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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Gloucester

Gloucester tradutor Espanhol

423 parallel translation
If I go to a cheesemonger shop and buy 100 Double Gloucester cheeses at fourpence-halfpenny each...
Si voy al mercado y compro cien quesos Gloucester a cuatro peniques y medio cada uno...
This schooner is from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Este pesquero es de Gloucester, Massachusetts.
I don't want to go to Gloucester.
No quiero ir a Gloucester.
When we head into Gloucester with a full load of fish... we'll help you find your folks.
Cuando volvamos a Gloucester con un cargamento de pescado te ayudaremos a buscar a tus padres.
All of us here share in the fishing... and heading back to Gloucester now... we'd maybe lose all next winter's daily bread for us and our folks.
Aquí todos somos pescadores y si volvemos a Gloucester ahora podríamos perder el sustento de nuestras familias para el próximo invierno.
There's lots of vessels lost out of Gloucester... never had no passenger on board.
Muchos barcos que han zarpado de Gloucester se han perdido y no llevaban pasajeros a bordo.
Say, this is finest schooner out from Gloucester.
Oye, éste es el mejor pesquero que haya zarpado de Gloucester.
He'll beat us into Gloucester this trip, too, I think.
Y otra vez llegará a Gloucester antes que nosotros.
We'll have a full hold and be tied up in Gloucester... by the 1st of August, and he'll still be out here... floundering around, trying to catch fish... or I'll look more like a halibut than he does.
Tendremos un cargamento lleno y estaremos en Gloucester para el 1 de agosto, y él aún estará aquí dando vueltas, intentando pescar algo o tendré más cara de mero que él.
She's from Gloucester, same as us.
Es de Gloucester, igual que nosotros.
Walt Cushman beats me into Gloucester, I'll hang myself with an eel.
Si Walt Cushman llega antes que yo a Gloucester, me ahorco con una anguila.
Would anyone on the Flying Swan be wanting to send any mail to Gloucester?
¿ Hay alguien en el Flying Swan que quiera mandar una carta a Gloucester?
Any mail for Gloucester?
¿ Tienen cartas para Gloucester?
You haven't any mail for Gloucester, have you, sir?
No tendrá correo para Gloucester, ¿ verdad, señor?
You gonna row or swim to Gloucester, maybe.
¿ Vas a remar o a nadar hasta Gloucester?
I ain't ripping out no keels, but I'm going to beat Walt Cushman... into Gloucester and that's all there is to it.
No quiero romper ninguna quilla, pero voy a llegar a Gloucester antes que Walt Cushman, eso está claro.
I got maybe five, six girls in Gloucester.
Tengo cinco o seis chicas en Gloucester.
I want to stay here with you in Gloucester and go out fishing again this way.
Quiero quedarme contigo en Gloucester y salir a pescar otra vez.
Well, we ain't to Gloucester yet.
Aún no estamos en Gloucester.
For three centuries... women and children of Gloucester men have stood upon this shore and cried : "There go the ships."
Durante tres siglos las mujeres y los niños de Gloucester han venido a esta costa y han gritado "Allá van los barcos".
In years to come... women of Gloucester shall watch and wait... sending their prayers and faith to men over the horizon.
En los años venideros las mujeres de Gloucester mirarán y esperarán mandando sus rezos y su fe a los hombres más allá del horizonte.
There was a young lady of Gloucester...
Había una joven de Gloucester...
The young lady from Gloucester.
La joven de Gloucester.
In the armory, Milord Hastings, having a bout with the Duke of Gloucester.
En la armería, señor. Luchando con el duque de Gloucester.
Devere was betrayed by the Duke of Gloucester, and I'm not going to see him go to his death alone.
Devere fue traicionado por el duque de Gloucester. No permitiré que vaya solo a la muerte.
Remember, Richard of Gloucester is the king's favorite brother.
Richard de Gloucester es el hermano favorito del Rey.
Stick to your principles, and, uh, beware of Gloucester.
Adiós. Conserva tus principios. Y cuidado con Gloucester.
