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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Go home to your wife

Go home to your wife tradutor Espanhol

168 parallel translation
Why don't you go home to your wife?
¿ Por qué no se va a casa con su mujer?
I'll tell you what, I'll go home to your wife.
Le diré algo, me iré yo a casa con su mujer.
Go home to your wife, Paquito.
Ve a casa con tu esposa, Paquito.
Why don't you quit leading this double life? Go home to your wife.
Vete a casa con tu mujer.
Now go home to your wife.
Vete a casa con tu mujer, Charles.
You must be eager to go home to your wife.
Debes estar ansioso de ir con tu esposa.
Stop giving my little daughter diamonds and go home to your wife.
Deje de darle diamantes a mi hija pequeña y vaya a casa con su mujer.
If you're lonely, go home to your wife.
Si está solo, váyase con su mujer.
Make up your mind, or go home to your wife.
Decídase, o regrese a casa con su esposa.
And you need to go home to your wife who's worried sick about you.
Y ahora vuelve con tu esposa que está muy preocupada por ti.
Go home to your wife.
Ve a tu casa con tu esposa.
Look, pal, why don't you go home to your wife.
Amigo, es mejor que se vaya a casa con su mujer.
"You can go home to your wife."
"Puedes volver a casa con tu mujer".
Nice to go home to your wife after work.
Es agradable volver a casa con su mujer después del trabajo.
Go home to your wife.
Vete a casa con tu esposa.
Go home to your wife.
Ve a casa con tu esposa.
Go home to your wife and family.
Regresa a casa, con tu mujer y tu familia.
You go home to your wife.
Ve a casa con tu mujer.
Go home to your wife.
Vete a casa con su esposa.
Now, you be a good boy and go home to your wife.
Ahora sea buen chico y vaya a casa con su mujer.
Don't I know this. Now go home to your wife.
Vete a casa con tu mujer.
I think you should go home to your wife, Evan.
Creo que deberías ir a casa con tu esposa, Evan.
Go home to your wife, Ivan.
Vete a casa con tu esposa, Iván.
Listen, Robert, you really- - you really should go home to your wife,'cause... Debra's got to pump breast milk.
Escucha, Robert realmente deberías irte a casa con tu esposa, porque Debra debe sacarse leche.
- Just go home to your wife.
- Vete a casa con tu mujer.
No, go home to your wife.
No, vete a casa con tu esposa.
Go home to your wife, okay, Avery?
Vaya a casa con su esposa, ¿ sí, Avery?
I told you to go home to your wife. That was wrong.
Te dije que fueras a casa con tu esposa.
You can't get on my case'cause you're gonna go home to your wife.
No te puedes poner en mi situación porque te vas a casa con tu esposa.
You ought to go home to your wife, right now.
Ve a casa con tu esposa ahora mismo.
I'd make the most of this sorry situation And go home to your wife.
Yo aprovecharía al máximo esta situación lamentable y váyase a casa de su esposa.
You go on home and talk about it to your wife.
Vete a casa y consúltalo con tu mujer.
Your wife isn't well. You got to go home.
Su esposa se siente mal.
Post a bond and go home to your girl, your wife, or hop a plane and disappear.
Con una fianza puede regresar con su mujer, o tomar un avión y huir.
Why don't you go home to your wife?
- ¿ No te vas con tu mujer?
Listen, Alberto, tell your friend in Milan not to send postcards to your wife and you go home!
- Escucha, Alberto, dile a aquel amigo tuyo de Milán.. .. que no mande postales a tu mujer, y tú vuelve a casa, ¿ está bien?
Go home, now, and tell your wife that certain ideologies could confuse your reasoning as a heroic official, exposing you... to the risk of harsh punishment, made even harsher when... it's determined by the indignation of the entire population.
Váyase, y dígale a su mujer que ciertas ideologías pueden turbar su mente de valeroso funcionario, y hacerle incurrir en graves sanciones, tan graves... en cuanto atenta a la dignidad de la población.
You go back home to your wife and all will be forgotten...
Usted vuelve a casa con su mujer y así todo se olvidará...
If you leave us your weapons, I'll let you go home. I'll let you go back to your wife.
Arroje sus armas y municiones... y lo dejaré regresar entero a su casa con su esposa.
Go on home to your wife.
Vete a casa con tu mujer.
When the war's over... and nothing good lasts forever... you'll go home, home to your wife's bony arms.
Cuando acabe la guerra- - y nada bueno dura para siempre- - te irás a casa, a los huesudos brazos de tu esposa.
Look, why don't you have your bossman tap me, and then you can go on home to your wife and kids?
¿ Por qué no le pides a tu jefe que pinche mi teléfono y así podrás volver a casa para estar con tu mujer e hijos?
Your wife could go home in a week, but she prefers to be sick.
Puede estar seguro... si su esposa quisiera podría salir de aquí la semana que viene. Pero ella no quiere curarse, prefiere seguir enferma... y es ella quien decide.
It's important that every one of you go home to have lunch, see your wife and kids and the struggle goes on, you all know that!
También es importante que cada uno... vaya a su casa a almorzar, a ver a su mujer e hijos, pues la lucha continúa y ustedes lo saben.
Now, go on home to your wife.
Ahora, ve a casa con tu esposa.
How do you think it feels to go home at night to a wife... and three kids with nothing in your pockets?
¿ Qué crees que se siente regresar a casa, ver a tu esposa y a tus tres hijos, con los bolsillos vacíos?
You go on home and talk about it to your wife,
Vete a casa y háblalo. ¿ Si te parece?
Go ahead, see what it's like to come home to your wife in Hurricane Hole.
Adelante, mira como es regresar a tu casa con tu mujer en el "Hoyo del Huracan".
You need to go home open a nice bottle of champagne make up with your wife and get some sleep.
Necesitas ir a tu casa abrir una botella de champaña hacer las paces con tu esposa y dormir un rato.
Shouldn't we go your home first so I can say hello to your wife?
No, gracias. Creo que debería ir a tu casa a saludar a tu esposa.
Luigi... I really don't want you to go home and get mad at your wife.
Luigi, ¿ ahora no vas a ir a casa y retar a tu esposa?

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