nos mate.
Now you don't think we're going to allow them to get back out of there, do you?
No pensarás que los vamos a dejar salir de ahí adentro, ¿ verdad?
Now, you just sit there like a good tramp should until I get out of your sight.
Ahora quédate sentada ahá como una buena cualquiera hasta que desaparezca de tu vista.
Now, there must be somebody we know that's got enough influence to get us out of here tonight.
Tenemos que conocer a alguien con influencia suficiente como para sacarnos esta noche.
Now get in there and go to bed, and i don't want to hear a peep out of you.
Y no intentes escaparte otra vez si no quieres problemas.
If you don't phone Dr. Cristo right now and get Johnny out of there tonight, I will.
Saca de allí a Johnny enseguida, o lo haré yo.
Mr and Mrs Eckland, if you're finished now, I suggest you get the hell out of there.
Sr. y Sra. Eckland, si ya han terminado, les sugiero que salgan de allí.
[Ends ] And now... [ Kicking Trunk] Grandpa will suffocate if he doesn't get out of there.
Y ahora, saldrá el Conde- -
Now that I'm gonna be out there competing for all this high-end pussy, I gotta try to get this body in to some kind of fighting'shape.
Pensé que para competir con todas esas conchas, voy a tener que ponerme en forma.
Now look, you get some of your malingering greenhorns and get my gear out of there.
Oye, coge a esos novatos heridos y saca mis cosas de ahí.
There's a way out of here and you know where it is, so why don't you get out now while you can?
Hay una salida y sabe dónde está. ¿ Por qué no se marcha?
I hear there are two of you to get out now.
¿ Ahora son dos los que tienen que escapar?
Now let's get it out of there.
¡ Pues quítala de ahí!
Go on now, get out of there, bird!
- Vamos. Sal de ahí, pájaro.
Now, get all that glass out of there.
Saquen todos los vidrios de ahí.
Now, don't get out of there until I tell you.
No salgas hasta que aviso.
Now, get that thing out of there... and throw it over here.
Ahora, sacar esa cosa de allí... y tirarlo por aquí.
If there ever was a time to get out of here, it's now.
Si hay una posibilidad de irnos de aquí, es ahora.
Now, our objection is that mechanisation of the docks is not gonna be passed on to the men who work there, but it's gonna be passed on to the employers, and all the dockers are gonna get out of it is the sack.
Nuestra objeción es que la mecanización de los muelles... no servirá a los hombres que trabajan allí, sino que servirá a los empleadores, y todos los estibadores van a quedar fuera de escena, a un lado.
Now your assignment is to get him out of there before he cracks and starts talking.
Su misión es sacarlo de allí antes de que logren que hable.
Now what? Just head uphill there. We'll get out of the way.
Ahora te quedas arriba mientras se levanta.
Now if some of your naval bods could get me out there, Captain?
Ahora bien, si alguno de su cuerpo naval puede llevarme allí, capitán.

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