Gloucester said you were indiscreet.
Gloucester dijo que eras indiscreto.
There's only one person with influence enough to serve you, and that's the Duke of Gloucester.
Sólo hay una persona con influencia para ayudaros. El duque de Gloucester.
And now I wish to announce the betrothal of the Duke of Gloucester and Lady Anne Neville.
Ahora deseo anunciar el enlace del duque de Gloucester y Ann Neville.
I count the Duke of Gloucester an enemy.
Considero al duque de Gloucester un enemigo.
Gloucester would have no compunctions even about killing a woman.
Gloucester no tendría inconveniente en matar a una mujer.
Gloucester thought to exterminate our line, but I've saved my daughters, and I know that I shall again see a child of mine on the throne of England.
Gloucester pensaba exterminar nuestro linaje. Pero he salvado a mis hijas. Sé que volveré a ver a un hijo mío en el trono de Inglaterra.
I remember... in Gloucester, where we exhumed the body four years after... there was still enough poison, even in the fingernails and the hair.
Recuerdo que... en Gloucester, exhumamos un cadáver a los cuatro años de muerto. Y aun así, se encontró el veneno en las uñas y en el pelo.
Here's where Shields stays, the Gloucester Hotel.
El señor Shields está en el Hotel Gloucester.
Gloucester Hotel, please.
Al Hotel Gloucester, por favor.
The Duke of Gloucester would speak with you.
El duque de Gloucester quiere hablar con vos.
The Duke of Gloucester, to whom the order of the siege is given, is altogether directed by an Irishman, a very valiant gentleman, i'faith.
El duque de Gloucester, a quien se le ha dado el mando del asedio, está totalmente dirigido por un irlandés. Muy valiente a mi parecer.
Come, brother Gloucester.
Venid, hermano Gloucester.
Gloucester,'tis true that we are in great danger.
Gloucester, es verdad que estamos en gran peligro ;
If we no more meet till we meet in heaven, then joyfully, my noble Westmoreland, my dear Lord Gloucester, my good Lord Exeter and my kind kinsmen, warriors all, adieu.
Si no hemos de encontrarnos hasta el cielo, entonces, mi noble lord de Bedford, mi querido lord Gloucester, mi buen lord Exeter, y vos mi amado pariente, a todos vosotros, guerreros... adiós.
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester - be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
Warwick y Talbot, Salisbury y Gloucester, serán, en sus rebosantes copas fielmente recordados!
The old Gloucester hull.
El casco de Gloucester.
" Earl Godwin's arms are to be stored in the Royal Armoury at Gloucester,
" Las armas del conde Godwin serán guardadas en la Armería real en Gloucester,
The King has already taken my father's arms that were stored in Gloucester.
El rey ya se ha llevado las armas de mi padre que fueron guardadas en Gloucester.
Clarence and Gloucester... love my lovely queen.
Clarence y Gloucester,... amad a mi hermosa reina.
Oh, he is young and his minority... is put unto the trust of Richard Gloucester - a man that loves not me, nor none of you.
Es joven, y su minoridad... ha sido confiada a Ricardo de Gloucester, un hombre que ni me quiere ni os quiere.
And in my company, my brother Gloucester... who from my cabin tempted me to walk upon the hatches.
en compañía de mi hermano Gloucester, quien me invitó a salir del camarote para pasear por cubierta.
As we paced along upon the giddy footing of the hatches... methought that Gloucester stumbled... and, in falling... struck me, that thought to stay him... overboard, into the tumbling billows of the main.
Mientras recorríamos bamboleantes la cubierta, creí ver a Gloucester tropezar, y al caer, me golpeó, y como quisiera ayudarle, me lanzó por la borda a las irritadas olas del océano.
- We did, my lord... and he desires to make atonement betwixt the duke of Gloucester and the brothers of the queen.
- Así es, señor. Y desea ver la reconciliación entre el duque de Gloucester y los hermanos de la reina.
Come, come, we know your meaning, Brother Gloucester.
Ya sabemos lo que deseáis decir, hermano Gloucester.

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