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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Go with the flow

Go with the flow tradutor Espanhol

264 parallel translation
Time to go with the flow.
Hora de ir contra la corriente.
- Go with the flow.
Siga al gentío.
- Just go with the flow, Shel. What flow?
- Nada más sigue la corriente.
You've got to go with the flow!
Tienes que vivir con la corriente.
You gotta go with the flow, baby.
Hay que dejarse llevar.
You have to change with the times, roll with the punches, go with the flow.
Hay que cambiar con los tiempos, seguir la corriente.
I cover the tailback or go with the flow.
Cubro la retaguardia... O sigo al grupo.
I just go with the flow.
Voy con la corriente.
We must put an end to world hunger, we must buckle up for safety, but when it comes to Peg Bundy getting it regularly, we must go with the flow.
Hay que erradicar el hambre en el mundo y usar el cinturón de seguridad pero, si Peg disfruta regularmente, debemos ir con la corriente.
You just go with the flow.
Eres positivo.
Good. Go with the flow.
Mezclémonos con ellos.
Come on, Bart. Go with the flow.
¡ Vamos, Bart, sigue el ejemplo!
- Go with the flow, Buckner.
- Ve con la corriente, Buckner.
Go with the flow.
Déjate fluir.
From that moment on, I decided to shut my mouth and go with the flow.
Desde ahí. decidí cerrar la boca y seguir la conniente.
Let your body go with the flow
Deja ir tu cuerpo con el flujo
Let your body go with the flow
Dejar que tu cuerpo baile con el flujo
I go with the flow.
Sigo la corriente.
Look, you just go with the flow, okay? Relax.
Tú sigue la corriente, ¿ de acuerdo?
When you grow up looking like I do, you gotta learn to go with the flow.
Crecer con un aspecto como el mío me enseñó a adaptarme a las circunstancias.
I just like to go with the flow. See where it leads me.
Me gusta dejarme llevar adonde me lleve la corriente.
I like to go with the flow, see what happens.
Me gusta dejarme llevar adonde me lleve la corriente.
Now, what Plato was saying... is that if we just stop... and go with the flow... and follow our destiny... it'll lead us back to each other
Ahora, lo que Platón estaba diciendo es que si nos detenemos y vamos con la corriente y seguimos nuestro destino... nos llevará de regreso, uno al otro.
So, now, Hamlet spends the rest of the play trying to decide... whether he's got the guts to go after his uncle the king... and avenge his father's death, or if he wants to just... go with the flow and do what his mother is tellin'him to do.
Entonces Hamlet pasa el resto de la obra tratando de decidir... si tiene las agallas para ir tras su tío el rey... y vengar la muerte de su padre, o si sólo quiere... seguir con la corriente y hacer lo que su madre le dice que haga.
Go with the flow.
sigue la corriente!
So you just gotta go with the flow and stop being so scared all the time.
Solo tienes que seguir adelante y no temer todo el tiempo.
Go with the flow. Think of the possibilities.
Piensa en las posibilidades.
You go with the flow.
Sigues los otros autos.
Get some rest. Go with the flow.
Déjate llevar.
A good fighter needs to know how to improvise, go with the flow...
Un buen luchador debe saber cuando aprovechar el momento.
I used to give women lots of opinions, but now I go with the flow. - You don't seem to care. - Me?
- A usted no parece importarle.
Hey, great. Go with the flow.
Qué bien.
Just go with the flow and nobody will get hurt.
- Sígame la corriente y nadie resultará herido.
- Just go with the flow.
Tómalo con calma.
Take a deep breath and just go with the flow.
Respire profundamente y déjese llevar.
If the town thinks your girlfriend's a witch maybe it's just easier to go with the flow.
Si todo el pueblo cree que tu novia es una bruja quizás sea más fácil seguir la corriente.
Just go with the flow.
Déjate llevar, chica.
Go with the flow.
seguir la corriente.
i gotta move on u gotta learn how to go with the flow yeah i know i been going with the flow since i came home that's how you got in here, going with the flow
Hay que seguir adelante. Tienes que dejar que te lleve la corriente. Sí, lo sé, he estado dejando que me lleve... desde que soy un sin techo.
Go with the flow.
Bebe. Déjate llevar.
- Can't you relax and go with the flow.
- ¿ No puedes relajarte, dejarlo ser?
Go with the flow?
¿ Dejarlo ser?
Some drunk guy crashes the car, go with the flow.
Si un borracho choca el auto, sigue tu camino.
You want to go with the flow.
Tienes que ir con la corriente.
Just go with the flow.
Déjate llevar.
The trick is to get in the rhythm. Kinda go with the flow.
El truco esta en encontar el ritmo, dejarse llevar por la corriente.
Go with the flow.
Sé positivo
Someone has to stay behind and remind people what this is about, to organize recycling and carpools and to go to the market with his own sack, to use cloth napkins and unbleached toilet paper, to mulch, to insulate, to use flow restrictors.
Alguien debe contarle a la gente de qué va todo esto, organizar las recogidas de reciclables y recordarles que lleven su carrito al supermercado, que usen servilletas de tela y papel higiénico biodegradable, que abonen con estiércol y ahorren agua.
Go with the flow, will you, Joey?
Do whatever it tells you... and go with the godly flow.
Haz lo que el te diga... y anda con el flow de dios.
Listen to your heart. Do whatever it tells you... and go with the godly flow.
Haz lo que el te diga... y anda con el flow de dios.

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