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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Glenda

Glenda tradutor Espanhol

395 parallel translation
Glenda said it would only take a minute. What sort of a deal is this?
glenda dijo que eI trato sólo Ie llevaría un momento. ¿ Qué trato es?
Glenda Crawford.
glenda Crawford.
I like Glenda very much. For the last name I would have preferred something else.
Me gusta mucho GIenda, pero habría preferido otro apellido.
My niece, Miss Glenda Crawford.
Mi sobrina, Ia Srta. GIenda Crawford.
( Glenda gasps ) This is lovely.
Esto es precioso.
Get in, Glenda.
Sube, glenda.
No. I have asked Señorita Glenda to ride back to the city with me.
Le he pedido a Ia Srta. GIenda que venga a Ia ciudad conmigo.
- Glenda, darling, what a surprise.
glenda, querida, qué sorpresa.
Glenda, I was wrong yesterday.
glenda, ayer me equivoqué.
Glenda, please believe me.
glenda, por favor, créeme.
- I said Glenda had nothing to do with this.
- Te dije que GIenda no tenía nada que ver.
Oh, Glenda. I just discharged Tito with my own hands.
glenda, acabo de echar a Tito con mis propias manos.
¡ Glenda!
Look Glenda, it's one thing to practice psychology in a prison ward... It's something else again to have your patient in ideal circumstances.
Una cosa es practicar la psicología en la cárcel, y otra es tener a tu paciente en circunstancias ideales.
Mrs Esmond's a great rider. Perhaps Glenda would take you with her some time.
La Sra. Esmond es una gran amazona.
Oh, he did once, Glenda...
Una vez. ¿ Recuerdas el año que hubo tanta niebla?
Glenda keeps telling me how well you're doing.
Glenda dice que progresa adecuadamente.
What do you think of him, Glenda?
¿ Qué opinas de él?
Don't fool around, Glenda.
Deja de tontear, Glenda.
- You wouldn't lie to me, would you?
- Tú no me mentirías, ¿ verdad? - ¡ Oh Glenda!
- Oh Glenda, don't nag!
, no fastidies.
I suppose I could use a rest... More time for myself, for Glenda.
Debería tener tiempo, para mí y para Glenda.
Glenda, I was going to suggest...
Glenda, tu deberías...
The things you can't do, Glenda.
No era fácil, por lo que no puedes hacer.
Glenda and I are planning a long holiday.
Glenda y yo planeamos unas largas vacaciones.
No thank you, Glenda.
No gracias, Glenda.
Glenda, will you and Carol spare me from the washing up...
¿ Me dispensais de lavar los platos?
Don't let's quarrel, Glenda.
No nos peleemos, Glenda.
Glenda, what is it?
- Glenda, ¿ qué te ha pasado?
Glenda, for God's sake tell me what happened!
Glenda, por Dios, háblame.
He isn't dead, Glenda. he's gone.
Él no está muerto, Glenda, se ha ido.
Glenda, wait a minute...
¡ Glenda, espera!
Glenda, get Jack a drink.
Glenda, tráele a Jack una copa.
Glenda, you don't offer a man like Jack a drink in these piddling little glasses.
Glenda, no se puede invitar a alguien como Jack... con esta mierda de vasos.
Enjoy glenda jackson with a constant snug fit
Vean a Glenda Jackson con las cuatro zonas controladas.
George Harris, Glenda Scott, David Means, Mark Corgan, Recognize'em?
George Harris, Glenda Scott, David Means, Mark Corgan, ¿ los reconoce?
- Will Gloria, Howard and Glenda be there already?
- Los demás estarán esperando. - No, ellos tienen llaves.
- Glenda, Gloria! - Just a couple of friends :
- Dos amigos, Alex y Ricky.
Glenda, Glenda.
- I'm getting Ira. - Glenda, I'm innocent.
soy inocente.
Glenda, come and sit down.
Es un cuarto de huespedes. ven y sientate.
Glenda, what's wrong with you?
qué te sucede?
- Glenda. - Oh, God!
Why don't you make yourselves a drink?
Por qué no se preparan un trago? Voy por Glenda.
Stanley, sorry I'm late.
Glenda se está preparando.
- Hello, everybody. - Hi, Glenda.
- I wouldn't go in just now, Glenda.
- No deberías entrar.
Glenda Jackson never comes...
Glenda Jackson no viene nunca.
Thanks, Glenda.

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